Status: Completed!

12 Days Till I Die But I'll Go Down Fighting

Scream Till There's Silence... 09

⎯ Day 8 ⎯


“Angel like pancakes?”

“Angel loves her pancakes,” I grinned. “Thank you Mikey.”

“Angel done?”

I took a last gulp of OJ and smiled at him, “Angel done.”

“Good,” he said with that boyish grin.

He then stood up and grabbed my hand. I laughed as he picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the room, and yes I’m clothed.

“Where are we going?” I asked as he walked us down the stairs.

“Angel like a pretty flower,” he told me. “Mikey take his flower angel to see flowers.”

I stretched my neck to kiss his cheek. “I love flowers.”

I thought he was taking us outside to a garden or something but it turns out the castle had a green room. I wasn’t lying when I said I loved flowers. I find them so pretty and I love the texture and colors. Beautiful. As I walked around the green room, smelling the flowers and gently running a finger over a petal or two, I looked back at the entrance to Mikey. He just stood there with a huge grin on his face.

There was a stone bench by some tulips and took a seat there. Zack would always take me this park by the house that had to most beautiful flowers, and when Zack was on tour my boyfriend Derek would take me. I was so lost in thought I didn’t notice when Mikey started making his way over to me.


I jerked out of my thoughts and looked to Mikey, only to seeing kneeling in front of me… with a pink diamond ring in a black velvet block. My breathing just froze.

“Angel marry Mikey,” he smiled.

“Oh Mikey,” I whispered. “I can’t.”

I’m an idiot. Note to self: Mikey is bipolar!

His face contorted in anger and a vein ticked in his neck. His hand not holding out the ring went to my thigh and squeezed it painfully.

“Mikey,” I gasped. “You’re hurting me.”

“Angel no marry Mikey?” he asked in a hard angry tone not hearing my words of pain. “Mikey do this for Angel. Mikey mad, Angel. Mikey want Angel as more than best friend so Angel don’t cry when Mikey want to kiss Mikey’s Angel.”

His grip was getting too tight on my thigh so I said the only thing to stop it. “I’m sorry!” I said loudly. “I’ll marry you! I promise!”

As easy as the anger came, it was gone. That boyish grin was back on his face and he was hugging me to him. He kissed my forehead.

“Mikey happy,” he told me moving the ring on my finger. “Angel and Mikey forever. Mikey take care of his Angel.”

Well… at least he remembered my favorite color.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Family)]⎯[()]⎯

“Oh I remember this day,” the woman spoke looking at the photo. She then looked at her mother. “I hated how you made me get dressed up.”

Zina’s mother laughed lightly and gently took the photo and handed it to Brian while saying, “You remember this?”

He took it and laughed, “Yeah. Claire was such a beautiful 6-year-old bride.”

“And you were such a cute husband,” Matt Sanders teased.

Brian rolled his eyes. “Hey, us good looking people have to stick together so we can have gorgeous kids.”

“Yeah,” Zack laughed. “and everyone found it hilarious that when I was pretending to be the older protective brother, Claire yelled at me: Zack-Zack! Leave my husband alone!”

Everyone in the room laughed.

“What about a week or so later and Brian went on a date with the new girl?” Jimmy grinned.

Brian groaned as everyone laughed again. Claire had found out and the next day when Zack took her to the park, Brian and Matt Sanders were already there. Claire started crying and the three 16-year-olds started freaking out because she wouldn’t stop. And when she finally did, she told Brian in a small voice: “Bri-Bri, I don’t think I want you for a husband. I like another boy.”

“Shortest and best marriage of my life,” Brian sighed jokingly.


It was over.

After proposing and dropping us off in our room Mikey went to his brother and told him. Two hours later a priest was here. You’ll never guess what I found out just minutes before the wedding. Since Mikey’s brother wouldn’t be going to the wedding, he sent me a note.

Dear sister,

Congratulations. I don’t think you’re smiling though. No need to thank me for giving Mikey the idea. I welcome my younger brothers soon to be wife to our little family. You’re probably wondering if this is legal with you being only 16 but I have friends in high places. If you didn’t know the state law: applicants between the ages of 15 and 18 must have the consent of a parent, guardian or the judge of juvenile court. To answer your next question: no, we’re not in California. So yes, once my brother consummates the marriage, you are his and in a since… mine. So welcome little sister.

Your New Brother

Oh yes, don’t worry about me having you for a snack on your wedding night… I can wait till the full moon like I always planed. Enjoy the wedding the night, I hope Mikey is gentle.

So yes dear readers, to answer your question: I am now Claire Olivia Gibson.

I looked down at my left hand. Mikey said he picked out the bands/ring because he knew his Angel would like them.

I do have to admit, they are very beautiful rings.

But the shock is wearing off. I’m 16 and married to a man in his late 20s. Mikey will want sex. Someone how I turn him on and that’s never happened before to him. As if he were a child, he wants to explore these feelings… with me.

Not only that… his older brother wants to literally eat me on the new moon only days away.

I love Mikey but I’m not in love with him. I’m safe because of him but I’m here in the first place because of him. He loves me but he’s got the mind of a child and doesn’t truly understand love. He makes me feel wonderful but I always have to watch what I say so he doesn’t kill me. He’s my friend but also the man that holds my life in his hands.

God give me courage.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Police)]⎯[()]⎯

“He’s slipping,” the FBI dude told his female partner.

“Look,” she said pointed to some marked areas on the map. “All the victims disappear in a seven pointed star like design.”

“So our kidnapping killer…” another man trailed off.

“Might just be in the center of his star,” the woman concluded. “Or at the tip of one.”


“It’s ok Angel,” Mikey tired again. “Mikey and Angel married. No longer best friends.”

I gulped. “I know.”

He frowned, his arms around me tightening. “Mikey want to kiss Angel. Mikey want to touch Angel when Angel awake.”

“Awake?” I ask as a feeling of dread washes over me.

Mikey nodded as if not getting the problem. “Mikey touch Angel where brother showed him when Angel sleeping because Mikey no want Angel to cry because Mikey and Angel best friends only then. But Mikey and Angel married. Mikey want to touch Angel when Angel awake.”

‘He… touched me?! When I was sleeping?! Oh... my… God!’

I blink away the tears. I had been having sex dreams that had Derek touching me all over, the feeling was just so strong but I guess it was so real because it was Mikey touching me that way while I slept. I’ve never felt so violated.

Before I could think any longer on it, Mikey had flipped us so I was under him and his bulging scarred body was over mine. He was… eager.

So I just lay there… I went off into my own little word as Mikey pounded into me. It hurt, very badly. He was just so large and so gone with lust that he forgot about me being so much smaller and fragile.

My own little word… I was there all night since Mikey just never seemed to get enough of me.

Please God don’t let me get pregnant and give me the strength to live after this.

Please God save me or strike me down now. I can’t take any more.