Status: Completed!

12 Days Till I Die But I'll Go Down Fighting

Scream Till There's Silence... 06

⎯ Day 5 ⎯

Mikey and I had already ate breakfast on the balcony like always but now we were laying down in bed. Mikey liked to lie in bed while holding me. Both of us still bare chest from sleep. Trust me, I want to wear a shirt but when I told Mikey his lips pushed together angrily and his eyebrows furrowed. I gave in. Of course on the balcony I kept one of my arms out across my breasts not wanting anyone but the child minded Mikey to see.

So anyway, we’re laid in bed. Me once again rested against his chest. One hand lay on my back going up and down as the other rested on my hip. I don’t believe it was sexual in any way. Mikey was too childlike.

“Angel watch movie?” he asked.

“Sure,” I smiled moving up. “Wait Mikey,” I said as he moved to the door. He turned to look at me. “I know you don’t like me wearing a shirt but the men would be mean if I don’t have one and that would make me sad.”

“Mikey no want Angel sad,” he said and instantly walked over to his dresser grabbing a shirt and tossing it to me.

I quickly put it on and we moved out of the bedroom, Mikey’s much larger hand holding mine.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Family)]⎯[()]⎯

Five days and nothing.


Not even a ransom.

Where was little Claire Bear?

Where was the girl that could bring a smile to everybody’s face?

The girl that everyone knew would be going places in life.

The girl that everybody loved.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Mikey)]⎯[()]⎯

Mikey had just let Claire get up to go to the kitchen for popcorn because popcorn always makes movies better.


He jumped to his feet and ran to his Angel’s scream. Mikey arrived just in time to see one of Brother’s men slapping his Angel. He just saw red, blood red. Before the man knew it Mikey had him by the neck and snapped it. He let the body fall to the ground with a thud. He then looked at his Angel only to see her eyes looking at the dead man.

‘Maybe Angel still scared?’ he thought moving to her and scooping her up.

He started walking them to their room.

“Angel ok,” he said softly as he held her. “Mikey save Angel. No one hurt Mikey’s Angel. Angel no be scared.”

“Thank you,” she finally said in a whisper.

Mikey kissed her cheek.


About an hour after Mikey snapped the man’s neck, he left once hearing my stomach growl.

I still can’t believe I just saw a man killed in front of me. Even though the man had grabbed my chest and made some unwanted remarks about leaving the dope and visiting him at night. I didn’t tell Mikey that. As far as he was concerned I wasn’t a pet but his angel. Pet’s get killed but his angel’s doesn’t.

Thank God for Mikey thinking I’m an angel.

I wonder what my brothers would think of that fact! They’d probably laugh… me an angel? Ha!

⎯[()]⎯[(With Brother)]⎯[()]⎯

The little pet was starting too much trouble. But he knew how to take care of it.

Mikey was too valuable to him. He was the best killer that didn’t have to worry about fear or guilt because of his simple mindedness. Brother loved his younger sibling. Truly he did. Now that they were older, brother could finally protect him. Not like when they were younger and they were no match for their father. But their father had been brother’s first meal. His hunger never lessened.

Brother called for a pet and told her to get Mikey. He watched the pet’s legs as she left to do as ordered. Yum. He would enjoy her tonight.


I was laying down in bed with my iPod waiting for Mikey to return with our food. When I heard the door open, I looked up to see Mikey with no food.

“Hey Mikey,” I smiled as he stepped in and closed the door. “No food?”

“No food,” he repeated walking over to me.

I figured he just wanted to cuddle. No… he didn’t.

He was on top of me again and suddenly my shirt was once again off. Before I could say anything his left hand shot out and covered my mouth. I started to struggle then. His body and the way he had it over me had it pretty much impossible. I screamed beneath his hand as his head bent down and licked my nipple as his free hand pinched the other nipple.

Could I have been wrong about Mikey’s innocent mind?

I couldn’t even trash my head any way when he reached down and removed the boxers I was wearing. He was just too strong. I yelped as one of his fingers were suddenly inside of me. I was full on crying by now.

And he noticed.

“Angel cry?” he frowned. “Angel no cry.”

His hand from my mouth lessened when he saw the tears, but his finger remained where it was.

“Please Mikey,” I begged. “Please stop. I thought we were friends.”

“Mikey and Angel friends!” he said loudly like an upset child.

“Please Mikey, stop.”

He finally removed his finger but rested his hand on my stomach as his other hand caressed my cheek.

“Angel no cry,” he told me tightly.

I swallow as I tired to calm myself. “Why… why would you do this Mikey? Best friend’s don’t do this.”

His face contorted in confusion. “But brother said Mikey had to. Mikey had to so brother's men don’t.”

I froze and looked at him, “What? Your brother? Mikey tell Angel what brother said.” I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry but knew it would only cause Mikey angry towards me.

Mikey sighed as if bored and moved so he was laying beside me on the pillows and then picked me up so I was laid on him. As long as he doesn’t touch me like that again, please God.

“Brother sent pet to get Mikey when Mikey get Angel food,” he started. “Brother had pet in his room and showed Mikey what to do to Angel so men don’t touch Mikey’s Angel.”

His brother had sex with a girl and made Mikey watch for lessons? How fucking sick is this guy?!

“Mikey,” I started gently. “Mikey doesn’t have to do that with Angel. You only do that with pets-”

“Angel not pet!” he told me frowning.

I rubbed his arm to calm him. “Shhh… I know, I know. That’s why you don’t do that. Maybe your brother forgot I’m not a pet but your angel. We’re best friends and don’t do that.”

“Mikey sorry,” he said sadly looking ready to cry.

“Shh…” I cooed. “It’s ok. You know now.”

“But Mikey don’t want brothers men to touch Mikey’s Angel.”

“Well,” I thought out loud. “You can get the men together and order them not to.”

“Mikey kill any man that touch Angel,” Mikey told me.

I smiled; it was touching in a weird way. “Make sure you tell them that.”

“Ok,” Mikey said and gently moved me off of him and got up off the bed.

“Wait,” I told him. His large form stopped and turned to look at me. “Can you do a favor for your Angel, Mikey?” He nodded yes with a smile. “When you see your brother tell him you did like he wanted.”

He grew confused. “But Mikey didn’t.”

I smiled to calm him. “I know. But we want your brother happy so if he asks say you did and had fun. Ok?”

“Ok Angel,” he grinned.

Then he left and I started crying again. I just want to go home.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Brother)]⎯[()]⎯

Mikey had just left.

Brother discovered that Mikey had gathered his men and order them not to touch his Angel or they die. It only proved that Mikey had done what brother wanted. He did tell his younger sibling that he had to bed the angel so the men wouldn’t touch her but he obviously took it to another step and ordered the men.

But to make sure, brother made a pet go get Mikey again. He asked his scarred brother if he did as he told him and Mikey nodded saying it was fun. That… was unexpected. What was this little pet that was making his Mikey into a man?

He had hoped that when Mikey raped the pet that she would cry. Like Mikey’s other pets, when they cried it made Mikey angry enough to hit or snap their necks.

Brother needed a new plan or just have to wait 5 more days and his brothers pet would be brothers special treat for the full moon.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Mikey)]⎯[()]⎯

Mikey lay in bed with his soft angel. Angel sleeping but Mikey couldn’t. At first he didn’t want to lie to his brother but when he told the lie… he realized it no lie. Angel made Mikey feel fun. Mikey liked touching Angel where brother touched his pets.

But Angel not pet.


Mikey’s hand moved from Angel’s lower back and trailed down the curve of her butt and stopped. Using the same hand, he moved Angel’s legs apart. He touched the spot brother had showed him. Angel moved and murmured something for a moment and Mikey froze. Angel remained sleepy though. Making up his mind, Mikey put a finger inside of his Angel like brother had showed him. He remained still, waiting for Angel to wake up or cry.

But his pretty Angel just sighed and remained asleep.

He moved the finger inside of his Angel a bit. After awhile his Angel moaned. He froze. But nothing happened. Looking at his Angel he saw her breathing a little heavier but still sleeping. He moved his finger more and when his Angel moaned again he stilled. But not because he was scared his Angel awoke but because of something else. His penis grew hard… it was almost painful. He moved his other hand to touch and find out what was wrong. But Mikey only discovered that touching it wasn’t painful… it was nice.

His Angel did this. His pretty Angel gave him this great feeling. He loved his pretty Angel.


I was shaken awake by Mikey. He sounded scared.

“Mikey?” I questioned sleepily.

“Mikey broke!” he cried.

I reached over to the nightstand and turned on the light.

He threw the covers off of him and my green eyes grew wide. He was… erect.

“Umm Mikey? What did you do?”

“Mikey touch Mikey and Mikey broke,” he said in tears.

I moved so I was hugging him to me. His large arms wrapped around my waist and his face buried on my chest. He explained what happened and I spent the night explaining it all to him. How he didn’t break but… came. It was very awkward. But he stopped crying. I tired to ask what he was doing before his penis grew hard but he would just shake his head frantically and say nothing.

So I stripped the bed and sheets told Mikey to shower. Yes… a very awkward night. You try explaining that shirt to a 28-year-old mentally challenged man. I’m 16 damnit! I just want to go home. But to go home I have to be smart. I have to be smarter than the others and live.

I’m not going down without a fight.