‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?

Intruder Alert

Michael stared at me with a smirk.

"I know. I invited her."

I looked up at Michael with a raised eyebrow. I was just about to ask him why he did when April grabbed my wrist and led me towards the cake that had two candles on it.

"Where's the lighter?" She asked, stopping in front of the cake.

"Um, I think it may be in that drawer right there. Check inside."

I watched as April opened the drawer, and grabbed a blue lighter.

I felt a presence behind me and I looked back to see Michael with Kaleb in his arms and Malina beside him. I smiled softly and opened my arms up for Malina. She ran into them and giggled as I picked her up and settled her on my hips.

"What's Mommy's girl been up to, huh?"

I kissed her forehead and looked over to Michael who was tickling Kaleb. I chuckled and gave my attention to April when she nudged me.

"You want to do the honors?" She asked me.

I looked at her and shook my head, "I think someone else who's very important should."

April grinned as she watched me turn around and grab Michael with my free hand and pull him over to the cake.

Michael gave me a skeptical look, "What?"

"Would you like to do the honors?"

I gestured toward the cake and lighter in April's hands. Michael beamed with happiness and nodded.

April handed the lighter to Michael as soon as he set Kaleb down. He cleared his throat loudly and almost immediately got everyone's attention.

"Dearly beloveds...we are gathered here today, to celebrate this boy and this girl's holy birthday," Michael said with all seriousness.

I held back a laugh as I stood beside him with a trembling smile. I looked over at April who shook her head and laughed.

"If there are any objections to these two growing up, speak now or forever hold your peace," Michael said, holding his hand up.

No one responded to it and he scoffed, looking over at me.

"Seriously? Your kids are growing up and you don't want to stop it?" Michael playfully glared.

"It'll hit me in the face when they go to school, but go on Reverend Michael," I gave him a wink.

Michael chuckled, "Well, since Katrina here has no problem with the twins getting older and Kaleb getting his first kiss, and his first girlfriend --"

"Michael?" I interrupted. "You're leaving Malina out."

"I know, " He replied. "She's not getting none of that until she's seventy-seven and her skin is sagging."

I rolled my eyes and stared at Michael as he continued with his preaching.

"As I was saying, since Katrina has no problem with the twins growing up then we might as well celebrate their birthday."

Everyone watched as Michael lit the candles and set the lighter down on the counter. Michael picked Kaleb up as I did the same action to Malina. As soon as we had them settled into our arms, everyone began to sing the traditional, birthday song.

When everyone finished singing we leaned into the cake so the twins could be close enough to blow the candles out. Malina took a deep breath and blew hard enough that the fires on the candles were gone. Kaleb on the other hand ignored the action as he smashed his whole hand into the cake with a squeal.

Michael laughed and brought Kaleb back up and kissed his cheek.

"You little rascal!" Michael tickled Kaleb and the little boy burst into giggles.

Malina looked at them with a smile and sucked on her thumb. Her eyes left their giggling forms and she looked up at me and then at the cake.

I chuckled and nodded my head, "Alright. Let's wait until Auntie April cuts up the cake, okay?"

Malina didn't answer, but she placed her head into the crook of my neck in content. I could still hear Kaleb's giggling as Michael continued to tickle the small child. I looked down as soon as I heard a small yawn from the little girl in my arms.

"Sleepy, Lina?" I asked softly.

Malina nodded as she slowly closed her eyes and I heard her breathing become leveled.

I backed up a few feet and stood behind April has she cut the twins' cake. Michael came up beside me and kissed my cheek.

"Is she asleep?" Michael asked, nodding towards Malina.

"I think so," I replied softly. "As soon as everyone has their cake, I'm going to put her in bed, okay?"

Michael nodded in agreement and started to spin around in circles to entertain Kaleb. The happy giggles of the little boy spilled out and I had to force myself to not laugh in case I woke Malina up.

Just like I promised, when April had finished serving the cake, I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I slowly made my way into my room and taking the turn into the twins'.

I set Malina into her crib and watched as she slept with her thumb in her mouth. I smiled at the baby before me as I studied her sleeping form. Her dark hair fell into her face and her nose twitched as usual when she was having a peaceful dream. Her lips were full, but still small and if she opened her eyes, it would shine with glee.

I bent down to kiss the angel I happily called my daughter and made a move to turn around and leave, but accidentally tripped on a cord from a nearby lamp. I tumbled down and groaned as a I fell on top of a toy truck that belonged to Kaleb.

"Damn," I whispered.

I looked up to see that Malina was still sleeping and I silently gave a sigh of relief.

Thank you, Jesus! I thought to myself.

I placed my hands on the floor and made a push up motion when something caught my eye. I looked closer to see that it was a sai. I raised an eyebrow and got up to look at the object closer. I picked it up and stared at the long, silver weapon.

"I see you found my sai," A hoarse voice reached my ear.

A shiver ran down my spine as my mind screamed, Danger! Danger! Get out of there!

At the corner of my eye I saw Malina stirr in her sleep.

I gulped as my head went crazy, I gotta keep her safe!

I took a deep breath and slowly turned around, but to my shock, a hand flew out and knocked me off of my feet. I fell once again and I looked up to see a figure walk towards me.

"You're father should've listened to me," The voice rasped. "I wouldn't be doing this if he did."

I could hear Malina stirr even more and I knew it would be soon that she'd wake up.

I opened my mouth to scream but a kick to the gut blew my words away.

"Shhh, now. You don't want your precious baby dead, do you?"

The mystery person grabbed my hair and pulled me with my back against his chest.

"Now, this is won't hurt a bit," The voice whispered.

A tear slid down my eye as I felt a sharp needle plunge into my forearm. My head instantly got dizzy and my eyes closed. I felt myself being lifted as my kidnapper escaped from the twins' room.

As I was close to blocking out the outside world, I could hear the starting cries of my baby girl's.

Keep her safe! Keep her safe! I yelled inside my mind until I was finally out.
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I was going to post this at the beginning of Janurary...but thanks to my luck..I couldn't get around to it....I'd like to thank you guys for sticking around for as long as you have! I love ya! Comment, Subscribe, and Message!!
