Status: Completed!

My Ninjas... Good & Bad... They've All Left Me

Run Away… Fly Away… 13

•••(FF 4 Months)•••

∴{22 Years & 11 Months Old}∴

♥ [Without A Doubt] ♥

“Are you happy?”

She wasn’t surprised by the sudden voice. She knew they were coming. Junkai turned with a soft smile.

“Yes,” she answered. “Deeply happy.”


“If he hurts you…”

“I’ll kill him,” both sides.

“Painfully,” Kisame added.

“What are you two doing here?” she asked concerned. “What if you’re caught? You know my loyalty is to Ibiki.”

They both knew that. They both knew she’d be on whatever side her man was on as long as he didn’t mess it up in some way. They both had and accepted, kind of, that she was no longer theirs.

Zetsu was the first to move to her and she without a doubt knew he could never hurt her. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her right cheek then her left. He stood back letting Kisame come forward and hug her tightly and kiss the crown of her head.

“He better treat you right,” he said letting go of her.

Junkai giggled at Kisame. “We’re only dating!”

“He’ll want you for life.”


Kisame nodded in agreement. “What man wouldn’t take a good thing when it fell into their life?”

The three felt many presences moving to them in a rapid speed. Kisame and Zetsu didn’t need to say bye because Junkai understood that those kisses were their goodbyes. But Zetsu quickly injected her with poison as he left, not wanting his ex-wife to be thought as betraying her village.

So as she fell to the ground, Ibiki ran into her bedroom and caught her right before she hit the ground.

“Junkai?” he shouted in concerned and started barking orders.

‘Yes,’ Junkai thought right before darkness took a hold of her. ‘I’m without a doubt… deeply happy.’

•••(FF 2 Years and 5 Months)•••

∴{24 Years & 6 Moths Old}∴

♥ [A Fairytale Ending… Finally] ♥

“Junkai? Darling?”

“Living room!” she called out.

She stood from the couch and kissed her husband very soundly on the month before pulling back.

“Has Jiraiya been good today?”

They both looked over to their 6 month old son. Jiraiya Sasori Morino. He had his grandfathers red markings but in different spots and Junkai’s birth father’s brown eyes, and her mother’s or Ibiki’s mothers black hair. He of course was named after his grandfather and the father that Junkai loved very much.

Ibiki and Junkai got married when she was 4 months pregnant. Third times the charm right? Well she knew Ibiki was the one. How? A week before their 7 month anniversary, they had a fight over something Junkai was very upset about. He had to interrogate Kisame (escaped 2 weeks later, & no Junkai didn’t help) because Ibiki is the leader of the torture and interrogation unit.

So after the fight, Ibiki went back to work and Junkai went home to pack. 6 hours later, when Kisame passed out, Ibiki went straight to his girlfriend’s place only to find a note:


It’s over. Please don’t come searching for me because I no longer wish to see you. It pains me to know that you’re hurting my ex-husband. I may be in love with you but I’ll always love him and the memories we shared (and the other men in my life as well.) So please, leave me alone. Let me fly away.


As tired as he was, Ibiki dropped the letter and ran after his love, his woman. When he finally caught up. He demanded she come back with him. That his life was dim without her in it. That he loved her and wouldn’t let her go without a fight.

That’s what sealed the deal. He was the only man to chase her. The only one that cared enough to know what she needed… even if Junkai didn’t or thought she did. He’d always fight for her.

Run away? Fly away? Not anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I hope one of you readers out there enjoyed this story :]