Must Be Something In The Water

Hidden Truth

Keith and I snuck into the gymnasium where the girls were sitting at bleachers. Keith and I hid behind the bleachers and made ourselves comfortable while a couple of the teachers began talking.

"The time of new life is near. We have to make sure that everyone we know get an opportunity to change. To have a new life start with them. We have to stop all those who oppose and encourage as many women as we can to go into the lake. To enjoy what we enjoy to feel what we feel am I right?" one of the teachers asked.

"Yes!" the girls yelled.

"What is this?" I asked Keith.

"A pregnancy prep rally I don't know." he said.

"The time is near we have no time to waste. If we want this 'rock' to be our new home we will fight for it am I right?" she yelled again.

A weird feeling came over me as if everything they were saying had to do with the Shelby and their invasion.

"Keith we should leave." I said.

"Hold on she's still talking." Keith said.

"We will stop those who oppose and we'll encourage those who imerge! Repeat it with me!" the teacher yelled.

Everyone repeated it and I stood up and pushed Keith out.

"Lets go now!" I said to him.

"Okay." he said to me.

We were almost out of the gymnasium when I saw all the attention was pointed to Keith and I.

"You two come here right now!" the teacher said.

"Push the door open now Keith." I said.

"I can't it doesn't work." he said.

Just then a pair of hands touched our shoulders and we were forced to turn around. It was Mr. Major our gym coach he smiled at me and then frowned at Keith.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"We uh... uh..." Keith started and looked at me.

"We got lost, you know how it is such a big school." I said clearing my throat.

"Right, why aren't you at the assembly?" he asked me.

"I'm not sick just lost." I said.

"Isn't that the same thing?" he asked in a soothing voice.

I squinted my eyes at him. Something was discomforting about him.

"I'll take you back to your class." he said to Keith pushing the door open.

I went to follow him.

"Where do you think you're going. You're staying here." he said.

I swallowed hard and turned back around. Why do I stay if I'm not sick?

I didn't get out of the assembly until the bell wrong. Endless talking about going to the lake. I actually really wanted to go to the lake now but I needed to meet up with Keith first. I walked to my bike and saw that his was still there. I wondered if he got in trouble or something. Then again it wasn't like him.

I took out my cell phone which I got back since school was back in session. My mom only wanted me to use it when I was at school. I called Keith's cell phone. Only his voice mail came up. If it was off it meant he was probably still in the school.

Knowing Keith he might've stayed in the science lab to talk to the teacher so I would check there first.

I checked almost every science classroom, section in the library, and science club meeting. There was no sign of Keith or my sister for that matter. There was still a lot of cars parked in front of the school which meant a lot of stuents were still at school. It was almost seven p.m. and I'm pretty sure there wasn't any big sports games or tournaments going on.

I walked back out on the courtyard when I saw Kevin Keith's brother.

"Kevin!" I yelled at him.

Kevin turned and ran towards me.

"There you are where's Keith?" he asked.

"I have no idea he's not at home?" I asked.

"No, he's going to be late for dinner, is he in the science rooms?" Kevin asked.

I shook my head.

"No, I checked everywhere I'm worried." I said.

"Don't be knowing him he's probably just left." Kevin said.

"No, actually I didn't even see him in any of my classes after Mr. Major took him away." I said.

"Mr. Major? Where do you think he would take Keith? He's not that athletic." he said.

"I don't think he took him for gym. Let me check the gymnasium that's where I just left." I said to Kevin.

"Okay and I'll check the front office see if he's in the clinic." Kevin said.

We split up and I ran back to the gymnasium. It was dark inside and everyone was gone. Where could they have gone though? I ran into the middle of the gymnasium and then I felt this weird pulsating pull coming from one of the doors leading to the pool room. I turned and walked towards it. Each step was like walking to the beat of a drum. My eardrops felt like they were popping with every step. When I opened the door to the locker. I inhaled and the scent of cholorine filled my nostrils. The room was dark but very quiet. I walked out and stepped on something that made a loud squish sound. I pulled my foot up and saw slime.

I pulled my foot away from the slime and followed it. It was so gross. The whole floor was covered in slime god only knows where it came from. I heard splashing when I peeked out of the locker room and I gasped and saw a naked boy climb out of the pool. I saw Mr. Major hand him a robe and gave him a hug. Then he waited as someone else came out of the pool. I shivered wondering what was going on inside of the water. Why all these boys were climbing out of the pool. I went in for a deeper look but then I felt someone touch me. I jumped and nearly screamed. It was Kevin.

I gasped.

"Don't do that to me ever again." I whispered.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked me.

"Be very quiet and look." I said to him.

He looked around the corner and I heard him gasp.

"I know that kid he's naked what is he doing in the pool like that and Mr. Major?" he asked.

"Kevin I think Keith is in there and I need to find him." I said.

"What? Why do you think that?" he asked.

"This is where all the missing guys have gone, don't you think so?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

"Why is my brother in the pool?" Kevin asked.

"You probably won't believe me but I think it has something to do with an alien invasion. I need to be sure. Can you be the destraction for me?" I asked him.

"Aliens? A destraction?" he asked.

"Please so that I can find Keith and make sure he's okay." I said.

"What should I do?" he asked.

"Just run to the end of the pool room and make sure you're followed." I said.

"I don't know." he said to me.

"Do it for Keith." I said.

He didn't budge.

"Your parents would be upset if you didn't come home." I said.

He sighed.

"Okay." he said and then walked away from me.

He stayed low and quiet and then I heard a loud whistle. Mr. Major jumped and turned to see Kevin.

"Hey Mr. Major I hate your coaching skills!" Kevin yelled.

"Get back here! Where did you come from?" he asked running after Kevin.

Kevin ran out of the pool room now was my chance. I ran to the pool and looked in. I saw blubs inside of the bottom of the pool. I gasped it was just like in my dreams. I looked around and then leaped in. The water wasn't cholorinated at all. Actually it tasted like water from the lake. I kicked and swam and looked into the bulbs. There was a thick coating of slime over every bulb and I had to be careful before they sucked me in. I had the strangest feeling that this is where all the missing boys went. I swam down to the floor of the pool and tried to look through the cases. When I saw one of the cases and inside was a familiar face. It was Keith.

I swam towards him and then stuck my hand through the cocoon. I couldn't push my hand all the way through there was a protective coat. I tugged at it. until it finally burst opened. A slimy brown liquid floated from it and Keith fell out completely naked limp and not breathing. I grabbed him by his arm and placed it around my neck and swam him back to the top of the swimming pool.