Status: Completed!

My Ninjas... Good & Bad... They've All Left Me

Run Away… Fly Away… 06

•••(FF 1 Month)•••

∴{19 Years & 2 Months Old}∴

♥ [Hidden Village Of Rock] ♥

Junkai loved this village. It wasn’t worse than Wind but not as great as Fire and Water.

One plus? It had none of the men that have hurt and left her. That was a plus times a billion.

Kakashi still hasn’t come. And like with Kisame, she was happy he accepted her wishes but disappointed he obviously didn’t love/care enough to fight for her.

Was there any man out there for her? Did she even want to risk it?

•••(FF 1 Year and 8 Months)•••

∴{20 Years & 10 Months Old}∴

♥ [The Plant Moved!] ♥

Junkai worked in her garden. No matter the village no matter the weather, her black flowers always bloomed. They gave her peace. She loved being outside and working with them. Most of the time she’d create a butterfly or 12 to keep her company.

She’s made many friends in the Rock village and they all knew her to love to garden. Many wanted to buy her black flowers but once discovering that they were poisonous to all but Junkai, they stayed clear. And after a passerby tired to attack her, she kept a few in her hair.

Junkai once again had her home far from the others. She liked her peace and quietness. She was actually in her garden thinking if she should accept one of the ANBU’s offer for dinner. Many had asked her out but she was too scared to get hurt again but it had been so long… maybe she would.

As she created one of her purple, black, and red butterfly friends, she felt a presence she never felt before behind her. Junkai turned but her bright green eyes saw nothing, the person couldn’t hide, not with her special gift.

“I know you’re there,” she said softly looking at a giant Venus flytrap.

Her eyes grew a little wide as it opened to show a man. A green haired man with yellow eyes, his body was half black and half white.

“Hello,” she said softly with a smile. “May I help you sir?”

‘Sir? Is this woman crazy?’

‘She’s just being nice. Foolish but nice.’

‘Very foolish.’

‘Stunning eyes though.’

‘Stunning eyes? Hn. Stunning everything.’

“Sir?” the woman tired again. “Are you ok? Are you hurt? Would you like some tea?”

Their stomach tightened at the true concern in her voice. And the innocent expression in her gaze.

She giggled a little, “Sir? Are you ok? Would you like some tea?”

Zetsu didn’t answer but made his way to the beautiful woman. She had remained on the ground in front of her little garden. He gazed down at her as she looked at him over her shoulder, still trusting him to do nothing to her.

‘Foolish! I could kill her and she wouldn’t know what hit her!’

‘You don’t want to kill her any more than I.’

‘Shut up! Someone has to teach her a lesson.’

‘Or someone needs to keep her safe.’

Junkai was shocked when he finally spoke… or they did.

“Tea,” the deeper voice started.

“Would be great,”the softer voice finished.

She blinked her bright green eyes a couple times before nodding with a smile and standing, and the three made their way inside.

•••(FF 3 Months)•••

∴{21 Years & 1 Month Old}∴

♥ [The Kiss] ♥

Junkai started Zetsu’s special tea right when she felt his presence coming her way. He would stop by at least once every other week. He was a very busy man. A spy for his village. She couldn’t deny the butterflies that flapped in her stomach every time he came by. At first the two different personalities confused her but now she knew each one so well.

The darker half was quite stubborn with a deeper voice, and was so possessive and didn’t like to hear about any males in her life.

The softer white half was caring and a good listener although he did have a touch of possessiveness.

Both were protective and sweet though. They’d always help her in her garden and Junkai loved that Zetsu could touch her black flowers. No other male (or female) in her life could without being affected by their poison.


The gray haired woman spun around with a large grin and hurried to the man, hugging him tightly to her.

“Zetsu!” she shouted happily. “I missed you so much.”

“I miss you too,”both halves spoke together.

“How are you?”

“That stupid ANBU still bugging you?”

Leave it to him to be possessive… but she liked it.

She giggled, and the noise was so soothing to his ears. As he stared down at her, Junkai still in his arms, his mind still could not comprehend what this close distance was supposed to mean. He had never been this close to another living human being. It was weird and different, something completely unfathomable. But he knew without a doubt, that this woman was his. Both halves knew it to be true, all they needed to do was show her, convince her.

“No,” Junkai spoke answering the darker half first. “Janji hasn’t talked to me. He couldn’t because he was transferred to another village (in the earth country still).”

Zetsu knew this of course; he just wanted to see his beauty’s reaction. He was happy that she didn’t seem to care.

Behind Junkai the teakettle went off and she moved from Zetsu’s arms to take it off the heat. As she poured two cups full she was turning to ask if he wanted sugar this time when a pair of strong hands grasped her hips. Shocked her head snapped up to lock eyes with a pair of yellow ones. Before she knew it… Zetsu was kissing her.

Junkai didn’t need to think, and kissed back.

His lips moved against hers, his hands moving so his arms could wrap around her small waist to bring him closer. His tongue licked her lower lip and she let him enter, the slimy attachment left no area untouched. Her tongue also explored his own mouth and cut her tongue on his sharp fangs. Her blood was the sweetest thing he had ever had.

‘So sweet.’

‘More, need more.’

