Status: Completed!

My Greatest Fear Is I'll Be Just Like Him

It Was All For The Best… 5

{::Fast Forward – Back to Present::}

Even now I remember everything that led up to this moment.

The moment of my death in this warm puddle of my own blood.

I remember all the steps that were slowly happening to make this present moment come into play.

But it didn’t matter how slow because when it comes down to it: it was happing.


Everything that was me.

Everything that I tired to keep back and in my control.

Everything that kept my will strong so I could hold the demons in my head at bay.

It happened… the cost of my control.

Like father, like daughter.

I’m sorry mom.

I’m sorry everyone.

Please believe me that I did what I had to do.

For you all.

For you all I did what was for the best.

Even with Kei. Even with my strong handsome smiling little brother. The only one who tried with all his heart to be there for me when I was pushing everyone away. The only one that I didn’t have to doubt would always be there for me. The one that was there when my control finally ran out. The one… that’s blood coated my hands those many years ago.

{ ~ Rewind: 14-Years-Old ~ }

As I made my first leap in the opposite direction I dropped the bloody weapon that had made the final strike.

I ran and I ran. I could feel him and another. He was close and that was perfect.

A few hours later I finally caught up to them. Their backs were turned to me but they were just standing there, waiting for me like they knew. I’m sure they did.

I dropped to my knee, my head bowed.

“Father,” I started emotionlessly. “I’ve done it. I’ve killed Kei.”

I heard them move around to face me but I kept my head directed to the ground.

“Teach me father,” I asked him in tonelessly. “Mold me to your to will to do your will.”

“My daughter,” he addressed me. “Welcome.”

I lifted my head to look at him. My eyes mirrored his. Mangekyou Sharingan met Mangekyou Sharingan.

“Very good,” he smirked shocking me with that little show of emotion. “You will obey all and everything I command.”

“Yes father,” I agreed lower my head because down in submission. “Mold me father. Mold me to your image.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok readers, like I said in Chapter 4: I had lost this chapter and rewrote it today... this was a the basic of the 1st ch.5 but not nearly so good. I remember really liking this chapter (a year ago when I wrote it) but now it's just whatever. I'll post chapter 6 REALLY quick to make up for it :]