Status: Sorry I havn't updated it in a while......I forgot. But I'm back :-)

Hurricane Adam


At first, my parents didn't actually make me go to therapy, they were still 'considering' it. Until they stopped by one of the high school football games and learned that I had dropped out of cheer leading months ago, and that my grades started slipping. The principal recommended the school's guidance counselor, but my mom decided she wanted me to go to a professional therapist.
I woke up one morning, well I didn't actually wake up, I never slept. Anyway, I got up one morning and my mom said that I had an appointment with Dr. Keller on Monday at 4:00 p.m. We had a big argument about how I didn't think I needed a therapist. And even so, I found myself getting ready to go Monday evening.
It was nearing 4:00 o'clock. And I was getting more, and more furious at my mother. "You'll thank me in time." she said. "You're beginning to sound like a therapist Macy." I said. "Why do you keep calling me by my name? What happened to just plain old mom?" she asked, acting confused. "Well, you're just not acting very motherly lately, I guess." I said. "How so?" she asked still sounding confused. "For one thing you don't believe me that I'm not insane...." I said and was then interrupted. "I do not think your insane, where would you get that idea?" she asked, sounding even more confused. "Mom, you're sending me to a shrink!" I yelled. "I'm sending you to the therapist because you're depressed, not because you're insane." she argued. "Whatever..." I said just trying to end the conversation not wanting to talk about it anymore. "No," she said. "not whatever. How come everything is just whatever these days?"she screamed. "Are you actually going to make me say it?" I said as I almost started to cry. Everything was silent for about two minutes, and then she finally said very calmly, "It's time to go."
On the car ride there, I had gone completely quiet. I thought that if she was going to make me see a therapist, I just wouldn't say anything.
When we got to the therapist's house, I refused to get out of the car. Then, after a while, my mom said if I didn't get out of the car that I would be grounded. "What's the difference?" I said. "All I ever do is sit in my room anyway!" Then the therapist came out and asked "May I have a moment alone with Ms. James?" I immediately screamed "No!" But of coarse my mother left and said yes anyway.
After my mother left the Dr. Keller started asking a lot of questions. "Malorie,..may I call you Malorie?" she asked. "No." I said. "Well then, Ms. James, Why don't you tell me about yourself." she said. "Ah..because I don't want too! I don't need a shrink." I said sternly. "I prefer the term therapist." she said. "Yeah well, I prefer the term shrink!" I argued. "O.K. well anyway, your mother tells me your depressed, but she wanted you tell me why." she said. "Yeah well, I don't really want to tell YOU." Is it because of Henry's death?" she said. And when she said that, it was the last straw. "Don't you dare talk about Henry!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "You need to get over it Ms. James." she continued. "You can't tell me what to do! You don't even know me!" I yelled. "I think I know you enough to know you have a problem." she said. "You want to know what my problem is? At this point, it's you!" I said.
Then after that she continued to ask me questions, and I continued to refuse to give her any answers. Finally, she said that the therapy session was over. She went over and talked to my mother for a few minutes. Then they both came over to me. The therapist said I would need weekly sessions. I went out of my mind at that point. "What?! You can't just judge me like that! You think you know me after twenty minutes?! All you did was sit there and say aha, aha, tell me more about that, aha, aha, how do you feel about that, I mean what the heck I could do that!!! You know what I'm not going to put up with this! I'm just not and that's all there is to it!"
Then I ran down the street and didn't stop. I was on the street for about two hours when the cops picked me up and brought me home. When I was home my mother was all oh, Malorie I was so worried where have you been? And before she even finish her sentence I ran into my room and locked the door behind me. She ran after me but she was to late. and then she knocked for a while and asked me to please open the door and whatever. And then Dad found the key and opened it. She came in and said "Do you want some supper honey?" "No." I said. "Mal, I'm sorry but don't think this little play you put on is going to get you out of therapy, your new therapy sessions will be every Wednesday at 2:00." she said. "Are you kidding me? I'm not going to therapy ever again! Get out! Get out! Get out!" and then she finally turned around and left. I got up and slammed the door shut.