Status: Completed!

My Ninjas... Good & Bad... They've All Left Me

Run Away… Fly Away… 09

•••(FF 2 Weeks)•••

∴{21 Years & 6 Months Old}∴

♥ [Goodbye, For Now] ♥

As much as Junkai would miss Leaf, she missed her love more. Zetsu and her had a wedding to plan! She was happy to make up with Kakashi, she wanted to invite him to the wedding but then she’d have to tell Zetsu that Kakashi was her lover years ago. That could be bad… Zetsu was very possessive and easy to get jealous.

She’d play it out, see what happened. She was even thinking about inviting Naruto. Maybe because she had to be very careful, even though she didn’t remember seeing Zetsu in that one Bingo book. Even though she didn’t know what Zetsu did, she did know he’s an S-Class criminal.

Yep, she had to be careful. But Junkai was married for a year and 5 months to Kisame who’s an S-Class criminal, nothing went wrong in that time.

Nope, everything was going to be perfect.

•••(FF 1 Month)•••

∴{21 Years & 7 Months Old}∴

♥ [Happily Ever After] ♥

A knock sounded on the door.

“Come in,” Junkai called out as she looked herself over in the mirror.

Different dress but same feelings.

Her grandfather opened the door. “You look beautiful,” he smiled walking to her. “I remember this, but it was your mother.”

She smiled at Jiraiya through the mirror. “I of course don’t know about the first one but she was a beautiful bride with Sasori.”

Jiraiya smile didn’t falter, even though he hated the reminder that his only daughter and child married a criminal. Even though Jiraiya admits that it was his daughter’s death that most likely made Sasori finally snap.

“Do I have to wait till after the I do’s to meet your soon to be husband?”

Junkai giggled and turned to hug her grandfather. “Yes, but remember what I told you…”

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” he repeated with a grin.

But just at that moment a very loud and frantic knock sounded on the door.

“Come in,” Jiraiya called.

Two Leaf Village ANBU stood in the doorway. “Jiraiya-Sama, important business.”

Jiraiya tensed, angry to have this happen on his granddaughter’s wedding day. He felt a soft pair of lips on his cheek. He looked down at his smiling green-eyed granddaughter.

“It’s ok grandpa,” she smiled. “You go do your mission. My husband and I will stop by and find you as soon as possible. I love you.”

He bent down and kissed her pale forehead. “I love you too sweetie.”

So what if Junkai had no one but three girlfriends from the village to be there for her. All she needed was Zetsu had her side.

•••(FF 1 Month)•••

∴{21 Years & 8 Months Old}∴

♥ [Itachi Who?] ♥

She stood in the kitchen, making dinner. She was humming some little tune to herself. Three purple, red, and black butterflies were resting on her head. She was quite beautiful, but he didn’t have any time or reason to continue to look at her. He was here for a reason.

He didn’t have to make his presence known, she would know any way because of her unique gift. But he appeared behind her suddenly in the kitchen.

Junkai turned and looked at the red-eyed stranger in her kitchen. He wore a cloak that Zetsu sometimes wore around her.

“Zetsu!” Junkai called out. “Someone’s here for you.”

He quickly appeared.

“Itachi,”both halves greeted.

“Itachi who?” Zetsu’s wife asked.

“Junkai,” the calm one spoke. “May I talk to Itachi alone?”

She looked between the two men unsure. No one had come looking for Zetsu expect the leader and only that one time.

“Ok,” she said softly and kissed Zetsu’s black cheek before leaving the kitchen. The men waited till she was outside in the garden.

“Itachi,” the black one said angry. “Why have you come here?”

“The woman-”

He didn’t get to finish for five kunai were thrown at him. He saw it coming and bowed slightly to calm the higher rank ninja’s nerves.

“Your woman is in danger.”

“By what?”both asked tense with rage, he’d kill who ever hurt his love.


That’s all Itachi needed to say. Both the black and white side growled. It wasn’t like he couldn’t defeat the snake, but the idea that anyone would choose his wife as a target angered him.

His yellow eyes locked with the red. “She’s coming back with me. Tell Leader-Sama.”

Itachi nodded and disappear in a hail of leafs.