You're My Better Half

Kevin Jonas

“Guys come on get in the car. I want to get home.” I said, waiting in my jeep for Joe and Nick to get in the car. Flirtatious morons I thought.

“Yo, Kev, take a chill pill.” said Joe, climbing into the front seat. “We all know you just want to get home because Lor’s supposed to meet you at our house.”

“Shut up.” I said, starting the car. “You guys buckled?”

“Yeah.” They both answered.

I slammed the door shut pulled out of the parking spot at the recording studio and drove to our LA home. Sure enough, there was Lorelai, standing in my driveway waiting for me.

“Hey baby.” She said, smiling, opening her arms to hug me. “How was work?”

Yeah, we called making music work.

“Oh it was a long day. We had to record the same song four times because we just weren’t getting it right.”

“Aww, I’m sorry. Everything’s going to be alright. I’m making you dinner tonight.” She said, taking my hand and pulling me inside.

“Well aren’t I just lucky.”

Car door slams, it’s been a long day at work
I’m out on the freeway and I’m wondering if it’s all worth
The price that I pay, sometimes it doesn’t seem fair
I pull into the drive and you’re standing there
And you look at me
And give me that come-here-baby smile
It’s all gonna be alright
You take my hand
You pull me close and you hold me tight

“You know,” I said, sitting at the table. “You didn’t have to cook for me. We could’ve gone somewhere.”

“Kevin, I wanted to. We always go somewhere. I figured this way you could just sit and relax at home. Spend some time with me without worrying about running into paparazzi while we’re out.”

“That’s so thoughtful baby. I never looked at it that way.” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to sit down next to me on the couch while dinner was finishing cooking. The rest of my family had gone out to eat this time.

I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back with so much love, so much sincerity. I don’t deserve her.

“I love you.” I said, looking her in the eyes.

“I love you too.” She said, giving me another quick kiss and then she got up to put dinner on the table.

It’s the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe we can make it through anything
‘Cause when it all comes down
And I’m feeling like I’ll never last
I just lean on you ‘cause baby
You’re my better half

Tonight we have a concert. Lorelai, as per usual was with us. I hate that she has to stand backstage. That means I have to keep looking back at her when I smile. I wish she could be here with me. I looked back at her and gave her a pained expression and she smiled at me. She’s so cute. Then an idea struck me, I got Nick’s attention and I nodded back to Lor and he understood what I meant and nodded his head. During a break between songs I walked up to the mic.

“Hey everyone! Having fun?”

I was answered with an eruption of screams.

“Well, I’d love for all of you to meet someone very special to me.” I said, smiling at the crowd. I looked back at Lorelai and she walked out to me. She grabbed my hand and smiled at everyone and waved. “Everyone this is my girlfriend, Lorelai.”

I didn’t give away her last name, no paparazzi will ever find out her last name. She stayed onstage for the rest of the concert and I was so much more energetic. When we were done and Joe, Nick, and I bowed down, I turned to Lor. She pulled me close and gave me a tight hug.

They say behind every man is a good woman
But I think that’s a lie
‘Cause when it comes to you I’d rather have you by my side
You don’t know how much I count on you to help me
When I’ve given everything I got and I just feel like giving in
And you look at me
And give me that come-here-baby smile
It’s all gonna be alright
You take my hand
Yeah you pull me close and you hold me tight

After the concert we walked onto the tour bus, heading our way out to our next venue for tomorrow night. I sighed and sat down on the couch. Lorelai came and sat next to me. She turned my body and started rubbing my shoulders and the back of my neck.

“Why are you so good to me?” I asked as she continued rubbing. She was releasing all the tension from my back.

“Because I love you.” She said simply, kissing my cheek.

“I really don’t deserve you.” I said.

“No,” she said thinking about it and smiling, “but I deserve you.”

I turned around and looked her deep in the eyes, placing my hand on her cheek. I pulled her face closer to mine and closed my eyes and kissed her.

It’s the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe we can make it through anything
‘Cause when it all comes down
And I’m feeling like I’ll never last
I just lean on you ‘cause baby
You’re my better half

“Lor, where are you taking me?” I whined. She had taken my hand and we were walking down the streets of a town in the middle of New York State. I had no idea where we were.

“Just, trust me.” She said. She stopped at a corner and pulled me close to her and wrapped her arms around me. “You do trust me right?”

“Of course. Why?” then she pulled me around the corner and opened a door.



“A Starbucks open only to you and I.” she said, smiling at me.

“How did you manage this?” I asked.

“My uncle’s the owner of this one.”

“That was so sweet of you.”

“I know.” She said, giggling.

Well, you take my hand
Yeah you pull me close and I understand
It’s the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe that we can make it through anything

A few months later we were still touring. It was nearing Lorelai’s birthday and I had the perfect surprise for her. The night of her birthday, we were playing a concert. Near the end, our backstage crew brought out four stools. Joe and Nick sat on the ones on the end and I sat in one of the middle ones.

“Now I know all of you know this song and tonight is a special night. Tonight is my girlfriend Lorelai’s birthday. Now we want to sing to her so let’s bring her out! Lorelai!” I called.

She shyly walked onto stage and I stood up to greet her. She came and sat down next to me in the two middle stools. Then Nick and I started strumming and we played “Hello Beautiful”. Throughout the whole song my eyes were on her, and only her. Her eyes glistened with tears. When the song was over I leaned in and kissed her.

“Don’t cry yet.” I whispered.

Joe and Nick stood up and pulled their stools off to the side of the stage leaving Lorelai and I sitting, facing each other. I held the mic up to my mouth and spoke.

“Lorelai, I love you. I don’t know what I’d do without you because with you, I know that we can make it through anything. Put simply, you’re my better half. Would you do the honor,” I knelt down on one knee and pulled a box out of my pocket, “of becoming my wife?”

“Oh my gosh.” She whispered, putting her hands up and covering her mouth. Tears were escaping her eyes and I was extremely nervous. “Yes!” she shouted.

I jumped up and picked her up and spun her around. The whole audience cheered.Joe and Nick ran over and joined the hug and soon my parents and Frankie came from backstage and also hugged us.

Oh baby, it’s the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe we can make it through anything
‘Cause when it all comes down
And I’m feeling like I’ll never last
I just lean on you ‘cause baby
You’re my better half
Oh, oh baby you’re my better half
Oh, yeah baby you’re my better half

“I love you.” She said to me, the night before our wedding.

“I love you too baby. So much.” I said, kissing her forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song = You're My Better Half by Keith Urban XD

Thanks for reading! Thoughts?

~Steph <3