Why Do They Have to Do It in the Room Next to Mine?!

Oh, How It Hurts In The Worst Way... It's So Wrong


We were sat on the bench in the cemetery and Frank tried to ring Roxy. He kept frowning and redialing.
'What up baby?' I asked him, getting slightly worried.
'She didn't say that she was going out, did she?' he asked me back. I shook my head and then he sighed. 'Well, I keep ringing her mobile and the house. She's not picking up either. I've text her, too. No reply.' He said, his voice shaking a bit. Roxy has always been the most precious thing in our lives, and I got worried.

'You wanna go home and see what's up with her?' I asked him quietly, kissing his neck.
'Yeah...' he said, and got up, walking straight to the car. He was obviously really worried about her, so I went immediately after him, starting up the car as soon as we got in it, and taking the quickest way home.

We opened the door with the spare key, because Roxy had locked it and she wasn't answering.

Frank went straight in, not bothering to kick his shoes off and just throwing his coat on the chair by the door.

'You look downstairs and outside Gee, I'll go upstairs.' he said quickly, climbing the stairs three at a time.

I went outside and left Frank to look upstairs.


I went to our room, and checked in our bed. The duvet was curled up just how we had got out of it this morning, and Roxy sometimes went to sleep in there.

No... she wasn't there. I knocked on mine and Gerard's en suite bathroom, and when there was no knock, I went in.

She wasn't there either.


I looked in the garden, and in the shed where Roxy kept the dog and some hamsters. The dog barked when I opened the door, but calmed as soon as I told him to quiet.

The little hamster's eyes reflected the light from the garden security light and I chuckled because they always made me laugh, whatever I was feeling like.

Roxy wasn't in there so I went back in to check the living room.


I went to the spare bedroom where Roxy and her friends sleep. The double bed and single beds in there were empty and foreboding.

I looked in that en suite too, expecting her and her friends to all be there, playing another master practical joke on us.

They weren't.


I went into the living room, looked behind the sofa. Heard Frank moving about upstairs. I looked around and saw... the phone and table smashed against the wall?

I went into the kitchen and looked in the cellar and pantry. Roxy wasn't there. It was just cold and dark. It made me think of that Escape The Fate song....

I went back into the living room and started calling Roxy's name. When I paused, I heard Frank sobbing.
'She's here... Gerard...' he moaned. 'Please.... help her....' I heard him cry.

I ran up the stairs, to my daughter's room. I saw Frank first.

Knees on the bed, those shoes still on his feet. He was sobbing onto Roxy's red duvet.

She was sleeping next to him....


Red duvet?

No.... Roxy's duvet is white, and not the morbid colour of blood she so loves.

Blood. I gasped, my eyes went straight to her wrists. There was hardly anything left of them.

And she looked like an angel in a halo of blood.

'Oh Gerard...' Frank moaned, his eyes closed against the pain.

'Frank! She needs an ambulance now! No.. go start the car! I'll bandage her arms, we'll drive her there!' I yelled. He jumped up, Roxy moaned and stirred.

'Dad....' she whispered.

'Yeah Roxy. I'm here baby. Don't worry. Now, you're just gonna have to hold still. Please, hold still baby.' I told her, and I ripped my t-shirt off.

I tore my smashing Pumpkins shirt in two like I never believed I would before.

I wrapped the two pieces round Roxy's wrists.

I carried her out to the car.

'I'm sorry, Dad..... it was Mum..... mum rang.... and dad.... they said..... oh... I'm sorry dad.' sh mumbled

then blacked out.

We walk through the doorway, heard you calling from the hall
To find you in the bedroom not breathing at all
I drag your body to the cellar where we lay,
the wax it melts away, I kiss your face...

Now we are starting to love you more
Your body's on the canvas I painted on the floor....

Now you wait, like the drug, like the change in the pain it goes on for so long
And oh, how it hurts in the worst way, now that you're gone, it's so wrong, it's so wrong....