‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?

Daddy's Request


Michael stared at me with hopeful eyes. I stared back, searching for any doubts, any pain, but all I could see was hope, and that alone. I bit my bottom lip, my eyes leaving his, and back to the twins who were still playing their little game. I weighed my options and thought over my decision again on what I should do. I sighed and finally decided to end Michael's squirming and just come out with my answer.

I opened my mouth, but no words escaped. I tried again; still nothing. So instead of just telling Michael what I felt, I chose to show him.

I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to my body. My hands slithered around his neck and brought his head down to mine. I could feel his hot breath on my waiting lips and I knew then that I had made the right chose, just by staring into his dark chocolate pools. He smirked as I tilted my head upwards. Our lips crashed and melted against each other's. They moved in a rhythmic motion and seemed to in sync. My hands moved up into his curls and my fingers played with them for a few moments. My head was filled with fireworks, popping into the night sky with bright colors that started to paint with the stars. It started to blend in and I began to make what the form was; a heart. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away, leaning my forehead into Michael's.

"Was that a yes?" Michael asked with a goofy grin. I nodded my head and Michael grinned, showing off his pearly whites. He grabbed onto my waist and picked me up in a twirl. I giggled along with Michael as the twins ran over to us.

"Me fwy, Dad-dy! Me fwy!" Malina shouted, throwing her hands in the air for Michael to pick her up.
"You want to fly like Mommy?" Michael smiled. "Alright, kiddo! C'mere!"

Michael lifted Malina into the air and the little girl's giggles sounded off into the evening. Kaleb walked over to my side and watched with a big smile as his little sister was thrown up into the sky, but then carefully caught in the arms of her Daddy. Kaleb took my hand and I squeezed it in comfort.

Soon Michael placed Malina back down on the ground and her little legs carried her over to me. She ran into my legs and I laughed as she stared up at me with happy eyes.

Michael watched, breathing heavily and his eyes found Kaleb's. He smirked and Kaleb ran off, a tiny squeal coming from his lips. Michael ran after him and soon after, he caught him in his arms. They both laughed as Michael blew raspberries on Kaleb's tummy. The little boy let out a loud giggle as Michael laughed along.

"I've caught the run-away child, Mommy," Michael joked.
"I can see that. Now, what ever shall we do with him?" I played along. Malina giggled as she watched Michael tickle Kaleb.
"I'm not sure. Should we punish him?" Michael asked with a wink.
"What kind of punishment are we talking about?" I smirked.
"The kind that teaches our son to stop running away," Michael smiled.

I smiled as Michael said, 'Our son.' I stared at him in admiration, but was then interrupted as I heard Will's voice.

"Kat! Dad wants you!" He screamed out an open window.
"I'll be there in a second!" I yelled back.

Michael set Kaleb back onto the ground and grabbed a hold of his hand. I grabbed Malina's and we walked and laughed about random things. We made our way into the house and the twins ran off into their play room. Michael kissed my forehead and followed the twins.

"He's in his office," Will informed with a smile, glad to see that I was happy now, but still a bit on the edge. I nodded and walked upstairs and turned to the left. I walked down the very long hall, until I reached the very last door on the right. I opened the door without knocking to see my father sitting at his desk with a paper in his hand.

"Ah, Katrina." My father smiled. "Come. Please, have a seat."
I obeyed my father and took a seat in front of his desk.
"I see you and Michael have patched things up?"
"Yes," I grinned.
"That's good. Very good. I've always liked him, you know?" He chuckled.
"Yes, Daddy. I know." I nodded. "Is there a reason why I am up here, or did you just want to talk about Michael and I?"
"No, no. There's a reason." He paused.
"Okay." I waited patiently, listening to my father take a deep breath.
"Katrina. You know you are in my will, right?"
"I would like to hope so. Why?" I asked suspiciously.
"Sweetie, some things are better left un-said and others...not so much." He said seriously.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I got news from your mother's brother last night." He told me. "It seems that, uh, some things have come up and I need to go away for awhile."
I stared at my father as he continued.
"I'll have to leave tonight in order to make it to where your Uncle has assigned me to."
"Is that all?" I asked quietly.
"No." He took another deep breath. "Katrina. In case something happens, I need you take care of everyone. I need you to be the leader of the house, understand?"
"Not so much. What do you mean? What's going to happen?" My voice went up an octave.
My father sighed. "Do you remember those stories I've told you about when you were a little girl? How I would travel around the world and discover things before I became a producer?"
I nodded my head.
"Your uncle has found something in the Sahara desert that may be of great use and he needs me."
"But?" I pushed.
"It's a dangerous trip. Some have went out to seek it just like your uncle, but they never made it out. Your uncle needs my help."
"And if you two don't make it out...you'll die?"
"We'll die." My father confirmed.

I stayed silent for a while, letting the news sink in. "Why me? Why do I have to lead this family? Why not one of the boys?"
My father didn't answer. It was silent until I spoke up again.
"They're coming with you aren't they?" I whispered.
"We need them. They would be very helpful." My father said.
"What about Mom? She can't lead?"
"She can. She just refuses. She doesn't want us to go. You're next, Katrina. You have to keep this family in line. Could you do that?" My father asked. "For me? The family?"

I stared down at the ground absently. His request for me to watch over the family while he and the boys are gone risking their lives somewhere in a desert is something I didn't want to hear from him. I couldn't do it. I knew I couldn't. And if they died? What could I do then? Still the lead the family like nothing ever happened? My head throbbed with the thoughts spinning in my mind. My father sat in front of me, waiting for my answer. I looked up at him, my jaw tightening at his calm expression. I sighed and closed my eyes, shaking my head of the image of seeing my family dieing.

"Yes. I'll do it."
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I know, I know. I'm sorry I haven't updated in while!!! Please excuse my absence from updating....Thanks once again for reading you guys!!!! Please subscribe, and comment!!! I would like positive feedback please. And if you can, please let ur MJ fans know about this!!!
