‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?





September 14, 1987..12:02 A.M.

My eyes opened to my dark hotel room and I waited until my eyes adjusted to the dark. I shifted and looked up to find Michael's sweet angelic sleeping face mere inches away from mine. My breath was caught in my throat as I stared at his closed eyes and listened to his slow even breathing.

I had to leave that morning. I had to wake up the girls and the twins, and get them ready for the flight back to Los Angeles. The private plane that my father had scheduled would arrive in 30 minutes and we had to get there around 1:30 or 2 o'clock.

I didn't want to leave, I'll tell you that. I didn't want to leave the one and only man that I knew I was falling for all over again. Right when I pulled away from his warm embrace, I knew I couldn't do it..but yet, I had to. I had to leave. I couldn't go through the same heartbreak that I knew I would get once again in the near future. Knowing that his fans are the ones that make him happy and get him out of his hard shell was so frightening. In my heart I knew that if we ever happen to get back together, that he would never do such a thing that would corrupt the relationship. My heart knew that he would never do the same mistake again, but what is it that's making it so hard for my mind to believe that?

I stripped down and stepped into the shower, my mind going wild with thoughts of betrayal, loneliness, but most of all..Love.

I'll be okay. The twins'll be okay. We're all going to be fine and Michael doesn't have to worry about anything. He has his fans and his family. He doesn't need a burden. He doesn't need another problem in his life along with others that I don't know about.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed quickly. I had already packed my things yesterday, so all I really had to do was go next doors, get the girls and the twins, and leave. I knew they were all ready because of the sound of loud music from their hotel room. I walked out of the bathroom to see Michael still sleeping, with a quiet snore leaving here and there. I smiled at him and watched as he slept so peacefully.

I quickly grabbed a paper and pen to write a note to the sleeping angel. I began to think of what to say and began to write.

Dear Michael,

I guess you've noticed I've left, huh? It wasn't intentional. Please believe me. I wanted to stay, but I have a flight back to Los Angeles for April's wedding in a few weeks and she wanted me to come in early. You remember April, right? The Godmother of the twins? She's marrying Prince. I don't know if you've gotten an invite or not, but I hope you have. These past few days have been the best of my life. I can't really say how I feel, but if I did, I'd have to have another paper. The twins love you, Michael and I'm happy. Hope to see you again, my sweet angel.



I sighed and walked over to Michael, placing it where I had once slept beside him. I carefully kissed his cheek and walked away.

I had gotten the girls and the twins and we made our journey to the private plane. We flew for hours on end, until it stopped at LAX. In Los Angeles..where a new trouble awaited me.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short and I'm really sorry..the nxt one'll be extra long..Promise!!! =DD
Gotta go sleep now, hope you enjoyed!!!
Happy Writer=Comments, and subscriptions..=)
Love you all!!!