All That We Need Is to Believe

All That We Need Is To Believe Chapter 2

Kelsey's POV

I woke up to Gavin, Seth, and Rocco hovering above me, blowing bubbles. I sat up straight. "Didn't anyone tell you that you're supposed to wake a sleeping person gently?"

"Hey, at least we didn't sit on you again." Gavin said with a smile.

"That was torture!!" I yelled recalling the incident. I suddenly jolted forward in my bed. "Whoa!"

"Oh, did we mention we're on the road again?" Rocco asked.

"You might have forgotten to mention that part." I mumbled.

"Well, we're heading to our next venue in LA. We have a concert tonight, remember?"Seth asked, sitting down next to me.

I thought for a second. "Hm, I do now!" I lay my head down again. "I'm going back to bed!"

"Um, we're like, 10 blocks away from the venue." Gavin said. "So, you wouldn't get much sleep."

"Ugh!" I yelled. Seth started singing, and then Gavin and Rocco joined in, so I plugged my ears. I swear, theywere trying to deafen me. They continued until we reached the venue.

The bus parked in the back, and we all loaded out. I ran up the sidewalk with excitement, wanting to see the venue. I forgot there was a door there, and I ran right into it. Oops? "Um, there's kind of a glass door there, sweetie." my manager, Tom, said sarcastically.

"Sorry, I was anxious." I said embarrassed.

"I can tell. How much coffee have you had today?" he asked suspiciously.

"None, but I have had 3 Monsters." I said in an odd tone of voice.

Tom sighed. "Just keep walking."

I opened the door and walked inside. I ran around backstage, exploring like atwo-year-old in a chocolate factory. Finally, I got to the actual stage. "Oh... My... God!" I yelled happily. It was HUGE!! There was even a moshpit!! And we were sold out!! There would soon be hundreds of people watching us play our music. We had just started the band a few months ago, and look how big we already were! Okay, maybe we didn't have that many fans. But we had enough to fill this whole big venue, which was unbelievable.

The guys came up behind me with their mouths hanging open. "Holy crap!" yelled Rocco. Seth and Gavin were speechless. Our awe was disrupted by Tom. "Guys, people are going to start getting here in about two hours, so we have to do a sound check." Which, we did.

When we were done with the sound check, we had to get ready. I put on my cuteskullskirt, fishnet tights, combat boots, black lace corset, and makeup. Then I accessorized with all my gothic jewelry. Tom came into the room to tell me I had five minutes. "Shit!" I said under my breathe. I quickly wrapped up my outfit and ran like hell. I got backstage with two minutes to spare. I grabbed my guitar and stood, waiting for my cue.

Gavin walked onto the stage first, followed by Seth, them me, then Rocco. Rocco was singing the first song, so he had to introduce us. I looked out at the crowd. There were so many people! In the first row, I spotted my friends Claude, Tripp, Naomi, and Julia. They waved to me and I blew them kisses back.

The crowd went wild as we finished our first song. We played two more songs, then took a break. The guys made me stay onstage and entertain the crowd as they took a breather. Why me? No one knows! I took advantage of this chance to try to embarrass the guys. "So, do you guys want to know something about each of the boys?" I yelled into the microphone. The crowd screamed yes very loudly. "Hm, let me think. Seth still owns a pair of footey pajamas. Rocco once saw a spider on the wall and fainted. Gavin once got his car stuck in the mud, and fell in trying to get it out. How's that for interesting?" The crowd started screaming in laughter.

The guys came up behind me and gave me a disgusted look. Then they started laughing and grabbed the mic. "Now we'll tell you something about Kelsey. One time she got a shirt stuck on her head and she was running around in a bra, unable to see! How's thatfor funny?" Gavin said. The crowd started cheering and laughing. I stuck out my tongue, which just got more attention.

"Hey, I think you guys need some water!" I yelled, stealing back the mic. "Am I right?!" The crowd started screaming. Some people jumped in the air, wanting it, and some ducked. I opened my water bottle and threw water on the crowd. I nailed 5 really hot guys in the face. They were laughing. They looked familiar, but I wasn't sure if I knew them. I turned in the other direction and threw more water. Julia took out her water bottle like she always doesand threw water back at me. It hit me in the boobs. "Making this a habit, Julia?" I asked. She laughed. The crowd really reacted at my boobs getting wet! :D

We finished the concert and I had played all 3 instruments. I was backstage getting ready to meet some fans. Gavin, Rocco, and Seth were screaming in happiness for the camera. They were interviewing us, but I tended to avoid them since all they wanted to talk about was my faults and my ex who cheated on me.

I walked past the cameras, straight to the line of waiting fans. They all started screaming at my presence. They held out their hands with stuff they wanted me and the guys to sign. I started grabbing stuff and autographed it. When all the stuff was autographed, people lined up to talk to us and take pictures. I turned and saw the guys that I hit in the face with water. Just then, it hit me who they were!