Why Do They Have to Do It in the Room Next to Mine?!

The Day That Phone Call Came

~Roxy's POV~

I walked up the small path, closing the gate behind me. I took some time to sit on the grass with the dog and just reflect on the past few weeks.

My birth parents had tried harder then ever to see me and get in contact with me, seeing as though I'm seventeen in three weeks. I had said no, but one time they rang up when Dad and Frank were out.

I answered the phone and my mum... my only mum... kept on talking, saying things and talking to me all the time, telling me what my brothers and sisters were like, I couldn't put the phone down. Then my Dad took the phone and talked and talked, asking how school was, asking how my life was going, did I have a boyfriend? Did I have any hobbies? He just talked all the time, knowing that deep down I did want to know about my family. Deep down I did want to hear my birth mum and dad's voices on the other end of the phone. Deep down, I think I did want to hear someone else in this world who had the same blood as me coursing through their veins, be it evil or not.

Throughout that phone call, I had tears pouring down my faces, images of my brother and sisters with me running round, having fun in a lovely garden with high trees and a happy mum and dad watching and laughing.

Then all of a sudden in the vision, I turned around and everything went grey and stormy. It became a sad atmosphere, but my siblings kept running round with happy smiles on their faces.

I looked round in the vision, searching for the source of the sadness. Then there it was. My dads. My wonderful, awesome, caring adoptive dads.

They were looking into the garden through a tunnel in the hedge, a dog was barking and snarling at this side of it. They ignored it, and looked right into my eyes.

A tear fell down Frank's face, mine hitting the coffee table as soon as his tear in the vision landed softly on the dog's nose.

The dog whined, turned away and ran. Then the clouds went thunderous, and the rain began to pour. My adoptive dads' tears mingled with the rain pouring down their faces.

I didn't know why they were crying, I wasn't living with this family, was I?

Then Frank and Dad began to walk away, leaving me with the family I didn't know. The family who had abandoned me. The family who didn't want me.

In the vision, my mum came and put her hand on my shoulder, and said, 'Come on love. They don't want you. We're your family now.' on the phone, she actually said that.

'NO!' I screamed, slamming the phone down. I kicked the table and the whole phone set across the room, then fell against the wall with my back to it, sliding down it so that I was then sat against the wall.

I put my head in my hands and cried like I had never cried before. I screamed and yelled, shouting curses and horrible things to my birth parents.


I yelled, crying and yelling, blurting out things that I never thought I would say about them. I remembered Frank and Dad's face in the vision, and I stopped screaming.

I wished they were here right now... I wish that they would hold me and protect me. I wished with all my heart that they hadn't gone out, that they could keep my awful birth family away from me!

I curled up and cried quietly this time, sobbing for my family, Gerard and Frank. They were my family, and I just wish that they were here so I could tell them that....