‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?

Saving Little Kat

Andy's P.O.V.

"Take the outside perimeter and look out for any traps. If the coast is clear send out a signal. Over."

Upon hearing the sound of Captain Travis's orders I quickly made my way around the warehouse in stealth mode, making sure no one was in sight.

"Copy that," I whispered into the walkie talkie in my hand. Taking a few more steps, I suddenly stopped as I came near a window. I studied it before looking inside.

There were only a few things inside -- Boxes, a rope, one chair, and an unidentified body. I took a closer look and restrained from letting out a cry of anger.

Katrina! There she was! Her body lay strewn on the floor, absolutely naked and blood slipped through her tightly closed legs. Her hair covered her face, but I could tell she was unconscious.

"Son of a bitch," I cursed.

"Bird 1 to Bird 2, you read me? Over," I could hear Greg's voice on the walkie talkie.

"I read you, Bird 2. Tell Captain Travis I found her. I'm going in to get her. Over," I replied.

"Roger that," Greg said then it all went silent.

Pushing open the window just the slightest bit, I slipped in and landed on my feet silently. Tip toeing over to Katrina, I carefully placed my hand on her exposed shoulder and was surprised to find her immediately standing to her feet and backing away to the wall behind her.

"Kat, it's me. Andy," I whispered softly.

Katrina shook her head and silently cried in her hands, "No, no. Please, no more."

"Kat? It's Andy. I won't hurt you. Look at me," I whispered again to her.

Katrina continued to cry quietly, but still obeyed. When her eyes met the blue orbs of mine, she cried harder and leapt into my arms. Her cries were muffled into the crook of my neck and I gently rubbed her naked back.

"Shh, shh. It's okay. I'm here. I'm gonna get you outta here."

Katrina nodded her head and pulled away. She looked down at herself and looked back up at me sheepishly. Her long hair hid what needed to be hid, but it didn't reach all the way down to an area that needed even more coverage.

I didn't feel any embarrassment as to seeing her naked. I've seen all of her before, but the disturbing thing to seeing her the way she was, was the fact that her body was covered in bruises and dried up blood from head to toe.

"Did he do this? Fushinie?" I asked, clenching my jaw.

Katrina nodded and hid her face behind her hair.

"Where is he right now?"

"I don't know."

Her response was weak. I could hear the frightened tone in her voice and I held my breath in for a while to calm down.

"Okay. Listen to me, Katrina. I want you to climb outta that window and run as fast as you can to the left. Understand? Stay completely hidden so no one will see you escape. I'll send back up to help."

Katrina didn't reply but instead followed me to the window that I had slipped into. Helping her reach the window, I watched as she pulled herself out and ran for her life in the direction I told her to go to. Taking out the walkie talkie on the side of my belt, I spoke into it.

"Little Kat is out. I need back up for Fushinie. As soon as he realizes that she's gone, he's gonna want her back. Bird 2, I want you to get Katrina now. She should be getting close to where you are. Over."

"Copy that."


Katrina's P.O.V.

I ran like hell. I didn't care about the searing pain in my body, I just cared about getting out. The wind blew my hair behind me and I felt myself sigh a sigh of relief. Lord knows how long it's been since I felt the coolness. My feet throbbed with immense pain, but I gave it no mind when I finally arrived on a deserted street. The only lights visible was from the moon.

I looked around for a way to run and I just decided to run where I was facing. I didn't get very far when I was caught again.

"Let go! Let go! Please!" I screamed and thrashed as hard as I could.

"Katrina! Calm down! It's Greg! Calm down!"

My body relaxed as I heard the deep voice that belonged to Greg. I turned around and cried out again and gave the same hug as I did to Andy to him.

"Come on. We need to get you somewhere safe."

I followed Greg without a thought and he led me to a van that was hidden well behind two, large trees that casted shadows over the vehicle.

Stepping inside, I was met with some other people I couldn't recognize.

"Here, put this on," Greg handed me a large jacket.

I obliged and soon I started to cry again. I couldn't believe it. I was out. I was finally out. No more abuse, no more sex, no more of his words. Several minutes passed and I stopped crying enough to ask Greg the question I needed to know.

"How long have I been gone?"
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Sorry for the long wait!! I know I have no excuse for it being so late, but can u still forgive me? Subscribe and Comment!!(:
