The Worst 'Vacation' Ever

Ch. 17

I woke up the next morning to someone pouncing on me and blind folding me. I started swinging widly to try to knock them off her. No use. They continued and tied my arms together, then my ankles together. I screamed, that is until they clamped their hand over mymouth.

Then instinct kicked in. I bit the hand and as they retracked their hand, I swung both my hands at where I thought their head would be. i ended up being right. There was a loud thunk, as my hand made contact with their head. The person fell to the side and I kicked them off the bed with her feet. I rolled off the bed toward where I heard them hit the floor. I rolled down and brought my elbow into their side.

"Alright I give," yelled Cody, coughing.

"Cody?" I asked. My blind-fold came off to me seeing Cody laying on the ground next to me.

"Yeah. All I got to say is damn girl," he said coughing again.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!" I said, feeling horrible.

"Don't be. It's fine. Actually, I'm kind of impressed, I honestly thought we'd have to start from scratch. But, fantastic! Now we can get into the more complicated things."

Umm, can you un-tie me now?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry." He un-did the bindings and stood me up. Just then his cell phone rang with dongeon music again. It was Louis telling him to get breakfast for him.

"Right away, sir," Cody said while rolling his eyes and hung up.

"Sorry, but I got to go now. I'll teach you though. I promise," He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and left.
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wow-i haven't updated in a while! I'm really sorry! I'll try to update more often!