‹ Prequel: Give in to Me
Status: Not Active

What More Can I Give?


OMG!!! I flipping love this Banner!!! Made by the most awesomest person ever!!! LuvelyBeatlegirl13..Isn't it fantabulous?? I made a banner, but this one was just so damn beautiful that I had to put it up first...=)..Thank you Alex!!!♥

I pulled away from Michael after so long. Our foreheads rested against each others' and we stood there silently, trying to catch our breaths.

"You don't know how long, I've been waiting to do that," Michael whispered.
"Wanna bet?" I challenged. Michael rolled his eyes as he stood up straight. We stood in complete silence, listening to sound of nature all around us.

"So, what does this make us?" Michael asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and turned away from him, walking in the direction of the hotel. We were only 15 minutes from arriving at the hotel when Michael spoke up again.
"It's still not over, Katrina. We still have to discuss this."
"Why can't you just let it go, like I have?" I mumbled under my breath.
"Because I know you haven't. And don't lie to me. You know, as well as I, that I'm the only one who knows you better than anyone else could ever even comprehend."

I sighed and turned back to face Michael with a saddened face.

"Michael, why are you even worrying about it? If you know me so well, then you should know that I think this us will never work. I mean, face it. You have concerts to finish and fans that'll be pissed if they knew about you and me. They'll even be more upset if and when they find out about the twins. How do you think it would look if the whole world suddenly finds out that you're the father of my babies? That you haven't seen them for a whole year? Not only would that make me out as a slut, but it could ruin your reputation."

Michael stood there with a frown. He shook his head as he sighed, staring down at the ground beneath him.
"Do you really care what they think?" He questioned. "Does it really bother you about what they think of you? Katrina, all that doesn't matter. They're comments are nothing but that. Just comments. They don't mean a thing."
"And what about the concerts? The fans? You still have to continue your performance for them. You and I know that you'll be too busy to even make time for the twins and I. How do you plan on working that out?"
"Same way I did today."

The corners of Michael's lips turned up slightly as he took my hand.
"You can't just talk you're way out of rehearsal, Michael. Especially not for me and the babies. I don't want to be the cause for you to be slacking."
"You won't. I want you back into my life, Katrina. You and the twins."
"I don't know. Last time we rushed into everything so quickly that we ended up bringing the twins into the world. I love them, yes. But it was too soon for you and me to get together. Heck, we started dating only two days after we met."
"So?" Michael pushed as he got closer to me.
"So, I don't want to rush into this. Michael, we only started seeing each other yesterday. I don't want to make the same mistakes that we did back in Los Angeles."

"We're not." He placed his palm onto my cheek. "We'll take it slow."
"No, we're not. When you and I are alone together, something is bound to happen just like a few moments ago. That something could've turned into something right there. We're not getting back together Michael. At least not until I can fully trust you again."

Michael sighed and nodded his head.
"Guess I have to wait patiently and work my way back into your heart, huh?"
"You got that right, Bub." I smiled at him warmly.
"Okay. I can deal with that." Michael smirked.
"What are you so cocky about?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh nothing. I just have a feeling this slow thing ain't gonna last long."
"That is where you're wrong, Michael. If you dare challenge me, I'll welcome it."
"Oh, is that so? Okay. You just got yourself into a bet that you know you're going to lose."
"And why is that, Mr. Jackson?"
"You know why. You can't resist me."

I scoffed as I had my own smirk plastered onto my face.
"Is that what you think? Fine. You got a deal. If I break down and Give in to you, then I'll do whatever it is that you want me to do. But! If I don't, then you'll do whatever I want you to do."
"And that is..." Michael trailed off.
"You'll have to see." I whispered into his ear and then walked off, leaving him stunned.

I made my way into the hotel with a smile. I walked into the elevator and pushed my floor number. As it was going to close, I caught a glimpse of Michael walking into the hotel himself. He met my gaze and smirked in my direction. I shook my head and giggled to myself, waiting for the door to open on my floor.

After a few moments, the elevator door opened and I walked out. My feet led me to the girls' hotel room and I opened it with a key card. Laughter sprang out into my ears and I smiled as my eyes landed on the twins who were on top of Kayliee, trying to suffocate her. Toys and small particles of clothing were laying around the room and I crossed my arms over my chest, giving a look towards the three.

"Looks like you guys had a party without me."
"Aw, don't be so sad. We saved some fun left for you," Kayliee teased. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Did they get their naps?"
"Yep. Slept like a bug in a rug."
"You or them?"

Kayliee stuck her tongue out at me and a cough came from the room that Kayliee was sharing with Chelsea. Our eyes turned to see Chelsea giving us confused looks.
"Hey there, Chels. Feeling okay?" Kayliee gave a small smile at her friend. Her blond curls hung in her face and the dark bags under her eyes had disappeared. Her eyes shone brightly and she chuckled towards Kayliee.
"Sure, Butt-face."

Kayliee fake gasped and she threw a near-by pillow at the tall blond. They laughed together and tried to calm down, but found it no use. As I watched them carefully, I felt a bit of loneliness creep into me. Images of my friends that I haven't seen in so long appeared inside my head, along with my family in Los Angeles. I smiled at them and then looked towards the twins who sat on the ground watching the cartoon, Fat Albert.

'I need to call April,' I thought to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you Alex for the very amazing banner that you made...I absolutely love it...=)
To my devoted readers: Subscribe, Comment, and tell you friends about the story...If you have any questions, let me know and I'll answer them as best as I can...=)
