Status: Completed!

My Greatest Fear Is I'll Be Just Like Him

It Was All For The Best… 7

{::Fast Forward – Back to Present::}

So it was all part of the plan.

I could never hurt my brother.

Well I did, but he knew and agreed to it. It needed to be done. I needed to prove it to myself that I wasn’t turning into him. During the 2 years many of times did I believe I failed. That my goal had changed and I was going to continue on as my father’s image. Some times I’d shrug it off, not caring that I was turning into the image of such a strong ninja. The other times it scared me and forced me back on track to my goal and mission. I couldn’t fail; Kei would be so upset in me. So I continued on till the perfect moment.

It was all for the best.

Now you know, it all was.

They’ll all know. Kei will tell them my plan.

Mom can go to sleep at night knowing that I did betray them all.

That I because I loved them so, that I had to leave.

If I didn’t, maybe I really would have snapped.

My leaving and plan was for the best.

I may die with in the next few minutes but I’ll spend those last minutes happy.

Blissfully so because my goal is finished.

He’s dead.

Uchiha Itachi is dead.

I did everything I could to make sure he didn’t return. I behead him. Cut out his heart and grinded it up to mush. His body parts, cut up, the bones pulled out. Eyes fed to some wolves. I was taking no chances that he’d return and do ill onto any others or that others could use anything of his body. My clan can finally rest in peace.

Not only did I kill him but I killed his leader. Itachi didn’t put me in the condition I am now. He got a couple good hits but it was his leader that is the cause of my death in a few short minutes. Tobi, Madara Uchiha. Founder of the Uchiha Clan. My clan. A traitor like Itachi. So I needed to destroy him also. It wasn’t part of the plan, my goal, but when I discovered Tobi talking to Pein, who I thought was the true leader, I found out the truth. I kept it to myself till the time came. After killing my father, I rushed to where I knew Madara was.

The battle… was nothing I had never faced. He was the strongest I had ever faced. I knew he’d be harder to beat and fight than Itachi because he ruled over Itachi which would have to mean Madara was stronger. This made sense because he was the founder of our clan. He knew all the secrets. But I had gained a dozen or so forbidden jetus.

In the end. He was defeated. With the last of my strength, I cut off his head and crushed his heart, ans stabbed his eyes. He too couldn’t have the chance to return. His organization was getting too powerful.

Sadly, he has done too much damage to my body.

So I’m dying.

I know I am.

I’ll die alone.

But I wouldn’t change a thing.

It was all for the best.

I can die in peace knowing I’m nothing like my father, Uchiha Itachi. His evil didn’t corrupt me. I over came his influence and killed him. I could have wept with sweet beautiful relief when I looked down at his dead form.

It was over.

I had his blood.

But I didn’t have his cold heart.

’This is it,’ I thought. I could feel death’s cold grip. It was tightening. Any second now it would all be over. ’I’m so sorry Kei, that I won’t be coming back alive to you. Know that I love you with all my heart and soul. Live on in happiness knowing… that I’m nothing like him.’

With that last weak thought, my breath no longer filled my lungs. My heart slowly stopped its beating.

It’s all for best.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not the end :]