‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?

The Concert


I made my way out to the backstage to see Janet. Michael's voice rang out as my eyes settled on the twins who stood beside her. I stood behind them to see Michael start to dance. It was a provocative scene for the twins to watch, but before Michael did his grab that Janet had mentioned during the ride in the limo, the twins' attention averted to something else that was shining on the stage. I was too caught up in the way Michael was performing to notice the twins leave Janet's side.

By the time Michael stopped, the twins were walking slowly on stage. I heard Janet gasp and I stared at her in confusion. She pointed towards the stage where the twins were making their way to Michael's drummer. My eyes had gotten big and I covered my mouth with my hands in shock. The babies caught Michael's drummer's attention and he smiled with amusement. The twins walked up to him while Michael said his thanks. He was sweating and it kind of sparked a feeling in my lower abdomen.

I shook my head of such thoughts and watched carefully as the twins were now standing in front of the drummer. They pointed down to his shoes that had sharp pointy spikes on it. The drummer shook his head, trying to prevent the twins from touching the spikes. A near-by back up dancer noticed the twins and she silently walked over to them without getting anybodies' attention. She grabbed both of their hands and tried to lead them off stage, but they started to fuss loudly and soon Michael had stopped talking into his microphone to look over at the twins.

His eyes found mine and he smirked towards me with a light laugh.
"No, no. Let them stay." He giggled. I shook my head in warning to Michael as he stood there staring at me. I mouthed No! to him as he just continued to giggle. I sighed and looked over at Janet who tried hard to hide her small smile. I glared at her and my attention went back to Michael. He placed his microphone back into its stand. He kneeled down to the floor and opened up his arms wide. The twins ran into them and they all collided together so hard that they tumbled to the floor. They giggled sweetly while the fans made a chorus of Awwww's!. A small smile appeared on my face and I watched as they got up off the floor and Michael spoke into the microphone.

"Give it up for the twins!" He yelled with a laugh. The fans' roar of screams made the twins hold their hands up to their ears. They smiled at each other then stared up at Michael with dazed expressions. Michael bent back down to their level and kissed them both on their foreheads. They turned away afterwards and ran back to me quickly. I smiled as I caught them without falling like Michael.

"Have fun?" I asked. They nodded and stood beside me with their heads resting on my leg.
After a moment of silent and listening to Michael perform Human Nature, I heard a cough come from Kaleb that sent unwanted chills up my spine. Janet's head turned to me with a worried look and I kneeled down slowly to Kaleb.
"Hey, little man. You okay?" I asked, placing my hand on his forehead. His head was a warm, but he wasn't burning up like I had thought. I breathed a sigh of relief, but soon that same cough came from Malina.

I quickly checked her and got the same result that I had gotten from Kaleb. I didn't worry much about it as Michael walked off stage and towards us.

"Everything okay?" He asked as he patted the twins' heads gently.
"I think so," I stared down at the twins who started to yawn. "I think they're getting tired now."
"You're not leaving, are you?" Michael asked with a hint of worry.
"We might have too. I have my sister and her friend that I have to get back to. And these two are just about to fall over and sleep until they're birthday," I joked. Michael forced a small smile as he stared at me with a sad look.
"So I guess I'll see you later?" He asked with hope. I thought for a moment and stared back up at Michael with a gleam in my eyes.
"Yeah. Sure," I whispered softly as his lips neared mine slowly. I felt myself stand on my tippy toes, and we were so close to closing the distance between us when I came back to my senses.

I pulled away quickly with reluctance and I wasn't sure, but I thought I had heard a frustrated groan escape from Michael.

"I think we need to leave now," I told him. Michael nodded and bent down to kiss the twins whos' eyes were half-opened. He kissed their cheeks one by one and smiled at them.
"I love you guys," He whispered to them. "It was good to see you two after so long."
I felt my heart being pulled by guilt and I sighed.
"Be good for Mommy, will ya?" He forced another smile. The twins fell into his embrace with a tight hug around his neck and they pulled away after a moment.

Michael got back up on his feet and looked over at me. He smiled weakly and walked away to get ready for his next performance. I grabbed a hold of the twins' hands and we walked away into the limo that Janet had guided us to. She gave me hug and gave a kiss to the twins.

"See you later?" She asked quietly. I nodded and made my way into the limo after the twins. The door closed behind me and I felt my self heave a big sigh. I looked over to the twins and found that they had already fallen alseep.

It took a while until we finally reached the hotel. Fans were still alligned on the sidewalk and outside of the hotel. They all watched curiously as I made my way out with the twins who I had to wake up in order to bring them in the hotel. They whispered amongst themselves as they stared at me.

I ignored them completely and walked into the building with the twins by my side. We headed into an elevator and stood inside until we made our way into a hall where our room was. I knocked on the girls' room first before I walked into mine. George opened the door and smiled.

"How was it?" He asked quietly.
"Nice," I replied. He laughed silently and left the room.

I checked on the girls to find them still in bed, alseep. I walked out of the room again and unlocked my room next door. I got the twins ready for bed with no difficulty and when I had finally finished, I crashed in to my bed.

When my head hit the pillow softly, I was out like a lamp.

Here's a video for you guys to enjoy!!!
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