Status: Completed!

My Ninjas... Good & Bad... They've All Left Me

Run Away… Fly Away… 05

•••(FF 4 Months)•••

∴{18 Years & 5 Months Old}∴

♥ [Kakashi & Joukai… Cute] ♥

He watched her. Watched as she smiled at her little red, purple, and black friends. They appeared in her hands and flew far above. They didn’t even compare to her beauty of course but they were pretty… pretty but deadly unlike their master.

As Kakashi made his presence known, the butterflies disappeared.

“Kakashi!” Junkai cried happily jumping up. “Did your team pass?” she asked while giving him a hug.

The 24-year-old shook his head and hugged back. “No. They did not.”

Junkai frowned. “I’m sorry. Did you tell them it had to do with teamwork?”

Kakashi shook his head, “no. They need to figure it out on their own. Let them go back and study for another year then we’ll see.”

The young women just nodded. “So why did you come? You only come to my garden if you need to tell me you’ll be on a mission.”

Kakashi smiled softly from beneth his mask. “No mission. But I did want to ask you something.”

“Ok,” she smiled and Kakashi lost all train of thought for a moment because of the perfection of it.

He regained his composer and asked, “Be my girlfriend?”

•••(FF 6 Months)•••

∴{18 Years & 11 Months Old}∴

♥ [Kakashi & Joukai… Nope] ♥

Why did she trust that stupid copy cat ninja? They had a great 6 months. They had even taken their relation to the next level after 3 months. Junkai never thought she could with anyone else but Kisame. But Kakashi… was just so wonderful. He was like Kisame in a sense but yet so different. Kakashi loved to take her out and make her smile, while Kisame and her would stay in and enjoy each other’s company by themselves. Of course… Kisame was an S-Class criminal and couldn’t be seen, and Kakashi’s very respected in this village.

So why was the great ninja suddenly the stupid copycat ninja? He was using her! Even though she hadn’t seen her grandfather since moving to Leaf, she left his presence when he entered the village. So Junkai hurried as quick as she could to Jiraiya but then she grew confused when she felt Kakashi with him. Bu they were both great ninja’s so she shook it off. But then… she heard their conversation.

She knew what she heard and what she heard was her grandfather thanking Kakashi in looking after her while he was away. Kakashi waved him off, saying it was his job… his mission.

So she was a mission. He never felt anything for her… but he sure had no problem using her body and hurting her feelings. Damn ninjas! They all abandon and hurt her.

Her half-brother.

Her stepfather.

Her ex-husband.

Her best friend.

Now her ex-lover and her grandfather.

What was with her luck and men?

So Junkai did as she always did… she ran away, she flew away her latest hurt. A new village, a new start like always.

An hour later Kakashi went to check on his girlfriend. They had plans and he couldn’t wait. He was going to tell her he loved her. He knew it with all his heart. But as he knocked on her door, it came open. He sighed and walked in, ready to scold his lover for leaving the door unlocked. It was unsafe and he didn’t want to have to worry about her.

But as he stood in her home, it felt empty. He didn’t feel her chakra. But as he turned, he saw it, a note on the back of the front door.

He read it:


It’s over. I feel hurt and betrayed but I don’t think you care. Till my grandfather that your mission is now over. I thought I meant more to you? I bet you’re laughing up a storm right now. But I don’t care! I never want to see you again. Please if you ever did care for me… you won’t come searching (even though I doubt you will).



Betrayed? How?

Grandfather? What? Who?

But as everything just washed out of him, and as his hand began to tremble, he knew he wouldn’t search for her. Knew he wouldn’t because she asked and he loved her. She’d come back… he had to believe that.