‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
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What More Can I Give?




December 15, 1987...7:12 A.M.

"Mrs. Nakia-Simmons, I presume?" A good-looking man in a red button up shirt and black dress pants walked up to me, taking my hand in a shake.
"Miss, actually. And you must be Principle Daniels?" I smiled politely staring up at Kyliee's principle.

He was a tall man with full, thick hair of blond, almost white. He looked to be around his late thirties, early forties. He had a sincere smile and huge, baby-blue eyes that would make any woman melt and crave to be held in his arms.

"You are very much correct, Miss Nakia-Simmons. You are Kyliee Whitlock's older, half sister is that right?"
I nodded my head at the handsome man.
"Well it's very nice to meet you, ma'am. Thank you for volunteering to substitute on the behalf of one of my teacher's."
"Likewise, sir. It's no trouble at all."

Principle Daniels showed me around the school and directed me to the classroom where I was to sub in.

"Mrs. Landry had left some notes for what the class would do. If you need any help call the office or ask one of the other teachers." Principle Daniels gave me one kind smile before he left, leaving me in the very decorative room.

It was a big room with about thirty desks inside facing a green chalkboard. The room was decked out with signs and rules of the lessons that students would learn when the time came. There was a long desk with papers and folders of all sorts on top of it. It was the teacher's desk. I walked over to it to see a paper of listed things.

Here is a list of who sits where. Students tend to sit where ever when there is a sub. Please leave a note on whether the class has been behaving well or not. Down below is a few things that the students are to finish before class is over. Notify them to turn in at the white box on my desk. Thank you.

I scanned the list of things the students were to finish and it was a lot. Under the note that the teacher left were a stack of papers divided so I could tell what was what. I began to ready myself for when the bell rang for the students to enter the room so the lesson could begin. I wrote my name on the board in big letters and gave myself a pep talk when their was a knock on the open door of the classroom. I looked up to see Kyliee standing with a smile on her face.

"Hey!" She said excitedly.
"Kyliee what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the gym waiting for the dismissal bell like the other kids."
"I'm allowed back here as long as you don't tell me to run off. Besides I have you first and last hour." Kyliee grinned.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get in trouble. Especially me since this is my first day and all."
Kyliee rolled her eyes. "You're such a worry wart. I actually feel sorry for the twins. But I won't get in trouble and you won't either. I usually do this every morning at school. Besides I could help you with what you need to know and stuff."
"You're such a teacher's pet. I hope you know that."

Kyliee playfully punched my arm with a smile. "Whatever, but you know you love me."
"Or do I?" I asked. I giggled as Kyliee narrowed her eyes at me. "I'm joking."


I drove home with Kyliee and Kayliee in the car with me. Teaching at Kyliee's school was more or less great. Everybody was where they needed to be and they did their work. It went smoothly until a fight broke out between these two boys. Apparently they've hated each other since second grade and couldn't stand each other.

One boy named Tommy threw a stack of pointy pencils at another boy named Chase. Chase ignored it the first time, but when Tommy got aggravated at Chase he walked up to him and pushed him down. Chase got mad and pushed Tommy back. Needless to say, everything became a riot and I had to pull the two apart immediately. Kyliee had went next door to get another teacher, Mr. Jacobson, and he definitely helped out with my struggle to free the boys from each other's grasp.

The teachers had said that it happened everyday with the two boys, but they were surprised that it didn't start early in the morning as usual.

I parked the car in the drive-way and got out with Kyliee and Kayliee. Kyliee, the gossip girl she was, had told Kayliee what had happened and now they both raced in the house to tell everyone. I rolled my eyes at their immaturity and took my time walking inside. Michael was there waiting by the door to give me a kiss on the cheek. The twins were flanked on each of his sides and they both gave me wet kisses on the cheek also. I could hear the excitement in the girl's voices as they told the story of what happened in class. When they were finished, Mom stared at me with worry.

"I hope you're alright." She said softly.
"I guess that's where she got it," Kyliee muttered.
"Got what?" I asked.
"The worrying thing. You and Mom worry to much. You guys need to relax." Kyliee replied.

I rolled my eyes.
"At least Katrina is okay." Michael butted in.
Kyliee groaned in annoyance. "You're even worse than Mom and Kat combined!" She accused.
"Kyliee Jane Whitlock!" My mother scolded. "What is up with your attitude?"
"Ugh!" Kyliee didn't answer Mom's question but instead stalked up to her room in furry.

"What's up her butt?" Andy asked, biting into an apple. Kayliee sighed as she stared up at us with raised eyebrows.
"She hasn't fully forgiven Mikey of his actions towards Kat is all." She shrugged her shoulders.

I looked at Michael who had guilt written all over his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck in comfort and kissed him gently on his lips.
"It's okay. It's okay." I whispered into his ears.

His arms snaked their way around my waist and he pulled me even tighter against his frame. He buried his head in my neck and sighed. We both pulled away when we heard two childish huffs.

"Auntie be mean." Kaleb scrunched up his face.
"We no like!" Malina glared into space.

I would've laughed if the situation hadn't taken such a bad turn so quickly.
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Please forgive me for taking so long on updating. I'm so sorry for the wait. Since this week is Thanksgiving Week, I have time to update BOTH of my stories!!!((: Love you guys to much!!
