Status: Completed!

My Greatest Fear Is I'll Be Just Like Him

It Was All For The Best… 6

{::Fast Forward – Back to Present::}

I betrayed my village 2 years ago.

It was for the best, of course.

Everything I did was.

I wouldn’t change anything.

Kei’s coma, my death.

All for the best.

2 long years did I stay with my father. I was MIA after hurting Kei, my guess is because they just couldn’t believe I’d hurt him. They thought the letter was fake, that I must have been forced to write it. But only one month later, I was an S-class criminal. My face appeared in the next Bingo book.

I killed so many but because of a trait from my mothers blood, I couldn’t kill any innocents. If I was going to plunge a kuni down into an 8-year-olds heart. My blood from my mother would force my hand to stop. Itachi was furious when we found out about the trait. Itachi and them all thought I wasn’t cut out to be a killer because I couldn’t kill little ones or whatever. But then we did a little research and found out about moms blood. A trait I couldn’t control. So I couldn’t kill innocents. Thank God. So all the dozens and dozens I killed, they were all corrupted or evil or I wouldn’t have been able to kill them. But kill I did and chaos did I unleash, making me into the S-class criminal I am.

But I wouldn’t change anything.

I spent those two years learning. Learning everything I could from my father. Everything I could from any other S-class criminal. My Sharingan copied everything I could get them on.

My self-appointed mission and goal took 2 years.

But it was for the best.

Kei knew that. He should be waking from the move I put on him. They will all know and I hope it can rid them of the hurt and pain I have caused them all. Kei will get well and strong again, he’ll marry his love, Naruto’s daughter, Koori, and they’ll be happy together. I’ll never see what beautiful babies they’ll make but beautiful I know they will be. At least I can die in peace know Kei will ease all their pain. Because… Kei and I agreed I could hurt and almost kill him.

{ ~ Rewind: 14-Years-Old ~ }

“Kei,” I spoke. “We need to talk.” I turned without waiting for his reply.

He followed like I knew he would. Trusting loyal younger brother. Oh how I love you so much. You’ll agree, I know you will. You’ll know what I’m going to ask is for the best. You’ll be in pain but everything will be alright in the end.

I didn’t lead him to the bridge, or any training grounds. I led him only 30 minutes from the village. It was easy to leave without questions because of being an ANBU captain. I timed everything prefect. Patrol guards will be changing shifts soon and when the next patrol reached where we were, I’d already be gone.

When I reached the spot, I stopped and turned to Kei.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“I have an important task I must ask of you. You and I both know I’m losing control. I’m slipping and that’s not safe for anyone. I what I ask is great but if you don’t agree, I understand and will continue on as I plan.”

“Continue on where?” he asked me, out matching sapphire eyes still locked.

“I have a plan. A goal. A self-appointed mission if you will. It’s the only way I can prove I’m not like him.”

“You don’t need to prove it to anyone,” he spoke with his emotions, letting it all out. “We all know your nothing like him.”

“I don’t,” I grit out, my eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “I need to prove to myself I’m nothing like him.”

He doesn’t speck for a few seconds. “Tell me. I’ll do anything to help you.”

“I need… I need to put you into a coma.”

His eyes widen. “What?”

“It’s the only way. I’ll hurt you and put you in a coma. I’ll put a jetus on you so you’ll awake when I die or Itachi does.”

Again, he doesn’t speck for a moment. “You’re going after him. To kill him.”

“Yes,” I nod. “I’ll go to him, covered in your blood to gain his trust. I’ll learn all he knows and kill him. If I can be under his eye and influence but in the end, be able to kill him and return to you, then I’ll know I’m nothing like him because the evil doesn’t hold me. You need to be in the coma because if you’re not Itachi might think you’ll come back and try to stop me and ruin his plans of molding me to his liking. He might command me to finish you off if our paths cross. I ask you for this brother. The choice is yours. Think about it.”

“I don’t need to think about it,” he answers. “I’d give my life for yours. I’d do anything to get my sister back. If you need to do this then ok. Put me in a coma but remember this… if I wake up and discover its because your dead and not him, I’ll never forgive you. Come back to me alive or don’t come back at all.”

I slip the kuni from its pouch, “My life for yours.”

“Only if I can’t give you mine first,” he counters in our usual saying.

I walk over to him and hug him tightly, his kisses my forehead. Then I pull back… and stab my Kuni in his stomach. 20 minutes later, I leave his bloody and cut filled body there on the cool grass. He’ll live. My jetus will not fail me.

‘Come back to me alive or don’t come back at all,’ his voice plays over in my head.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter as I ran through the forest. “I can’t promise that brother. But I’ll try with all my heart to return to you alive. I love you.”