‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?

Michael's P.O.V.

February 24, 1988...11:15 P.M.

I walked off the stage once more for the last night in Missouri. It was just another night of performing to faithful fans and also another night of constant worrying. It's been two months and no one has called me of any new information of Katrina's whereabouts. I was just to that breaking point where I was losing hope that she would still be alive. My heart pounds for the thought of her still living, and yet my mind screams at me to just get custody of the little ones and lose all faith what so ever that their mother is still breathing somewhere on this Earth.

My thoughts clouded my physical being as I absentmindedly walked into my dressing room and crashed onto the couch, putting my arm over my eyes. An image of Katrina swam across my mind as I laid there, thinking of the woman who stole my breath, who kept my thoughts preoccupied and who gave birth to my two-year-old children.

How could she leave the babies? Her family? Friends? I thought to myself, How could she leave me?

I shook my head from the negative thoughts and sighed. I didn't need to start now on losing the faith of ever finding Katrina. All I need to do is keep strong for the twins and pray as hard as I can.

"I wish that could help," I mumbled sourly.

Walking off into the bathroom, I quickly took a short shower. When I finished, I walked out with a towel only covering my lower torso. Going over to the pair of clothes spread out for me to wear, I slowly grabbed the boxers and pulled them on. Thoughts began to play in my head as my hand brushed against the side of my thigh.

"Sexy boxers, you got there!" Katrina's laugh spilled into my ears and I smiled at the sound of her voice.

I looked down at the red, silk boxers hugging my hips firmly and stared back up at Katrina.

"Yeah?" I asked, sleep evident in my voice.

"Mhm," She muttered, walking over to me, swaying her hips from side to side. She traced her index finger down my abs and bit her lips.

"I especially like the show it's giving me," She whispered huskily in my ear, nibbling it afterwards with such gentleness and slight roughness.

"Huh?" I knitted my eyebrows together and glanced down at myself.

Sure enough, there was a visible bulge through my boxers. I groaned inwardly and shook my head.

"You gotta stop doing that," I growled.

"Doing what?" Katrina asked, moving her body closer to mine, her right hand tracing small circles on the bulge.

"That!" I hissed, but didn't pull away; that would be a stupid move.

"Mm, you seem to like it," Katrina kissed down my neck, "You seem to like it a lot.

I gulped down any remaining saliva in my mouth and quickly my lips dried up. Katrina's index finger played with the edge of my boxers, poking in one finger and then two.

"As much I love these, maybe we should get rid of them?"

"We've gotten rid of them several times," I muttered, holding my breath as her fingers digged lower.

Katrina laughed, "I think we outta just keep them off or else something just might happen."

With that sentence finished, Katrina popped the elastic and giggled once more as she saw the desire burning in my dark orbs. When she didn't do anything else, I growled and pushed her onto the wall.

"You like toying with me, don't you?" I huffed.

"You're sexy when your agitated," Katrina answered, her chest moving up and down from breathing so hard.

"Maybe I need to teach you a lesson?" I inquired, my lips hovering ever so close to her plump lips.

"Yeah," Katrina said, sounding out of breath, "Maybe you should."

Shaking off the memory, I continued to dress myself until I was completely finished. I was just entering the bathroom again to check on my appearance when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I shouted as I peered at myself in the mirror.

"Mr. Jackson?" A voice questioned.

"In here!" I shouted once again.

Making his way to the bathroom, one of my body guards held up a phone in his hands.

"It's for you," He stated.

I took the phone away and smiled a thanks to him. I watched as he walked away and closed the door behind him.

"Hello?" I called into the receiver.

"Michael?" I heard April's voice. "They've found her! They've found her, Michael!"

I stood frozen at a stance as I heard the words. At that moment I couldn't breath. I didn't dare to move a muscle in fear that I would wake up and find that this moment was just a dream. I blinked a couple of times before reality hit me.

"...saved her. She's okay!" April's voice came back into focus.

"What?" I croaked out.

"Katrina! They're found her. She's okay now." April repeated.

"She's okay? She's safe?" I whispered.

"Yes, Michael."

"I-I..I have--where are you guys? I have to come and see her!"

"Um, maybe that's not a good idea."

"Why? Why not? Why can't I see her?" I could immediately feel my annoyance and anger fill my body and I had to quickly tell myself to calm down.

"Katrina's not...she's not in the best shape to see anybody right now. They haven't even let me see her yet."

"When did they find her?" I asked.

"Three days ago. I just got the news today."

There a was long pause between April and me. After a while it started to become awkward, but I didn't care. At that moment I couldn't feel the awkwardness because I was getting ready to leave to see Katrina.



"They say she's been calling for you. Only you."

I stopped in my tracks for just a split second, but then I quicked things up just by that statement.

"I'm coming," I said, then hung up before April could act quickly.

I was going to Katrina and no one was going to step in my way.
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-- Jenni♥