Status: Completed!

My Ninjas... Good & Bad... They've All Left Me

Run Away… Fly Away… 08

•••(FF 2 Month)•••

∴{21 Years & 6 Months Old}∴

♥ [Visiting Grandpa Jiraiya] ♥

She was getting married... again! Zetsu proposed 3 weeks after his leader came that one day. Leader of what? Junkai had no idea. She didn’t want to know what her love worked towards. Dumb? Yes. Safe? She thought so.

So since she was getting married, she wanted family there. She knew where her half brother (Nagato/Pein) was and her stepfather (Sasori) were but didn’t think they’d want to come… maybe. But she knew her grandfather would. Even if he had given Kakashi the mission to watch her, she realizes he did it to keep his granddaughter safe.

An hour after settling herself into her hotel room and taking a shower, she followed her grandfathers trail.

She found him training some blonde haired kid dressed in orange. He had two presences inside him, weird. Junkai watched them trained and when she giggled at one point they both heard. The kid threw a kunai at her but she dodged and jumped from her hiding spot.

“Junkai?” Jiraiya asked in disbelief.

“Hi grandpa!” she exclaimed running to him in a flash and hugging him.

“Grandpa?” the kid asked loudly, mouth to the ground.

Junkai ignored him. “Grandpa I’m getting married and want you there. I know it’s been years but please. I-”

“Junkai,” the old man interrupted with a smile. “I’d be happy to. Did your fiancée come with you?”

She pouted, “no. He has to work. But you’ll love him, I’m sure.”

“If you think so,” he said.

“Hey!” the kid exclaimed. “What’s going on Pervy Sage?”

“Oh Naruto?” his sensei said just remembering him. “This is my granddaughter, Junkai.”

“Granddaughter?” he said looking up at her. “But she’s hot. There’s no way she’s related to you!”

Jiraiya hit his student on the head, leaving a bump.

“Hey!” Naruto exclaimed lifting his fist.

Junkai giggled and Naruto blinked once hearing it, forgetting his anger. Jiraiya kissed the top of his granddaughter’s dark gray hair.

At that moment the three felt a new presence and Junkai knew who it was before turning.

“Kakashi,” the women murmured before turning with a soft smile, trying to be polite.

“Junkai,” he said almost without emotion.

Award silence.

Jiraiya cleared his throat. “So uh, Naruto, come.”

The young one opened his mouth to argue but when his sensei grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him off, he didn’t have a chance.

“It’s nice to see you again, Kakashi.”

“Is it? You disappeared Junkai. With a note that made no sense.”

“It was almost 3 years ago. It’s the past,” she told him and almost turned to leave when he spoke again.

“I loved you.”

She froze and her breath caught in her throat. “W-what?”

“I did,” Kakashi said with a shrug looking at his ex-lover. “I wanted to marry you.” His gaze traveled down to her left hand. “But it looks like some other guy will. Lucky man.”

Junkai licked her pink lips. “I love him. He’s everything I need… and everything I think I deserve.”

“You deserve everything, Junkai.”

He wasn’t lying. He was truthful in that he used to love her. He’s moved on but he still cared for her.

“So, how bout some ramen? We can catch up.”

Leave it to Junkai to be the sweet person she always was. But one thing bothered Kakashi, why did she leave?
♠ ♠ ♠
So… I’m not gonna put it in the story cause it would be pointless but want to answer a question, when Kakashi meant mission all those years ago he meant a self appointed mission. Jiraiya didn’t assign Kakashi to. But Junkai thought that and left. So yeah, there you go!