‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?

Reaching A Decision




Michael held onto Kaleb as he dipped him, almost making the thick hair on the child's head meet the emerald, green grass of my front yard.

Kaleb's giggles came out in a squeal and Michael laughed along with him. I watched as they interacted as father and son. Malina stood by me with her head down, staring at a patch of colorful rocks under her feet.

"Pity wocks, Mom-ma," She pointed down at them, looking up at me with her grin. I nodded at her with a smile and pointed down at them myself.
"Yes. They're very pretty. Why don't you take one and give it to Daddy, huh?" I suggested. Malina bobbed her head enthusiastically, grabbing a hand-full of rocks in her tiny hands. She stalked off and made her way to Michael.

"Or you can take a whole bunch," I laughed.

Michael looked down at Malina, curious as to what she had.
"Pity wocks." Malina placed them in Michael's out-stretched hand. "For you Dad-dy."
"Thank you! I'll keep them with me forever and ever." Michael gave a sweet kiss to Malina on her pudgy cheeks.

"Dad-dy like?"
"Very very much, my sweet, baby angel."

Michael gave a hug to Malina and Kaleb watched with a sour look.
"My Dad-dy!" He yelled.
"No, my Dad-dy!" Malina fired.
"No! Mine!"
"No! Mine! He mine!"

"Okay! I think I know two little trouble-makers that are going to have a time-out if they don't stop their bickering," I pointed my pointer finger at them. They stared down with a frown and Michael sighed. He bent down to their level, bringing his arms around them in a hug.

"I am both of your Daddy. I always will be. But I won't have you two arguing, okay? That makes Daddy sad that you're fighting because of him. That breaks Daddy's heart." Michael said softly. The twins sniffled.
"Can you stop this for Daddy, please? It would really make him happy."
The twins nodded and stared up at Michael. He smiled and gave them both a soft kiss on the top of their heads.
"Now go play, while I have a word with your Momma."

'Uh, oh. What did I do?' I thought.

Michael turned to me and kept his eyes locked with mine.
"What? I didn't do anything," I tried to defend myself.
"And what makes you think you're in trouble?"
"'Go play, while I have a word with your Momma' really doesn't help."
"I just wanted to talk to you," Michael smiled.
"Right, okay. Well, talk away."

Michael giggled and licked his lips. Something triggered down in my lower torso, sending some electric friction down my body as my eyes watched his lips form a smirk.

"Not in front of the children, Katrina," Michael joked.
"Har, har. Very funny." I scoffed.
"I told you that you can't resist me."
"Shut up or I'll...."
"Or you'll what? Attack me with your lips?" Michael giggled, but then stopped. "Actually that doesn't sound bad at all."
"Michael," I sighed.
"What?" He asked innocently.

I stared at him as he inched closer to my body. My heart skipped a beat with every step he took and it grew louder as his smile grew. My hands trembled at my side as my eyes traveled down his body and it widened at the visible bulge in his pants. Michael finally got close enough that he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his body.

"Was that there before or after you had that talk with the kids?"
"After. Right when I licked my lips," Michael huskily responded in my ears.
"Not in front of the children, Michael," I mimicked him. Michael's back was toward the kids so they didn't see what Michael did next. His hands roamed my back and they slithered down my sides and over my buttocks in a grope.

I gasped out loud, getting the twin's undivided attention.
"Don't worry, Mommy's okay. Go play."
Malina and Kaleb didn't have to be told twice as they continued on with their little game of chase.

"Michael, I'm not joking. Seriously. Not in front of the twins."
"Then when?" The bulge erected even more at the question he asked.
"I-I-I don't know. Not right now though."
Michael pulled away slowly. "So you're saying we can..."
"Then what are you saying, Katrina?"
"I'm saying not in front of the kids."
"And not right now?"
"No, not right now."
"I-Michael, I don't know."
"You just said no that we can't..."

I stared at him for quite a long time until I got his message.
"Oh. Oh. Oh!" My mouth hung open as the realization hit me.
"Michael, I'm not ready. I mean, I don't even know where we are in this thing we're having."
"I would very much like to call it a relationship." Michael offered a weak smile.
"I don't know," I said softly.
"I know I hurt you, but let me take it away. Let me take the pain away that I caused."
"And if you just cause more?"
Michael stared at me with a broken look.

I sighed and thought it over. When I finally reached a decision, I opened my mouth and began to give him my answer.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it has been too long since I've updated and I would like to apologize. Please forgive me....I was going to update yesterday, butt I fell asleep when I got finished eating...I was so tired since I took this huge test in class and it really wore me out. I finally finished it though and I am positive, I did good on it..(:
I ask you wonderful readers to please comment...tell me what you like and what you don't...I appreciate constructive criticism and I would like some feedback on it...Please subscribe...I would really be happy if you do..(:
Also if you have any friends that are MJ fans...let them know about this story...They may like it...(=.....Thank you guys for your support...I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!
