Must Be Something In The Water

New World

Keith and I popped our heads out of the water. Keith gasped and weezed for air and I simply waited for him to get it out of his system.

"You done?" I asked.

"I can't hold my breath as good as you can. Where are we anyway?" he asked me.

"You know how sometimes lakes lead to secret coves?" I asked him.

"Yes." he said.

"This is one of them. Isn't it beautiful?" I asked him looking around.

"It's completely dark." he said.

"The water feels good doesn't it?" I asked him diving into it and then coming back up.

I watched as Keith looked for a wall and followed the wall to the floor of the lake. He climbed onto the floor and lied on his back and panted.

"This is ridiculous." he gasped sitting up.

I could sense the Shelby coming and soon the cove's walls lit up and they were decorated with shinny rocks. I climbed out of the water and knelt next to Keith who turned his attention to the Shelby.

"Wow, that's a Shelby?" he asked.

"Yep." I said to him.

"It looks like a squid or maybe a jelly fish." he said.

There was a strange robotic cooing sound coming from the Shelby.

"It says welcome to the birthing pool." I said to him.

"How do you know what it says?" Keith asked me.

"I thought you could understand too it's like he's speaking perfect English." I said.

"Or maybe you can understand perfect Shelby." he said.

It cooed again.

"It's thanking me for saving it." I said.

"Yeah and getting yourself in trouble." he said.

It cooed and then splashed water on Keith.

"Why did it do that?" Keith asked.

"It pretty much said that you're a big downer and need to chill lax." I said.

"It didn't say that did it?" he asked.

"Something like that." I said and smiled.

"Alexis, we should probably go I don't really trust the Shelbies right now." Keith whispered staring at the glowing fish in the water.

"Why not?" I asked.

"The reason why every single thing is happening is because of them. They kidnap people, and get women pregnant. That's a form of rape! Well alien rape I guess." Keith said.

"Though you might have a point on the last part. This is like their home too." I said to Keith.

"I don't care if the White House is there home. I don't like them." Keith said.

I saw the Shelby splash him again.

"Would you quit that!" he cried.

"Okay, Keith, maybe you're kind of tired from being out here so late. I'll take you back home." I said to him.

"Okay, thank you." Keith said.

I looked back at the Shelby who swam in the direction we walked. Keith slowly got into the lake watching it.

"It's not going to eat me or anything?" he asked.

"You'd probably taste funny." I said dragging him under.

We came up to the shore not expecting to be dragged in by four men in black suits.