All That We Need Is to Believe

All That We Need Is To Believe Chapter 6

Kelsey's POV

I sat on the floor trying to direct my eyes away from Kiro but it was hard. He was perfect. I looked up to Julia who was smiling so big she looked like a monkey on crack. Naomi was staring at high-monkey Julia. Stephie was sitting on Romeo with her mouth half open and her eyesdilated. I think she was stoned.

I kept sneaking peeks at Kiro to see what he was looking at. Each time it was the same: the floor. Or actually, just in the downward direction. So, I guess he could have been looking at his shoes, or his pants. But that would have been weird. Everyone was quiet. I looked at Naomi who had her mouth open slightly and her eyes blank, which made her look stoned. Julia was sitting in between Shin and Strify looking awkward. "Okay, I officially declare an awkward silence!" I yelled receiving a few chuckles from among the circle.

"It's not exactly a silence anymore!" Julia said. She was still sitting in between Shin and Strify. She kept on sneaking glances at the both of them and they were doing the same to her. But as soon as they looked at her, she looked away, and vice-versa.

Strify jerked his head in Julia's direction and she looked at him confused. He didn't say anything but grabbed her head. He shoved it down into her lap and she squealed slightly in surprise. "You just had to do that, didn't you Shin?!" He said angrily.

"Do what?!" Shin asked looking extremely confused. Trust me, he wasn't the only one!

"Kiss Julia!" Strify yelled. Julia's head popped up in shock at what Strify had just said. "You just had to kiss her first."

"Um, you kissed her after I did. So how can you be mad at me?" Shin asked innocently. Julia looked slightly frightened so Naomi and I went oner there and slid her out from between Strify and Shin.

"I told you guys before we came in here that I had my eyes on her. Apparently you don't care how your friends feel."Strify said looking away.

"You like me?" Julia asked disbelievingly.

Ignoring her Shin started up again. "Well did you ever stop to think that maybe I like Julia too? I've always been the shy, quiet one and you guys have taken advantage of me, and I let you. I think it's time that I stand up for myself."

"Well even if you do like Julia, I announced that I did first. I called her, so she's mine." Strify said.

"She's a person! You can't call people! I think you need to ask her who deserves her." Shin smiled. "Julia?" He asked looking at her. Strify turned toward her too.

Julia's mouth dropped open. Her face was clamped up and she didn't know what to say. I looked at Naomi and she nodded. Time to help Julia out a little. "Would you idiots just leave her alone?! Don't pressure her like that!"

"Fine!" Strify yelled. He turned back to Shin. "We'll settle this the old-fashioned way."

"What's that?" Shin asked.

"We duel for the little lady." Strify said. This didn't sound good. I looked at Naomi and Julia and they apparently had the same thought.

"No, this is just stupid." Romeo said. I looked in his direction. Sitting by his side was Steph looking worried. On his other side was Yu and Kiro. I completely forgot that they were over there.

"I don't care if it's stupid. Julia's mine and if this is the way I have to prove it then I sure as hell will!" Strify said.

"Fine, we duel!" Shin declared. Strify nodded.

"Shin!" I, Julia, Naomi, Steph, Romeo, Yu, and Kiro all yelled at once. Shin just shrugged.

If I thought the me/Kiro thing wasn't going to end well, I really wasn't ready for this! Now this.... This wasn't going to end well!