All That We Need Is to Believe

All That We Need Is To Believe Chapter 7

Kelsey's POV

Shin and Strify were sneering at each other. Julia and I looked at each other with the face that said This is not a good thing!Strify held his hand out to Shin. Shin took it and they shook on it. "Whoever gets the girl, no hard feelings." Strify said a little too nicely. Then he laughed. "I guess that means that you'll just have to get over it Shin."

"Get ready to eat your own words." Shin said with a smirk.

Romeo turned to us. "Wow, I declare a chick fight!" He said smiling.

"Hey, be nice!" Steph said lightly hitting him on the arm. Romeo just shrugged.

While Romeo and Steph were talking, I hadn't noticed that Strify and Shin had been plotting. "Where'd Shin go?" I asked.

"He told me that things were gonna get messy." Strify said. "Then he went that way." He said pointing at the door.

Naomi and Julia looked at me, as did Romeo, Yu, and Steph. That was almost everyone. Kiro was pointing at the ceiling with an amused expression. "It's a drawing of a squirrel!" He yelled happily.

"Uh, anyway... Why y'all lookin at me?!" I asked hysterically. They all shrugged.

"Do something?"Naomi asked. Kiro was still giggling at the squirrel. "Get it together Kiro!" Naomi yelled at him while hitting him in the stomach.

"Right!" Kiro yelled. "Now what?"

"Yeah, now what?" Julia asked turning to me.

"Seriously, why are you asking me?!" I asked. Did I have to do everything?!

"I don't know. Just fix it before someone gets hurt!" Julia yelled shaking my shoulders. Then Shin walked back into the room with a wheel-cart thingy. (Sorry, I'm not sure what to call it! lol)It was covered by a sheet with it's contents unknown.

"What's that?" Strify asked nervously.

"Scared, aren't ya?" Shin asked with a smirk. "Just my way of getting Julia."

"But what are you going to do with it?" Strify asked still staring at the cart.

"You'll see." Shin said mysteriously.

Everyone else was just watching without a word. "What's under there?" Stephie whispered to no one in particular. Not surprisingly, no one answered.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Kiro said quietly.

"You should." Shin said mysteriously.

"Seriously Shin, what the fuck is in there?!" I asked loudly. Shin pulled the cover off the cart revealing what was underneath. It was food. "Wow, mastermind Shin got food!Genius." I said sarcastically.

"You're gonna win Julia... with a food fight." Strify said blankly. He clapped. "Applaudfor Shin everybody!"

Shin reached for the pie and held it up. Strify then got very quiet and looked at it nervously. "Food fight!" Julia yelled.

"Okay, just a suggestion... but table... now!" I yelled.

"Table sex?!" Julia yelled happily.

"Sorry todisappoint.... but no! I meant get under the table." I explained.

"You are absolutely no fun!" Julia declared.

"Just get your ass under here!" Steph yelled grabbing Julia's shirt.

"You could have said that politely." Julia said sarcastically.

I hit her upside the head. "Dope." I muttered.

Julia turned to me and her eyes got big. "How do you know what I'm on?" She whispered. I stuck my tongue out at her and she started laughing.

"This is not good." Naomi said nervously. She wasgesturingher hands. Julia and I giggled at her. "What! This is a complex process and I need to use my hands!"

Julia and I looked at each other and started laughing. "Ewe! Only you two would think of that!" Steph said shaking her head.

"Hey, it's funny! You want to laugh too!" Julia said stupidly.

"I'm gonna ignore that." Steph declared.

"Are you guys finished?" Shin asked staring at us.

"Probably not." Julia said bluntly. "But continue."

"Get ready for this Strify." Shin said He ran at Strify with the pie. He slammed it in Strify's face. The tin fell to the floor and revealed Strify's face. Shin was smirking.

Strify walked to the cart and picked up another pie. "This'll wipe the smile off your face." He said hitting Shin with it.

"This means war." Shin declared. That's when things turned into a downright food fight. Things were flying back and forth constantly. Every so often you could hear Shin or Strify groan in surprise.

"This is all my fault." Julia said. "They're fighting over me."

"Hun, it's not your fault." Romeo said hugging her. Julia's eyes welled up with tears. "Hey, besides, it's not a big deal. It's just food. They can always just take a shower."

"You're right." Julia said blinking away the tears. We all looked back towards Strify and Shin. Both of them were completely covered in food. I couldn't even tell who was who. "Um, which one's Strify?" Julia asked.

"That would be the shorter of the two." Kiro said.

"This is better than cable." Yu said with a smile.

"Unless the thing on cable is The International Sexy Ladies Show. Cuz like that show is just... woo!" Romeo said fanning himself.

"Pig!" Naomi said. Steph scooted away from Romeo a little.

Just then the door opened and in walked Krystal. "Okay, you know that dude that had to pee? Well I got his phone number! And he like..." She looked up. "What the fuck?!" She asked referring to Shin and Strify.

"You're really oblivious, you know that?" Yu said.

"Hey, I noticed!" Krystal said defensively. "Can I hide with you guys?

"Get under." Kiro said, motioning to the table.

"Guys, this is really stupid." I said. "This is not how you're gonna get a girl. Can't we settle this some other way?"

Shin, well I think it was Shin, sighed. "You're right. We're acting like idiots." He turned to Strify. "Truce?" He asked holding out his hand.

Strify reluctantly grabbed it. "Truce." He said.

"Can we have table sex now?" Julia asked.