"Black Ice"

Chapter Sixteen

- Krystal Porter -

Dennis washed the dishes and tidied up the house before calling his agent. He wanted to pose Lisa’s idea about school sports and how many kids were seriously injured. His agent agreed saying starting a second book was good idea. Dennis then went into the office and got on the internet to try and find material on the subject. There wasn’t much available. Before he knew it the doorbell was ringing.

“Hello again Mr. Christen. I hope I’m not imposing,” Krystal Porter said as she stepped in.

“Not at all. Please come into the living room and have a seat. Can I offer you some coffee or tea?”

“That won’t be necessary,” the woman replied as she looked around the living room and sat down on the couch.

“Well, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company Ms. Porter?”

“It’s Mrs. and you can call me Krystal.”

“Okay Krystal. Why did you want to see me?”

“Well, err---, this might sound a bit strange to you Mr. Christen.”

“Call me Dennis.”

“Alright. Well, Dennis. I’m not sure if you’re aware of it, but God has given me a certain talent.”

“I know. My wife Lisa told me you’re a psychic.”

“Yes. That’s why I have to talk to you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Mr. Christen, err--, Dennis. You’ve a certain aura around you. Something of a paranormal nature. In other words; I felt a bad vibe the last time we met.”


“Yes. I felt a dark presence surrounding you. I can still feel it.”

Dennis couldn’t help but let a sarcastic smile curl his lip. “I don’t mean to be rude Krystal, but I don’t believe in such nonsense.”

“But you should. There’s so much we don’t know about the afterlife Dennis. Strange events have been recorded you know. It’s a proven fact that some spirits remain among us. Some don’t believe that they’ve died. Some feel they have unfinished business to attend to. There’s also evil lurking in the beyond. It’s trying to divert our loved ones from entering the light. It wants to use them in order to gain a pathway into this plain of existence and has done so in the past.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Dennis chuckled. “There’s no such thing as ghosts.”

“You’re wrong. There is life after death. I know this for a fact.”

“Okay. Let’s say you’re right. I still don’t understand what any of this has got to do with me.”

“I told you I felt a bad presence surrounding you. I fear malicious spirits are trying to harm you.”

“Who and why?” he asked barely controlling his need to laugh out loud.

“I don’t know. Has anyone you know died recently; perhaps thinking you did them wrong?”

“I have no idea. You see; I lost my memory along with the use of my legs in a car accident. I have been told that I was married and had a daughter who were in the car with me. They were killed.”

“Were you driving?”

“I was told I was.”

“Then it’s safe to assume they may hold you responsible for their deaths.”

Dennis felt goosebumps rise on his arms. “Maybe, but even so, I told you that I don’t believe in ghosts. Even if I did, how can a ghost harm you?”

“There are ways. As I said before, there’s an evil presence that lures our loved ones from the light. He uses their anger to turn them against us. They become evil as well and in doing so can enter our world to seek revenge.”

Dennis couldn’t help but let his laughter spill out.

“You shouldn’t laugh Dennis.”

“I’m sorry, but I find your belief to be utterly inane.”

“I am not simple minded nor crazy Mr. Christen. Many believe as I do. The paranormal is very real.”

“Well, I don’t happen to be one of the believers.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Skeptics far too often deny the ability of spirits to enter our realm of reality. This disbelief can be very risky.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to keep a sharp eye out for strange occurrences,” he said as he continued to chuckle.

“How can I convince you that you are in danger?”

“You can’t.”

“Then I assume there’s no use in me staying any longer.”

“I guess.”

Krystal stood. As she looked around the living room she heard two feminine voices giggling. Chills swept down her spine. There was definitely something evil lurking here. “I’ll leave my number by your phone Dennis. You can call me anytime you need me; day or night.”

“Sure Krystal, but don’t hold your breath.”