Status: Completed!

My Greatest Fear Is I'll Be Just Like Him

It Was All For The Best… 2

{::Fast Forward – Back to Present::}

It wasn’t pretty now that I think back on it. I’m a little surprised that I’m still alive enough to think back on it. Maybe it’s true what they say when you die. The whole your life flashes before your eyes and/or time at present slows down as your life slowly leaves you. I don’t know and really don’t care.

My final moments, my death… is all for the best.

For all the pain I caused.

Karma’s a bitch but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Remember mom: I did it for you, for them, for us.

Now, you may be thinking how? How is Itachi my father? Well I wondered that too but it wasn’t till 3 months later, 1 month after my 10th birthday that I got the courage to ask my mother. My mom was so young and innocent. Poor mom…

{ ~ Rewind: 10-Years-Old ~ }

I had just left my mother. Her emotions got the better of her and I understand that. Her story was hard to hear, it must have been painful to tell. Even more so to tell her eldest daughter.

My poor mother. She was only 16-years-old when Itachi first laid his eyes on her. He was on a mission for his organization, most likely, in the Hidden Village in the Flowers. Girly name but it was a peaceful village. But they had strong ninja. Anyway, mom was humming to herself, something she still does, when she felt as if someone was watching her. She turned in all directions, trying to seek out the eyes watching her. But nothing. The feeling soon faded and mom started back to her and her grandma’s little one story home.

For one whole year mom would feel those eyes on her. Over time she thought she was going crazy but when men tried to attack her twice on her way home from work, she was saved. Both times she was too scared to look up and look at her hero and when she finally did, her hero would be gone. Over time, she got it into her head that she must just have an angel watching over her. And when she felt the eyes, she was no longer scared.

Poor foolish mom. Itachi came in the night. Killing mom’s grandma, her only other family, and then kidnapped mom. He was the one that saved her those two times and only because he didn’t want any other man to sample her first. He kept her for a whole year and then some. Raping and beating his frustration out on her body and soul. His lust was just too great for the innocent maiden he first spotted in a field of flowers. That bastard.

But luckily my mother never gave up hope. She tricked a servant in Itachi’s hideout to transport her out of the hideout. She ran for as long as she could till she collapsed an hour from the Leaf Village. Kakashi found her 2 hours later. Even 30 minutes later would have been too long.

Mom was saved. She was grateful and very shy to everyone, more so to her hero. She feel in love with him and he feel in love with her, despite the age difference. But the damage was already done. She got her freedom but had no clue she was 3 weeks pregnant with her kidnappers twins.

Poor mom.

{::Fast Forward – Back to Present::}

As the rain started to fall, I wouldn’t let the tears fall along with them.

My sadness wasn’t for my death.

Because it was for the best.

No… my sadness was that I’ll never see my family again.

Kei… dear loveable twin bother. I’ll miss you most of all.

I’m almost sorry I had to beat you into a coma.

Only almost sorry because it was for the best.

Everything I’ve done has been for the best.

I did it for you all and soon you’ll know that. Hell, maybe you already do. Kei should be waking up soon. He’ll tell them, I know he will. He’ll tell the truth. Then they’ll all know.

They’ll know it was all for the best.

I, Uchiha Junsei, did it all for them.

Uchiha… hmm… that brings back yet another memory. Kei, he took it better than I thought. 100 times better than me. His name is truly what he is. Strong. My strong little brother…

{ ~ Rewind: 11-Years-Old ~ }

This was the day. Kei was old enough and mature enough to know the truth. He was a Chunin now and stronger in mind. He’d be able to understand. I’ll tell him then ask him if he wants to go to the Hokage and change his last name with me. We’re Uchiha’s and its about time we carried the title of our clan.

“Kei!” I called when I spotted him.

He spun around along with his teammates. “Hey Junsei!” he called, waving over his head.

I smiled as my sapphire blues met his matching sapphire blues. There was no mistaking we were twins. Same eyes, hair, ears, frowns, and smiles.

I finally reach them and stood before them. “Kei,” I spoke, my voice changing more seriously. “We need to talk. Alone.”

Uzumaki Koori and Might Kigi, Kei’s teammates nodded and left, taking the seriousness of my voice genuinely. Without a word, I turned and made for my spot. It was the bridge. Nothing special, nothing big. But it was peaceful and relaxing. My spot. When we made it there, I climbed up and sat on the beam, letting my legs dangle over the edge. Kei followed suit.

I didn’t really know where to begin but thankfully, Kei started the ball rolling. “So. What’s up sis? You leaving for another mission? A long one?”

“No,” I answer, not looking at him. “Kei I have to tell you something. I don’t know how you’re going to take it. But I think you’re old enough to know the truth. I trust that you won’t over react.”

His young 11-year-old face scrunched up very slightly. “Ok. What is it? Is it why you’ve been acting funny for the last couple years? I know you think I didn’t notice but I did.”

“Yeah,” I sigh. “Its why. Kei… you see… dad isn’t dad.”

About 15 seconds pass till he asks, “What do you mean?”

“Kakashi is just that, Kaksahi. He isn’t our real dad.”

Silence again for about 20 seconds. “Who?” he whispered. “Who is?”

I licked my bottom lip. “Uchiha Itachi.”

“No…” he instantly whispered. “That can’t be!” he yelled.

“Shut it!” I snapped looking around and spreading my charka to check and make sure no one was around. “I’m sorry Kei but it’s true.” I stand up on the beam and then hop down. “I’ll leave you alone to think. Don’t do anything rash.”

I get about 3 yards before I hear Kei rush to get up and run after me. I let him grasp my shoulders and turn me. Then… he hugged me.

“It’s ok Junsei,” he whispered. “That doesn’t change a thing. We’re nothing like him. We have his blood but not his heart and mind.”

’That’s what I said 2 years ago,’ I think to myself but hug him back.

“I know,” I tell him, boldly I lie to my younger twin.

He pulls back, his smile brightly covering his face. “I’m glad you told me. Now,” he clapped. “Let’s go see if mom and dad are home.”

He throws an arm around my shoulders and tries to move us but I remain firm. He looks on slightly down at me, only 1 inch, in a confused manner.

“What?” he asks.

“That’s just it Kei,” I sigh. “I can accept that Kakashi helped raised us, that he’s the father of our little siblings, and that he’s my step dad but he’s not of my blood.”

“Blood doesn’t mean anything,” he instantly says, interrupting me.

I move so his arm falls from my shoulders. “It matters to me!” I glare. “I can’t accept Hatake as my sire name any longer. I’m a Uchiha. I’m going to get it changed right now. You’re my twin Kei. With the same sire name or not, you’ll always be my twin. But I’d like for you to change yours with me. It’s up to you. I’ll understand either way.”

Kei and I stand there, sapphire eyes locked. Outwardly, I’m calm and easy. Inwardly, I’m tight and waiting. Finally he answers.

Stepping forward, he places his left hand on my right shoulder. “I will. But know this, I don’t change it because of my blood or my dead clan. I change it for you because I know this is what you want. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I smile. “My life for yours.”

“Only if I can’t give you mine first,” he counters in our usual saying.