‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?





October 31, 1987...1:33 P.M.

"Why am I doing this again?" I asked, staring at April with a frown.
"Because you two need to look past your differences and apologize to each other," April gave me a stern look. "Kit-Kat, you two are grown women. You guys shouldn't be having this feud over something that happened two years ago."

"But why on my birthday?" I complained getting out of April's car and walking into a cafe.
April gave me another look. "Your brothers are setting some things up at the house, so I have to take you out. Besides, this is a complete healthy thing to do!" She smiled.
"Saying sorry to someone who ruined my relationship with the man that I was in love with is healthy?" I asked.
"Yes. Come on! She didn't mean it, you know she has trust issues. Remember when we were kids? We all promised we would never hold grudges against each other and stay best friends 'til the end? What happened to that?"
"We grew up and found out that Bitches do live amongst us."

April sighed, shaking her head in disappointment.
"Is this how you want your kids to grow up? Always being mad at one person and always saying mean, cruel things to that one?"
"No...I guess I see what you mean."
"Good, cause there she is now."

My eyes found where April was staring and it landed on a brunette haired woman. She looked lost, but scared in a way. I felt my self go numb as I walked along side April towards the woman.

"Maggie, hi!" April waved over to the woman enthusiastically. Maggie turned her head towards us and smiled a shy smile. Her eyes stared into my icy eyes and she looked down onto her lap. April elbowed me in the side, pursing her lips.
"Hello, Margaret." I nodded my head sharply at her. April once again sighed in disappointment. We took our seats across from Maggie, and I could visibly see her squirm in her seat.

"So I guess you girls know why I made you two do this?" April crossed her arms over her chest and crossed one leg over the other, leaning against her chair.

Maggie and I nodded as we stared at April.

"In my opinion, this little silent argument has gone on too long for me to take. This is completely stupid for you two to do this kind of stunt. I thought the three musketeers would never be broken up?" April began to do hand motions while she spoke.

"It wasn't until someone decided to say something that really pissed me off and destroyed a perfectly good relationship," I mumbled under my breath.
"Katrina, you really need to stop acting like a child! I love you, but you need to get over this. You knew your little love fest with Michael wasn't going to last anyway."
"That's completely not true!" I defended.
"Don't test me," April warned. I rolled my eyes and let her continue with her lecture.

"Maggie, don't think you're going to get away with this. What you did was really idiotic and you should've thought first before you reacted to Michael. No, don't open your mouth, I'm not finished yet! If you're going to give me that excuse about your trust issues, well that's not going to cut it. You knew Kat liked Michael, and you shouldn't of interfered with it. You're lucky Kat didn't do anything to you because if it was me, you would've had you butt torn up."

Maggie gulped and took a deep breath before speaking.
"Look, Katrina. I'm really sorry. It's just...I thought he would do something that would hurt you and I didn't want that to happen. I was trying to protect you, but instead I ended up costing you a love life. I really hope you could find a way to forgive me," Maggie bit her bottom lip, staring at me with big puppy eyes. April coughed for my response and I groaned.

"I...well I'll think about it." April kicked my knee under the table. "Okay, on second thought you're forgiven. You're not the problem right now anyway..so yeah." I rubbed my knee in pain.
"I think you make have broken my knee cap." I glared daggers at April and she smiled happily, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

"You think they serve any dough-nuts with pickles inside?" April asked. Maggie and I shared a laugh as we stared at April in disgust.
"Dough-nuts with pickles inside? April, you are way worse than I was!" I accused.
"Kiss my fat ass, okay. Blame it on this baby." April pouted.

Maggie and I shook our heads and an awkward silence followed along. Once again, April saved us the awkward moments and soon we found ourselves to be the big goof balls that we used to be when we were younger.

About a few hours later we were all in April's car singing to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, going back to the house for the party that I knew awaited me.

When we finally pulled up to the house, about over 50 cars were pulled into the drive. I had no clue how they fit, but they did.

We made our way inside and when I set foot into the house, screams of surprise were thrown around and I laughed in enjoyment.

"Happy Birthday!" Prince walked up with Kaleb in his arms and went to kiss April. He hugged me and handed me the small baby and stared at Maggie in confusion.
I placed a soft kiss on Kaleb's cheek and smiled down at the baby who giggled towards me. My eyes found Malina who came running at me at full speed. I caught her, amazingly not dropping Kaleb. I set the little boy down and the twins ran off into their play room.

April grabbed me and led me to the kitchen where everyone was packed, ready to sing the happy birthday song. I watched as everyone began to sing their hearts out and I laughed as some were out of tune.

The party went well on it's way and it became a really good birthday than I had expected. I was now 25 and I was dreading my next birthday. I mean, I was getting old. Who wants to get old?

I made my way out of the kitchen for a glass of pepsi when I pumped into someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I should've been looking!" I looked up slowly and stopped in shock to see the same man that Maggie and I had been arguing about.

♠ ♠ ♠
Love you guys so much!!! Your comments made me smile real big!! =DD
Always remember that a Happy Writer equals Comments, Subscribers, and More Readers!!!!!!!!!!! =)
Please keep that in mind..

P.S.-My tooth is now hurting like a freak, so l really didn't pay attention to my mistake that I may of made...Please let me know if you see any..=)..Thx..This chapter is not as long as I want it, but blame it on my tooth coz it's hurting super bad and I'm crying right now because of it...I'll be so happy when I get to the dentist though..=)