‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?

Planning the Rescue

I could feel my breath fall short as I watched the blood trickle down my left leg. I could no long feel the pain for I went numb for God knows how long. My eyes were beginning to get hazy and I could feel my heart start to pound slowly against my chest. Tears ran down my already soaked cheeks as I tried to breathe evenly.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?" Lukas Fushinie, my kidnapper, asked me in a taunting voice.

His hands were placed upon my naked breast as he rubbed the tip of my nipples with rough thumbs. I made no movement as he twisted them with no hesitation as I bit my tongue from crying out.

"You're a tough little whore, you know that?"

His breath hit my nose and I could smell the alcohol in his mouth. His lips slammed itself onto mine and I internally whimpered. When he forcefully dug his tongue into my mouth, my teeth clamped down onto it and Lukas let out a painful growl.

"You bitch!" Lukas screamed with anger. His hand swung back and then forward to meet my left cheek with so much force that it knocked me off my feet and onto the rough pavement of the attic that I was hidden in for so long.

I sat there, naked and ashamed, as my thoughts riveted to Michael. How he would feel to see me unclothed in front of another man. How disgusted he would be to find that the man had placed his hands on me in places where Michael thought he was the only one to touch. Michael would be angry, frustrated, sad. Hell he probably wouldn't ever want to be with me again to find that I had betrayed him by giving another man the satisfaction of having me.

I felt myself being pulled up harshly and soon I looked into the deep, blue eyes of the man who had ripped away my happiness and tore away my world within just a snap of his fingers.

"If you want your family to live you might as well listen to every one of my commands I fire at you, got that?" Lukas barked, "I don't want any trouble out of you, so if you want to see your precious babies, you best cooperate."

Lukas smirked as the fear appeared in my dark pools at the mention of the twins.

"That's right. You do as you're told and those kids of yours will live," He spat in my face.

Lukas turned to walk away, his unbuttoned jean around his waist and his broad, upper torso barely glistened with the small amount of light the room had. He slammed the door on the way out and I heard the small click of the lock turn.

I slipped out a groan from between my lips as I rolled over from my side to my back. My eyes stared up at the ceiling with the fear still swimming inside them.

My babies...Lord, please keep them safe. Jesus stay with them, please, I prayed over and over again in my head. My eyes lulled shut as the prayer still repeated itself like a broken record.

April's P.O.V.

"Have you found her location?"

I could hear Kat's father's voice on the other line of Andy's phone. His voice was gruff and hard as if he hadn't had anytime to rest and sleep. I wouldn't blame the old man. His daughter had just gone missing and it's his responsibility, along with George's, Andy's and Kat's brothers, to bring her back home safe and sound.

"Yes, sir. She's been hidden well, but we finally tracked down Fushinie's trail down to his warehouse down in Seattle, Washington in a secluded area. It's been hidden from the naked eye, but with the help of George's skills in his area of expertise we've finally found her," Andy replied.

"Good, very good son," I could hear the relief in Mr. Simmons's voice, "I want you to call General Madden and inform him of your news. I want the S.W.A.T. Team out there to help get my baby girl out of that hell hole as fast and safe as possible, you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Get Captain Travis to lead the Team there, Andrew. Fushinie is dangerous and we have to take precautious steps. Travis is the closest to being precise and careful. Let me him know to do whatever he needs to, to get her out of there if I'm not there on time. Watch out for any traps or misleads. Fushinie can pack a punch mind you so be prepared for a war."

"Don't worry, sir. Fushinie may have won the battle, but I'm as sure as hell that we're going to win this war."

If I wasn't so worked up I would've rolled my eyes at Andy's corny reply. I was a few feet away from him, biting my nails, and pacing as usual. As soon as Andy clicked the phone off, I stood still and stared him.

"What now?" I whispered.

"We round up the troops and get our girl back."

I sighed and pulled up a chair to sit on. I could already feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I should've known," I croaked.

"Known what?" Andy asked.

"Kat told me this would happen, but I only waved it off as paranoia. I should've known!"

Andy stiffened and stared at me with hard eyes, "What did Kat say April?"

I inhaled deeply before I began my story on how Kat had told me of her nightmare. As I sat there on the chair and letting Andy know Kat's true fears I could feel my stomach come up through my throat and I felt as if I would vomit any second.

"Kat knew this would happen?" Andy repeated when I finished.

I nodded my head and sniffled. Andy suddenly stood up and walked out of the room we had held occupied. I stood up as well and followed him to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked softly.

"We need to gather the troops up now. We have to find Fushinie before anything happens," Andy answered back before getting in his car and driving off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lukas Fushinie(Foo-She-Knee)

Sorry for the long wait! I hope you guys like it and please subscribe and comment! It would really make me feel happy!