Something's Not Right

Janie And Jamie Starweather are twins. Though you would never know. Janie is the elder of the two, with her jet black hair and matching dark eyes people just assume she is... unlikeable and unkind. Jamie is the absolute opposite, all sunshine shades and tanned skin. She should be the angel in the family right? But she's not. Janie's no angel either but she's nothing like her sister. Jamie is willing to go to whatever lengths to get what she seeks and she doesn't care who she hurts to get it... Not even her family and friends. Janie realizes this and tries to warn her family and friends. No one believes her... except her strange new boyfriend, Caleb, he believes her and wants to help her fix whatever's going wrong with Jamie. Janie is determined to protect her family, friends and the love of her young life. She and Caleb will have to go to Hell and back -- literally -- to save, or destroy if necessary, Jamie. Will they be able to save her from herself? Or will Janie have to do something unthinkable to save those she loves? More importantly though, will she be able to do it . . . ?
  1. Chapter One
    This is the first chapter hope you like it ^.^