Dark Temptation...A Twisted Romance

Chapter Seventeen…Urging Morals With The Devil

Lydia stood and started to put the covers back on the bed, she was thinking to herself as she did. Pulling the sheets from Louis, who's claws were attached to it, causing him to rise several feet in the air before he let out with a meow, landing on the green and purple ordinate carpet safely.

Ville watched her and waited for her to speak, he was afraid that it was too soon. She had just met the others and already she had guessed what was to happen…she was full of amazing surprises. Maybe it was for the best that she leaned early on, she might have been upset if he had kept it from her. If she only was more comfortable with sex in general and they themselves had even had it, maybe she wouldn't be threaten by just another presence. Ville would much rather keep her to himself, and all of his friends knew that he was that way. He had already told them hands off and even if she picks you, play it cool buddy and respect her like a goddess. It just was the way their social networking went, it was like not saying thank you after being given a gift. Sure you could do it, but you may lose a lot of friends and in the world of the supernatural you needed those friends to survive. Some helped with veiling you to the human world, some helped with protection against others that would do you harm. It was a tough world when you could see beyond the veil, Ville felt some-what guilty and selfish for bringing an innocent like Lydia into it.

"Ville?" Her voice broke through the wall of thoughts that was building in his mind, Ville flinched slightly and looked up at her. Her beautiful heart-shaped face and those golden green eyes melted his heart, it was hard for him not to kiss her. "You seemed so disant and a little sad…I was worried about you." Her voice, so soft and so corcened. Ville lifted the corner of his lip in a sad smile.

"I was thinking of how selfish I am for bringing you here…" Lydia's eyes widened.

"What do you mean, I am happy with you…I love you." Ville sighed bitterly and hung his head as he sat beside her on the now made bed.

"I love you too, Lydia, but don't you see that even with all it's glamor and pleasure, this world is…evil." He looked surprised as the word slipped from his lips, like until that moment he himself had not realized it. They, meaning himself and his friends had done things that most humans would label under 'evil'. Lydia frowned, she reached out and took Ville's face with both her hands, looking into his eyes she tried to see it. The darkness dwelling in him, the readiness to hurt another for the pleasure of it or the befit of it, but she did not find it. She found only love, beauty and a soul so passionate it burnt brighter than any star. With tears threatening to fall from her eyes, Lydia stood and still holding his face, she kissed him and sat on his lap, his arms overwhelming her.

"I see only beauty and love when I look at you, you're not evil, Ville. Please don't believe that!" She sobbed into his bare chest, her chest caving in pain that he couldn't see the light in him that she saw. Ville rested his head on hers, stroking her hair he tried to calm her. Lydia just cried until she was free of tears and her eyes were sore, her mouth dry. Ville kissed her wet cheeks,

"If you so believe that I can redeemed than I suppose than I can to," Lydia didn't bother to say that she didn't think that he needed to be redeemed, that he was too beautiful to ever be damned.

Later after they had slept some, Lydia wanted to take Louis into the green house so he could explore. Ville called Bam up and asked him to sit with them during their picnic so he could take notes on what they wanted for their union semory. Louis hunted flies in the grass, jumping at them with his pawns clasped while Lyida laid on the blanket across Ville's lap, her head resting on his thigh as he played with, and braided her long hair. His gentle touches causing small shivers to run through her. The sounds of the water fall was relaxing and it was almost tempting to fall back asleep. Bam had nestled into the corner of the blanket and was eating a large sandwich, nodding as Ville spoke.

"I think that the should be centered around the water," He said, Lydia had an idea, an image of herself and Ville perfectly in her mind.

"Or maybe we should be in the water, just to our waist, wouldn't that be something?" Ville smiled and stroked her forehead.

"That's an interesting idea, alright than, the guests will surround the water in a circle and we will be in the water." Bam put his sandwich down and made some note on his planner. Lydia rolled over on her stomach and watched Louis russeling around in the flower bed now, the fuchsias, bright pink and purple contrasting brilliantly to his sleek black coat.

"Are there any animals in here?" she asked, as he was making quite the racket. Ville glanced over as well.

"Oh, some mice get in sometimes, he must have found one of them." Sure enough, proud as a peacock, Louis turned around and came marching out of the fuchsias, carrying a headless mouse neatly between his tiny fangs. He pranced around the blanket a few times, as if to say, "look what I caught!" and than he placed the bloody lump of fur before Lydia on the blanket! He sat beside it and looked up at her proudly, "go on, eat it, I caught it just for you!" She laughed nervously and with a squished face she shook her head.

"I'm not eating that." Ville chuckled and Bam was staring at the mouse with interest.

"I'll eat it if you don't want it," he said, Lydia was surprised by this but she wasn't totally disgusted. She made a gesture of her hand to help himself and he snatched the creature's body up by the tail and ate it in one swallow. He licked his lips and made a small face,

"Eh, it tastes too much like cat," he looked down at Louis who was rubbing up against his side and purring loudly. Lydia was a bit horrid by that response yet was reviled that he didn't like the way cats tasted.
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Thank you for the comments and no, Lydia and Ville did not have intercourse in the last chapter. That will be explained clearly in detail when the time comes ladies, patience.