‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?





"Kat? Are you okay? Something wrong?" April asked with worry.
"U-uh, well." I took a deep breath. "I don't think I feel safe anymore."
"What do you mean? I don't understand."
"I feel...I don't know. I can't explain it. It's just that I feel like..not like myself. Like something is going to happen to me and I need someone to know about it before it happens."
"Kat, nothing is going to happen to you. Just go back to sleep and relax."
"I can't," I sighed. "I had this nightmare and it just felt...weird."
"You've always had weird dreams," April chuckled.
"No, not like those dreams where I'm on top of a muffin singing 'I Married the Muffin Man'. It's more than that. It was so vivid and I felt everything that was struck at me."

I began to tell the nightmare I had to April with full detail. The familiar, un-welcoming shivers returned and I felt my tears sting my eyes. I finished within about thirty minutes prior of giving April the complete story of my horrible dream.

"It's not going to happen. Don't worry so much, you worry-wart," April tried to lighten up the mood.
"Yeah, I'll try. I'll call you later, I hear one of the twins waking up now," I told her as the sound of a whimper came from the baby monitor in my hand.
"Okay. I'll talk to you later."

April and I hung up and I stood to go back in the house. I left the phone on a near-by table and walked up the stairs and through my room, into the nursery. Kaleb stood in his crib, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. He looked up at me with a weak smile.

"Mom-ma," He outstretched his arms for me to lift him into my own. I grinned at the small boy and did as he wanted. I kissed him on the cheek, looking towards the still sleeping Malina.

"You hungry?" I asked softly.
Kaleb shook his head slowly and rested it on my shoulder.
Kaleb yawned, unknowingly answering my question. I kissed the top of his head and decided to turn some quiet song for him to sleep to. I walked over to the radio on the twins' dresser and turned it on. The song on the station that I clicked to had just ended and a voice rang out through the speakers.

"And that was Tiffany with her new single, 'I Think We're Alone Now'. Precious girl, she is." The voice chuckled. "Now onto the news report, there is a rumor circulating about Michael Jackson that will shock your socks off."

I turned off the radio, not wanting to hear their lies, as Kaleb began to suck his thumb, staring at me with his beautiful big eyes.

"Do me a favor, sweetie. Don't ever believe anything anyone says, unless you trust them completely with your heart, okay?" I stared at Kaleb as he grinned up at me. I took that as an understanding to my request. I brushed my hand through my hair and Kaleb caught sight of the ring on my left hand. He pointed at it with with his mouth forming an 'O'.

"It's pretty, huh?" I stared at the small child with a far-away look on my face. "A very special man gave it to me. Do you like it?"
Instead of answering my question, Kaleb replied with a five letter word that surprised me. "Dad-dy."

I stiffened as he started to say the word over and over again. I tried to breathe evenly as I set Kaleb down to sit on the floor. My heart accelerated as I listened to my baby boy say the most incredible thing he could have ever said.

I knew that Malina was going to hear this and was going to start saying it too. It was like what ever big brother did, little sister had to do too.

"Yes. Daddy," I murmured to myself.


A few hours had passed and everybody had awoke. I was sitting in the play room with the twins when the door-bell rang. Will yelled out that he would get it.

"Kat! It's for you," Will informed. He walked into the play room with a grin.
"There's someone at the door for you."
I left the room to see who would've possibly wanted to see me when I saw a tall figure leaning against the door frame with his head bowed down.

"What're you doing here, stranger?" I smirked.
Michael looked up with a smile. "Hey."
I returned the smile with a glow. "Come in." Michael obeyed and walked in, his eyes never leaving my excited ones.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' I thought.

"Dad-dy!" Malina's voice came from the play room. Michael's face had a curious, yet intrigued look to it. Michael's feet walked away from me and into the room to see Malina and Kaleb playing with their little toys that was strewn around.

"Dad-dy!" Kaleb shrieked, staring up at Michael. I watched Michael's facial features change from curious to confuse to shocked then to gloriously happy in five seconds.

"When did they start this?" Michael asked, obviously choked.
"This morning. Kaleb woke up so I went to check on him. He noticed my ring and that's when he popped the word out."
Michael didn't reply back as he was too consumed in listening to the twins repeating the word he's always wanted to hear since...well, since he became a father. Day One of the twins' lives.

"Wait, ring?" Michael asked.
"Yeah...the ring you gave me before I left for Tennessee."
"Grandma's ring." Michael didn't ask. He stated, as he stared down at the gleaming ring that was placed on my finger and never left it.
"It looks beautiful on you," He smiled.
"Thank you," I blushed.

"Mom-ma," Malina walked up to me with a small paper in her multi-colored hands. I grinned at the painting she did for me.
"Is this for me?" My heart melted as Malina smiled. "Thank you, sweetie. It's gorgeous!" I kissed the top of her head. Kaleb walked over to Michael's side and held his arms out for him. Michael picked him up giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

It was beginning to seem as if I was getting the family that I wanted ever since I was a little girl, but yet, with the whole situation with Michael, I'm not getting the whole full thing yet.

"Why don't we take a walk?" Michael suggested. "Just you, the twins, and I?"

I nodded my head and followed the man that I've always dreamed about as my Knight in Shining Armor.
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Whoo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's PAR-TAY!!!!!!!!!! Finally, I got this chapter out..hehe...I hope you guys comment...I really need positive feedback, for me to keep going with this story...not saying I'm quiting on it...just well letting you guys give me support like you've always had...Please subscribe...people are doing that, but very slowly and I'm happy with it...just keep on subscribing..=DD...Please inform your friends about this story if they are MJ fans and they love him like me and the other Michael-lovers...=)..Also if you can..Check out my new story that is dedicated to Michael's eldest son..Prince Michael Jackson it is called...Prince's Princess..If you can do that..I would love you even more..=P
