
Forgotten Ch.4

"Oh my God!" i yelled, stumbling back to my feet. "What the hell happened to you?!" i asked.
"I Told you. The explosion burned my leg." She said, on the edge of calm.
"The explosion? What explosion? You mean the fire tornado?" i asked, frantic.
"Fire tornado? No. It was a nucular explosion. Cuba got pissed at us and decided to kill everyone." Avrille interjected.
"Oh. Right." i said blushing. Katie shook her head at me, laughing.
We walked and realized we were all starving. No food. No shelter.
"Hey what are we supposed to eat anyway?" Katie randomly asked.
"Well... if we make it to Fenton, Then we could break into Walmart or something." Hally said.
We had already gone about four miles and it was around noon. Food was sounding WAY good right about now.
The clouds in the sky were dark and menacing.
I felt like collapsing right there. But what good would it do? Katie and I had already come this far. I am NOT just going to give up and lie down.
But Katie was.
She fell to the ground hard.
"Katie!" My voice shot up two octaves. She was holding onto her left calf.
"What's wrong with your leg? Are you okay?" i demanded.
She shook her head. "Something bit me awhile ago, but i just ignored it. Now, I can't feel my leg!" She wailed.
"Why didn't you SAY something you idiot?!"
"I didn't think it was anything!" She shouted back. I rolled my eyes. She lifted her pant leg to reveal a disgusting, purple and blue bump on the back of her calf.
"Ew!" I complained. The bump was about the size of a quarter.
"We need to pop it," Gina said grimly. We all shot a look of disgust at her. She shrugged. "Okay. Whatever, don't listen to the smart one. We can have TWO cripples now." She said, walking away.
"No, wait," Kaite interjected. Gina turned around. "I WANT to pop it," She said, taking a deep breath as Gina strode toward her.