‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?

Weird Feelings


Banner made by yours truly..(:

December 12, 1987...5:05 P.M.

"Andy, shut up!" I hissed over at the man leaning against the wall, laughing hysterically over something that seemed very stupid.
"It fell! I get it! Now, shush before you wake the twins up!"
"I-I-I'm s-sorry! But the way it made the s-s-sound! That was hilarious!" He laughed even harder. I sighed and walked over to the now crouched man on the floor laughing hysterically. I shoved him out the door, making him land on his buttocks on the floor of my room outside of the nursery. I walked out of the twins' room and shut the door quietly behind me. Andy continued to laugh.

"Andy. You're stupid. The toy fell and made a squeaking sound. Whoopee stinking do!" I threw my hands in the air in fake enthusiasm.
"But did you hear it clearly? It sounded like it farted!" He laughed even harder.
"You better not pee on my carpet." I gave him a stink eye.
"I-I-I can't promise a-anything!"
I groaned out of annoyance and grabbed onto Andy's ear. He stopped laughing instantly.
"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow!" He screamed.
"Get up and get out of my room," I commanded.
"Is someone PMSing?" Andy sang.
"Out!" I pointed towards my door and he muttered under his breath, but did as he was told.

I shut the door behind him and placed my hand on my forehead. I felt dizzy; very dizzy. I headed into the bathroom and stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. I continued to look at myself with drowsy eyes.

Over the weeks of dealing with my sisters, my mother, Andy and Greg, Michael, and the twins, all the stress seemed to have directed their way towards me. I haven't been myself after the first week of having the guys stay over and Michael leave for a few days for an interview, photoshoot, and going over some things at the production building. I'd feel light-headed, dizzy, and my moods would change constantly, but not a lot.

I thought about how I was feeling for over a couple of weeks when Andy's words struck me.

'Is someone PMSing?'

I gasped and quickly went to check for anything red around my lower torso. There, on the white satin of my undergarment, was the cause of why I was feeling weird.

"How the hell could I have forgotten that I was due for this?" I mumbled to myself. I scowled at myself when I remembered I didn't have anything to hold the flow of blood. I sighed, shaking my head in aggravation.

I tried my best to hold off the uncomfortable feeling, and when I did I walked back into my room, finding a change of clothes. I changed in the room and walked out the door with the messy clothes in hand. I walked down the stairs and turned to the left. I walked down a hall and into the first door that was on the right. I turned the lights on and threw the clothes into the near-by hamper. I quickly made my way out of the room and practically ran into the kitchen where everyone, minus Michael and the twins, were seated at.

"Why're you in such a rush?" My mother asked, pausing whatever she was doing.
"Uh, I have to go buy some things," I clarified, grabbing the car keys on the counter.
"Well, don't be out too long, kay? I need you to come back in time to help with dinner."
"Sure. Okay, whatever."
Before I was out the door I heard Andy chuckle. "See what PMSing gets you to?"
I stopped mid-run and turned on my heel, walking back into the kitchen.
"Andy, you're just about this close to getting your head ripped off!" I placed my pointer finger and thumb just centimeters away. "Now stop it!"
"Whoa! Okay, okay! I'll stop." He held his hands up in defense. "Sheesh, you don't really have to get all witchy!"

I rolled my eyes and left the tension filled house.


Driving back into the drive-way of the house, I could hear the laughs of my family and friends inside. I smiled a little at the joy they all shared. I looked through a near-by window as I was walking up the steps to the house and saw all the smiling faces of the ones I held so dearly to my heart. The twins' giggles floated through out the house and my smile grew louder. A head of black, curly hair caught my attention as he gave a kiss to Malina. I smirked as his eyes found mine. His lips moved, forming words, but nothing came out. I grinned, realizing what he said. I replied back, mouthing the words he used for me.

I love you too!

I walked into the house to greet the happy faces inside it.
"Mom-my!" Kaleb ran over to me in a fit of giggles. "Look! Dad-dy buy can-dy! Dad-dy buy can-dy!" He waved the chocolate bar in his hands wildly. "But I no eat." He shook his head, pouting.
"Of course not, sweetie. But when you're done eating your dinner, then you can eat your chocolate. In the meanwhile, do you think you can let Mommy hold your candy bar? I promise I won't eat it," I told the little boy who stood there, pondering his decision.
"Okay, but no eat!" He pointed at me, looking up from beneath his eyelashes in a cute, commanding way.
"Alright. Mommy promises not to eat candy."
"If you do, Mom-my, Dad-dy will punish you."

I looked over at Michael who had a big smirk on his face. He wiggled his eyebrows and I chuckled under my breath.

The night dragged on and soon dinner came and gone. We were all in the living room when Kyliee spoke up.

"Would you mind helping out at our school? You know, become a substitute teacher for a while?"
"Some teachers at the school are out on meetings and the principle asked if Mom can come, but she can't."
"Why not?"
"She said she's going to be busy with some things, so she asked me to ask you."
"Sure, I guess. What grade?"
"My grade," She grinned wickedly.
"Oy." I shook my head, faking disappointment.
"Shut up," She threw her pillow she clutched in her arms at my face.

I laughed so hard I fell off the chair.
♠ ♠ ♠
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