Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Dear Mr. Gerard Way... Hi, I'm Your Daughter!

The Ghost Of You… 12

{[ November 7, 2007 ]}

“Do you think this is wrong?” the singer asked his brother but kept his eyes on his work.

Mikey stopped rolling the paint on the wall for a second. “I don’t think so,” he answered. He continued painting and continued talking, “Sarah only has a short time left. You’re Helena’s father and want everything to be ready for when she comes. You’re thinking of your daughter in a concerned way not an eager way that you can’t wait till Sarah dies so you can get Helena.”

“You’re right,” Gerard said firmly.

“Guys!” the voice yelled from downstairs.

“Up here!” Gee and Mikey called.

Ray appeared in the doorway a few moments later. “Hey. Got your mail; left it all downstairs expect for Helena’s letter.”

Gerard instantly placed his roller down and wiped off the paint on a rag before grabbing the letter from Ray’s hand.

Dear Mr. Gerard Way,

Yo! Dad-o! Guess what?! I taught Puppy to hop on command! It’s so awesome! Next I’m gonna teach him to hop through a hoop. He’s the smartest plus cutest little rabbit ever.

My birthday party was awesome! My friends and I totally pigged out on junk food. Yeah… it was awesome. Oh and we played double truth and dare and it was sooo funny. I can’t tell you anything because I’m sworn to secretly. After everyone but Sofia left we stayed up all night (like we usually do when I stay over). Her mom and dad had to come in (like always) to tell us to go to bed. Haha, it was the best.

Moms feeling a whole lot better! I’m so happy. She even got to leave the hospital for a bit yesterday. I hate going to the hospital. It’s so sad. I get mixed feelings whenever I see mom. Happy because I get to see and talk to her again but sad because she’s so pail and weak. I just want her to get well.

Oh yeah! Nick (that cute boy I like) he invited me to his birthday party next week! It’s going to be a blast. It’s a pool party/BBQ at his place. I can’t wait! But I have noooo clue what to get him. Hmm… boys are hard to shop for. He likes baseball so maybe something along that line. Whatever, I’ll think of something (I hope).

How’s the break from touring going? Glad for the break or just can’t wait to hit the road again? I can’t wait to see you and the guys in concert! I’ll have to get a ticket when I go to live with those cousins. Maybe, if you’re ok with that, of course.

Well I gotta go! My fact: when I was little my teachers use to get upset because I couldn't color in the lines. The truth: I could but never wanted to because I thought it was funny to see them get so bothered over it. ☺

Your daughter,

Gerard smiled and handed the letter over to his brother, while thinking of its contents. For one, he still had no clue why she named her bunny Puppy. Gerard was glad his daughter had such a great birthday, and as he looked around the room he was painting, he imagined her having her next birthday here.

This Nick guy is becoming a problem. Why wasn’t his daughter normal and hating boys at this time? This Nick guys trouble, who cares if he’s 10 or 11, all boys are trouble.

Sarah… poor Sarah. He was still paying a lot of the bills but he wished he was there to comfort his daughter. She couldn’t lean on her mom because her mom dying was the problem. She couldn’t lean on her friends because they were so young and just didn’t understand what Helena was going through. Gerard wished he was there so his daughter could lean on him, take all the strength he had to give her.

And that concert she wanted to see of My Chemical Romance, she didn’t have to see it when she was with those cousins or even pay, she’d be with him and soon grow sick of seeing her dad play all the time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks CLAIREisNEMO and RainBow BalLooN (sry they didn't meet on her bday)

:) Hope you all enjoyed!!

ps: moment you've been waiting for in the next chapter!