Must Be Something In The Water

Fess up

A few minutes later Keith and I were sitting next to each other tied up to a chair sitting under a tent with a light pointed directly in our face. I looked at Keith and Keith looked back at me. This is around the time that I think we're actually screwed and in trouble.

"So, it was you two who got away from me twice but not this time." Mr. Blue said.

"We don't know what you're talking about." Keith said.

"Keith, I know you're a very intelligent young man. You've made straight A's since third grade, you have at least six years worth of perfect attendence and you've one top prizes in nine out of ten science fair projects. You know exactly what I'm talking about." he said.

Keith swallowed hard and I saw the nervousness in his eyes.

"Oh he's good." I said.

"And Miss Alexis. Has more absences then a Cancer patient and your grades could be better." Mr. Blue said.

"We're not talking about grades are we?" I asked.

He took a seat at the folded down table in front of us.

"You tell me what are we talking about?" he asked.

I've seen every cop show imaginable and I know he's playing good cop but I'd hate to see bad cop. If we could keep our composer and not tell him a thing....

"Alexis, and I went to the lake almost a week ago and she was attacked by a glowing fish called a Shelby!" Keith started.

I kicked him.

"You idiot!" I said and turned back to Blue.

"You were attacked by the fish but you aren't pregnant?" he asked.

"No." I said glaring at Keith.

Keith tend to crack under pressure.

"We have video tape footage of what went on." Keith said.

"Keith!" I cried.

"And, we know that you're the ELA a government agency that is similar to the Men In Black." Keith said.

"Remind me never to commit a crime around you." I said to Keith.

"So you really do know something. Do you also know that those Shelbies are dangerous menaces?" Mr. Blue asked.

"No they aren't they're lost aliens on our planet." I said to Mr. Blue who raised an eyebrow.

"Well, let me set some things straight for you. Shelbies are an aggressive race. Every heard of the saying wolves in sheeps clothing. These are guppies in sharks clothing. Every fifty years they come to Earth we don't know what date, we don't know where. Once there's a high rate of pregnancy we check that location. The Shelbies are not what you think." he said.

"I know what I think you guys were trying to hurt one of them!" I said.

"It attacked and killed someone!" he said.

"It's a lake it could've been alligators. You guys just don't understand. Like most people on this planet. You kill first talk later! Why do you think pandas are endangered?" I asked.

"Pandas?" Keith asked.

"You know what I mean." I said looking at him and then back at Blue.

"Okay, well then. Are you thirsty?" he asked as an agent brought Blue a tall container of icy cold water and a glass cup and placed it in front of him.

"No." I said.

"I nearly drowned I'm good." Keith said and then glanced at me.

"Fine." he said and held up the pitcher and slowly poured it into the glass. I watched the water as it splashed to the bottom of the glass and slowly filled up. It was like I went into a trance. Everything around me slowed down and my throat became dry and I began gasping for something to drink.

"What's wrong with you?" Keith asked me.

"Give me the water please." I said.

"I thought you didn't want any?" Mr. Blue asked.

"I lied, it's okay I do that sometimes." I said wiggling in my chair.

Every ounce of my body wanted water and he wasn't giving it to me. Anger boiled my blood and I became more thirsty and began to sweat.

"Alexis?" Keith asked.

Something bad was happening I didn't know what yet. A weird pinching sensation came from my back six of them at least. I don't remember what happened. All I know was know I had a glass of water floating in front of me. The thing holding the water. A tentacle. It dropped the glass and disappeared behind my back. I looked over at Keith. I couldn't tell if he was scared out of his wits or just disturbed. I knew I was all the above. I looked back at Mr. Blue.

He seemed surprised at first and then a smile crossed his face.

"What?" I asked.

"So this is why you've been acting so out of character. Why you've become one of them." he said.

"One of whats?" I asked.

"A rarity at most a female Shelby. Well you're only in the early stages." he said standing up.

I swallowed hard. He made it sound like I was a catapiller going through different stages of life to become a butterfly. In this case I was turning into a fish.

"W-What are you talking about?" I asked with a empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"It's so obvious this must be why you're so attracted to water and why... Did a tentacle shoot out of your back or am I dreaming? I must've fell asleep or at least be suffering a coma. That's it a coma." Keith said.

I was completely speechless and uncomfortable at the moment.

"Let me go. I don't want to be here." I said.

"Let us go." Keith lamented."

"I don't think I can do that. You're very valuable property to the ELA." he said standing up.

I felt claustophobic under the tent. I looked over at Keith who seemed to be talking to himself under his breath. I looked back at Mr. Blue who was walking towards me.

"Don't come any closer." I said to him.

He wasn't listening just then two more tentacles shot out of my back and attacked him. Then I felt them losen the ropes around my chair. I hopped out of the chair and ran to Keith's aid. I untied him from the chair.

"Lets go!" I said to him.

"This is just all a dream." he said.

I pinched him really hard.

"Ow!" he cried.

"Wake up it's not a dream!" I said and grabbed his arm pulling him out of the tent.

"Stop them!" Blue yelled behind us.

Keith and I ran as men in black outfits came to attack us.

"Alexis, did you really just?" Keith asked.

"I guess so we'll talk later right now we have to get the hell out of here." I said to him.

We ran to where our bikes were and we rode away on them. We took the back alley ways just to make sure that they weren't following us.

"Keith, I'm sorry I dragged you into this." I said.

"I'm sorry, that you're turning into a Shelby." Keith said.

"I'm not turning into a Shelby that guy said that to scare us." I said.

"You have tentacles." he said.

"And?" I asked.

"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow be careful." he said.

"You too bye." I said to him.

I slipped into my pajamas and ran up the stairs to my room. My mom wasn't home from work but then the house was definitely too quiet. I checked my watch and then checked my sister's room. She was fast asleep in her bed. I sighed and then went to my room. I closed the door behind me turned around swore I saw something but it was just the shadows coming from the trees outside of my house. I relaxed a little and slid down my door and hugged myself. Then I moved my hand around to my back and rubbed over it and I felt six holes in my back. I hugged my knees tightly and shivered in feared. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I fell asleep in that spot.