La Push Baby

All Over Again

“I can’t believe it’s over.” I said walking back to Jacob’s house. Our honeymoon lasted for 10 days, and it was an amazing 10 days. We were sent by a joint effort of everyone to Maine, for a relaxing 10 days near a beautiful lighthouse, Nubble Light, and stayed in the most magnificent hotel around.

But now it was time to get back to reality. When we tried to open the front door of Jake’s house, it was locked.

“That’s weird.” He mumbled. “Old man never locks the front door.”

“Do you even have a key?” I wondered, not sure if I’ve ever seen anyone use a key here. Jake fumbled around a little bit, and finally found an old, rusty key on one of the rafters. It wouldn’t work.

“Did they think we were never coming back?” He asked, getting annoyed. We both really had to go to the bathroom. I was looking around the front of the porch, and my eyes fell on a piece of paper that had floated to the ground, more than likely, since it was turned face down. I nudged Jake and he read it.

“This isn’t your house anymore kiddos, here’s the key to your house.” We took the key that was taped to the paper, and I stared at it.

“That’s the key to my old house here.” I was trying to think logically how this could have been given to me. What day was it? Had my birthday already passed, again?

“We turned 18. Your dad left you the house.” Jake said, answering my thoughts. I nodded, still not believing any of this.


We drove the ten minutes to my old-well now it’s new- house. We parked Jake’s Rabbit in the driveway, and tried the key. It worked. Everything was dark, and I was trying to remember where a light switch was. I finally found one.

“WELCOME HOME!” Over a dozen voices boomed. I jumped fifty feet in the air, and it made Jake laugh.

“Already breaking and entering are we?” Jake asked with a smirk.

“Nope, there were two keys left. I get to have one.” Billy said smiling.

“Sooo did you guys do it?” Quil asked, and Sam elbowed him hard. “Ow! I was just wondering! It’s not against the rules or anything.” I blushed and Jake just smirked. A loud round of “ooooo’s!” were heard among the group.

“Don’t you forget, I can read your minds too while in wolf form. And if ANY of you are talking about it, or trying to get Jake to think about it, I’ll beat you up myself. And you know I can.” I looked directly at Paul. We had already had our fun in that category, and he never lived down the fact that a girl half-wolf could beat him up.

“Let’s have some lunch!” Sue Clearwater said. Very happy to get off the subject of Jake and I’s honeymoon. I looked up at Jake, and I knew he was remembering the first night while we were in Maine. It was like nothing else. I looked around the house, it was different since my dad and I were here, probably purposely by our friends. I went upstairs to my old bedroom, and it was now bigger, with French doors, and a huge bathroom connected to it. It looked like a wall was knocked down to make room for it. I went, very slowly, over to my dad’s old room. It was different too. Now there were lots of bookshelves, and two desks. An office for Jake and I. They probably figured no one would want to sleep in that room. I noticed there was nothing for a baby made up, and I was thankful. Jake and I were only 18, and we didn’t even know if we wanted kids, ever. Not with all the danger of bringing a baby into this world. I went back downstairs, and it looked like a tornado ransacked the house. There were a few people lying on the floor, and I noticed there were two people missing.

Jacob and Sam. I found Billy out of his wheelchair and on the floor, and I quickly helped him up, and the others started to perk up, the cuts on their faces vanishing. I ran throughout the house and couldn’t find Sam or Jacob.

“Where did they go?! What happened?!” Panic set in. And the pain of being far, far away from Jacob was already setting in. I knew he wasn’t anywhere close to me.

“I don’t know, a group of people came in here, and it’s like we all blacked out, after being punched hard.” Leah stated. I opened the front door to my house.

“Edward! Alice!” I called, like I was talking to someone two feet in front of me. I knew they’d be able to hear me. I walked back inside and left the door open. Searching the room for anything. I closed my eyes and concentrated to see if they were in their wolf forms. They weren’t. As soon as I heard foot steps on the stone path outside I turned around and saw Edward and Alice coming to the house. As soon as they were at the doorway, they looked even more pale than usual.

“What? Who was here?”

“The Volturi.” Edward answered very grave.

“I can’t see it Edward! Not with Jacob and Sam involved.” Alice held her head like she was getting a headache. I knew enough about the Volturi to know this wasn’t good.