‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?


"I've told you time and time again. I don't know. How can you not get that through your thick skull?" I argued with Andy as he questioned me about the night I was kidnapped.

"I know, but are you sure?" He asked again.

"Damnit, Andy, I said yes! I was walking up the stairs to go into the nursery to put Lina into bed. I tripped over a cord from a lamp and I tried to get up when Fushinie's weapon caught my eye. I went over to it, picked it up, and then the next thing I knew I was being attacked by that freak. I don't remember much else until I woke up in some dark room."

"Okay, now what happened then?"

I looked away and sighed, shaking my head from the memories I so badly wanted to forget. The whole experience was a complete nightmare and Andy, along with his stupid gang of police people, wanted me to replay the whole damn thing. What a crock!

"I know this is tough for you, but you have to realize that we're just trying to make sure this is all right. Whatever you remember could help us figure out what he wanted with you."

"He wanted to use me to get to my father! How is that too hard to understand?" I screamed, standing up from the chair I was sitting on and slamming my hands on the table before me, "For whatever my dad did to that man, he wanted to use me, to violate me, to do all these cruel shit for his own pleasure and to set a trap for my father and get him back!"

"Katrina," I heard the calming voice of my dad, "He's just trying to help."

"Yes, but he's also irritating the crap out of me," I seethed, "Can I just go home now? We've been through this a million times for five hours and I just want to go home."

I made my way to the door where two security guards blocked my way. I turned around and glared at Andy pointing to the two goons behind me.

"Let her leave," Andy waved me off and sighed deeply.

The two huge men stepped aside and opened the door for me. I stormed out of the small room and made my way out to the front door. When I made it outside, I was suddenly stopped short when a huge flash met my eyes and then screams of questions blew me away.

"Miss. Nakia-Simmons! Are you alright?"

"What did that man exactly do to you?"

"Has this affected your relationship with Michael Jackson?"

"What does Michael think?"

"Are you really pregnant? Do you know who the father is? Is it Michael?"

All the questions from the reporters bombarded me into shock. I had no clue as to what to say and I stood frozen with my heart racing inside my chest.

"Miss Nakia-Simmons will not be answering any questions. If you would please move aside now," George came to my rescue as he ushered me off to a nearby limo.

I quickly got in and ignored the flashes of the photographers as we passed by them.

"They've been like this ever since news got out that Michael and his alleged girlfriend, you, got kidnapped. Michael hasn't had a decent break since and now that you're back they've just gotten even more crazy."

"You make it sound like it's like my fault."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I meant that with every information the reporters have gotten from your kidnap, Michael hasn't..." George trailed away, "You know what? Just forget it."

I nodded my head, knowing fully well that George didn't mean to offend me. Resting my head on the window, I closed my eyes and tried to rest, but that completely turned into a dead end when the face of my rapist appeared inside my head. His image plastered itself into my mind and I shuttered, opening my eyes to see George staring at me.

"You okay?" He asked, concern etched into his voice.

"Fine," I muttered, avoiding his gentle gaze.

"I hate to ask you this," George then said, "But one of the questions from the group of reporters got my attention."

"Yeah," I nodded for him to continue.

"You're pregnant?" He asked.

"That's what the doctor said," I stared at George's shocked face.

"Do you know whose it is?"

Looking away, I closed my eyes again and then the same image of Fushinie popped into my brain, but before I could open my eyes and rid me of the shutter that wanted to escape from my body, another image popped into my mind and I automatically recognized it as Michael.

"Well?" George prodded.

I looked towards George and tears welled up inside my eyes, "I don't know."
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Sorry if there are any mistakes. Thx for reading! Feedback would be nice!(:

-- Jenni♥