‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?

Three Giddy Fans


"Hey Kat," Andy waved in my direction with a slight smile. I stared at him for a while until I felt an arm snake their way around my waist. I looked up to see Michael's icy glare towards Andy. It was as if he was trying to say that I was his and his only. I sighed.

"I don't want to sound rude, but what are you doing here?" I asked softly.
"You're Dad asked me to stay here. You know, just in case." Andy gave me a look. I nodded, understanding what he meant.

My Dad wanted someone to look after us just in case I wasn't able to for some good reason. He knew something was going to happen, he just didn't know when, so he took matters into his own hands to send someone who was eligible enough to watch over us. He knew Michael couldn't do it since he had to tour around the world. But wasn't he the one who asked me to do the leading? Wasn't I the one who accepted his request that could possibly be his last? My Dad knew something and he was hiding it away from us. But what was it?

"Things definitely changed around here." Andy changed the subject. "I didn't know you had kids. When was the wedding?" Andy asked in confusion.
"There never was one." Michael whispered.
"Then who's kids are these?"
"Ours," I replied.
"Oh. They're very sweet," Andy gave a smile.
"Just wait until you get to know them. They're a complete riot," I smirked.
"Something they inherited from their mother, I see." Andy mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the twins. I placed a kiss on each of their cheeks, Michael following suite. There was a knock on the door when I was going to speak again.
"I'll get it," I said.

I quickly made my way to the front door and opened it to see a familiar face.
"Greg?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"
"My services are needed here, ma'am." He tilted his black hat in a greeting.
"For?" I chuckled.
"Your father asked for me to help a young man named Andy. He said he was going to need all the help he can get for the mission he was asked to go on."
"How exactly are you and Andy needed?" I asked curiously, stepping out of the door-way and letting him in.
"He just wanted us to keep tabs on what was going on here while he was gone."
"Does he not trust me anymore?"
"No, Kat. It's not like that. He wants us to do some things that you can't take care of. He says that you are still in charge of the family, but we're in charge of things that happen outside of the family. The only time we can take over the responsibility of taking care of your family is if it's an emergency. You know, like an attack or something."
I nodded again. "Well, when will there be an attack?"
"Don't you mean if?"
"I'm not stupid, Greg. There's something you guys are not willing to tell. You know, Andy knows, anyone who works for my father knows. All, but me." I muttered to him in case the others would hear our conversation. The last thing I wanted was someone to panic and then get everybody else to panic.

"Everything's going to be okay, Kat. Nothing's going to happen."
"Can you promise that?"
Greg stayed silent.
"Exactly. Nothing's going to be okay. Not until my father, my uncle, and my brothers come back home with no harm done to them." I paused. "What's going to happen if something does happen? What do I do then, huh? I can't just pick up after where my father left. I can't do it, Greg. I'm not strong enough to keep this family moving."
"Don't talk like that. They're all coming back. You just need to keep the hope and faith alive inside of you and your family."
"Did my father tell you that?"
"As matter of fact, he did." Greg smiled. I returned it and we both walked into the kitchen where everyone else was seated.


"Wait, I need that." Kayliee pointed to a white poster.
"Okay, go get it and we'll see what else we'll need." I told her, tightening my grip on the twins' hands and searching for any signs of Michael, who happened to disappear a few seconds ago.

Kayliee had a social studies project that was due in six days. She was partnered up with three different people and they all decided that they would do separate things in order to get the project done faster. Kayliee agreed to do the poster while the other two did the rough draft and final draft of their report. If Kayliee needed any help she would call one of her partners to lend her a hand.

We traveled around the store, looking for any necessities that Kayliee might've needed. We came across a lot of magazines with Michael's face on the cover and at one point, we heard a three teenage girls gossiping and giggling about him.

"He's so cute!" One of them gushed.
"He's better than cute, he's hot!" Her friend giggled.
"No way! He's even better than that. There's no words to describe him! But you know what? He can be bad with me anytime he wants," Another girl said smugly. "I wouldn't mind a piece of him if it was hand delivered to me."

The three girls giggled as Kayliee looked over at me with a slight humorous expression placed upon her face. I shrugged and giggled quietly to myself. We continued to search in the same aisle that the three giddy girls were in. My hands disconnected from the twins and they walked away, making their way over to Kayliee.

I felt a tap on my shoulders and I turned around to see Michael disguised. I tried to stifle my laughter, but it came out in loud snorts. The three girls looked over and they stared at the two of us in curiosity. Michael turned his back to them and wiggled his eyebrows. I shook my head at him.

"Hey, that guy looks familiar, don't you think?" One of the girls asked.
"Yeah, but who is he?"

I shook with muffled laughter while Michael smirked down at me.

"Kat! Come over here and look at this," Kayliee said. Michael and I walked over and we all stared up at a poster of Michael. He was posing out of his Bad video.

"I am so getting that poster! Excuse me? Can I get through, please?" The girl who seemed to notice Michael looking familiar to her first, pushed past us and started to search for the poster of Michael.

I sighed and grabbed a hold of Malina's tiny hand. Michael grabbed onto Kaleb's.
"Come on, we have to go. Kayliee, you have everything you need?" I asked. She nodded her head and walked away.

About fifteen minutes later, we were outside and walking towards my parked car. The three other girls had purchased their things after us and they walked behind us, searching for the car they drove in. I just pulled out of my parking place and was about to drive off when I saw the girl with the poster stare at the back of my car right when Michael took off his disguise. Her mouth dropped open and she pointed towards us.

"It's Michael Jackson! Oh my gosh! It's him!" She started to run for us and I quickly drove off to her dismay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, it's been really long since I've updated. It seems that not many people are updating their MJ stories anymore. There's only one person I know who's actually doing it daily, and I thank her for that. You guys should check out her story if you haven't read it yet. Off The Wall and the sequel to it is I Just Can't Stop Loving You....They're really good....(:
Anyways..please comment your thoughts about the stories...not many people are doing that now and it's kind of getting under my skin about whether or not people are interested in MJ anymore. There are less people now who are reading fantastic stories about MJ and it's really bothering me. Please subscribe...that would really make me happy and maybe it would bring a chance of more updates. Also, if you readers have any MJ friends...please let them know about this story...Love you guys so much...(:



P.S.- For those of you who forgot who Andy was...please go back to Give In To Me and check out the chapter titled..Sweet Daddy-O...♥