All That We Need Is to Believe

All That We Need Is To Believe Chapter 1

elsey's POV

I sat in the tourbus staring out the window as my bandmates, Gavin, Rocco, and Seth, were running around in the parking lot. They were blowing bubbles and aiming them at each other, trying to get each other covered in soap. They looked quite pathetic, and they were very loud. I heard Gavin yell "Ah, I smell like bubbles." Then Seth's voice came, "Owe, soap in my eye!"

I was in a band called Emo To The Extremo as the bass, guitar, and drummer. I switched instruments depending on the song, but I refused to sing, self confidence issues. When I wasn't playing their instruments, Gavin played drums, Rocco played guitar, and Seth played bass. They took turns singing, which is why I frequently switched instruments.

We were a very new, and unknown, band. We had fans coming to concerts, and we were going on tour, but we were one of the bands that someone mentions to someone and the other person goes "Huh, who dat?" Yah, but we would get bigger and more well known. It would just take time.

We were very odd, random people, which is why we got along so well. Seth was the quietest in front of other people, and there was no way to shut up Gavin. Rocco talked just the right amount. We shared similar tastes in music, movies, and pretty much everything else. We were also notorious for playing pranks on each other.

I was not in the happiest mood right now. My crush just turned me down, after I had asked him out. And my best friend just had to yell out to everyone that I had been rejected. I tried to make her stop, but she didn't. I started crying in front of everyone and my crush started laughing at me, and I cried even harder. My friend apologized, and we made up, but that didn't make the pain any less severe. So, I was busy taking out my frustrations while listening to music.

I was listening to music while chatting online. I was talking to all my friends, about 5 of them at once, which was hard to keep up with, but I did it. I was still bored though. So, I just watched my friends out the window. Our tour bus was parked somewhere, location unknown. And we pretty much just had to hang out. They were having fun while I was in here in chatrooms.

I was talking to my friend Julia when something she said caught my eye. I looked at the screen to get a closer look at what she said. "Holy shit!" I yelled in excitement. I quickly typed inAre you serious?!To my dismay, she was joking. "Damn it!" So, you don't need to know what about. I wanted to be done online, so I said my goodbyes and turned off the laptop. I lay down in my bed on the top bunk and slowly drifted off to sleep.