Status: Completed!

My Ninjas... Good & Bad... They've All Left Me

Run Away… Fly Away… 04

•••(FF 1 Year and 5 Months)•••

∴{17 Years & 1 Month Old}∴

♥ […Or Not] ♥

Happily ever after… or not. Junkai’s tears were all dried up. Kisame was gone, his fault and hers. Almost a year and a half and Junkai felt as if she never really knew her husband. He was a killer. Just like 2 other men in her life long ago. She just couldn’t take another one. She wouldn’t be able to take Kisame killing her village and then leaving her.

She loved him still.

You just can’t throw away love. They had been planning on getting pregnant when Junkai turned 18 but now that would never happen. Junkai gripped her pillow a little tighter as she remembered how she found out: an ANBU from a larger and neighboring village had been stupid enough to loose one of his pouches with a Bingo book in it.

In it had Kisame.

Junkai didn’t understand. Why did all the men in her life hurt people? Only grandpa Jiraiya did it for the good of others but he’d still abandoned her in a sense… he never came to her or maybe never even searched.

Nagato, her half-brother, killer of a whole village besides a select few.

Sasori, her stepfather, killer of many of the villagers.

And now Kisame, killer of her heart and their future.

He could have stopped this pain from ever happening if he was honest. But as of 2 days ago, their marriage now equaled a divorce and her name was back to her maiden one.

Kisame left like she asked but she hoped he didn’t come back, although… Junkai kinda wished he would and fight for her.

•••(FF 2 Months)•••

∴{17 Years & 3 Months Old}∴

♥ [Hidden Village Of Sand] ♥

She couldn’t stand all the memories with Kisame in that small village and home. So a change was needed. Junkai’s new village was everything she remembered… sandy and dry. People pretty much kept to themselves or maybe it was just Junkai they kept away from. She had gotten a job at a teashop and liked it. She wanted to be kept busy but her thoughts always returned to Kisame in some sense, and like always they sometimes turned to Nagato and Sasori.

That was another reason some people didn’t talk to her. Her stepfather, Sasori. People still remembered the night he betrayed the village and killed many people. Some still thought she had something to do with it. She didn’t of course but wished she could have a friend to talk with.

Junkai let out a small yelp as she tripped on a rock. But she never hit the ground… but she did feel a lot of sand, maybe she did hit the ground? She opened her bright green eyes and looked down. A foot from the ground and… sand around her waist. She gasped as she was suddenly lifted back upward and on her feet, but the sand didn’t release her.

She looked up and Junkai’s eyes locked with a pair of very light green eyes. A little boy of 10 or so was just standing there, emotionless.

Instead of being scared, Junkai grinned and said, “Thanks! I’m Junkai, I’m new here… well kind of. Wanna get some lunch? As a thank you for helping me?”

Gaara looked at the girl. Young as he may be and as deadly as he was, he couldn’t deny that the women was very beautiful… stunning.

When he didn’t so much as move, Junkai tried again, “Or we can go to the park? Talk? Maybe dinner tonight?”

Gaara almost blushed, it sounded like she wanted a date but he was smart enough to know that the girl just wanted a friend. She was years older than him. Finally, wanting to see if she was just trying to save her life, or if she’d run, Gaara released her.

The smile remained. “So? Lunch? Park? Dinner?... Or not? It’s up to you.”

Her eyes and her smile made him lost for a moment and he just couldn’t say no or turn her away. Her friendship was here for the taking and he felt angry that he hadn’t ridden all his emotionless away like he thought. He could… kill her? That could help. But… her eyes and smile, so beautiful and innocent.

“Dinner,” the boy suddenly answered lowly.

“Great!” Junkai grinned. “Tonight at the Beef Shop? 6ish?”


“Oh… uh, you can pick?”

“No. I can’t go into restaurants.”

Fear of restaurants? That’s weird but whatever, Junkai wouldn’t judge.

“My place?” she tried. “It’s not too big but I’m a great cook.” Or that’s what Kisame always said…

Gaara just nodded then turned and left.

Junkai wanted to shout out that he needed directions but maybe he didn’t… he looked like he was a ninja even though he didn’t have a headband and was so young. But that didn’t matter, she really wanted a friend.

•••(FF 10 Months)•••

∴{18 Years & 1 Month Old}∴

♥ [Hidden Village Of Leaf] ♥

Tears fell from her eyes and the ninja’s were kind enough not to say anything and pretend not to notice. When Junkai told her best friend that she was going to find her grandfather, he grew very angry. Gaara had even grasped her with his sand, scary livid. But she understood. He thought she was abandoning her, she knew what that felt like.

She wanted to stay after seeing his pain but before she got the chance, he told her to leave. He told her to leave and never come back or he’d kill her. It hurt. In that moment she felt like he was abandoning her, that he wasn’t being a true friend and looking at it from her point-of-view.

So as Junkai left the Hidden Village of Sand she was by herself until 4 sand ninja’s appeared. They were to escort her to the Hidden Village of Leaf and she knew without a doubt that Gaara sent them. He knew she knew how to fight and fight very well but hated to and would try to run first. So Junkai knew Gaara still cared deep down even though he would deny it and still most likely be angry if he saw her again.

Junkai loved Gaara still, he will always be her best friend and little brother.