Must Be Something In The Water

Large and in Charge

Remember that scene from those old Jurassic Park and Godzilla movies when the glass of water starts to vibrate slowly? Then you begin to notice everyone running away from whatever was causing the vibration. As the beast gets closer you hear a silent growl. Then when you finally get the view of the creature terror runs through every ounce of your body. Well that's how I feel every time I see my sister.

Ever since Aly, and her best friends went to Alki for a swim. She hasn't been herself. Since its almost been one week since she's gotten sick it is still hard to get used to seeing her like this.

Aly stomped into the kitchen wearing a pair of pink fuzzy flip flops, her pink polka dot pajama bottoms and an XXL green tee shirt to cover up her massive belly. Because I'm such a joker I couldn't help but say it.

"Oh my god! It's Godzilla!" I cried in a Japanese accent.

My sister glared at me. The look could kill.

"Mom tell Alexis to stop making fun of me." my sister said in a very exhausted and annoyed voice.

"Alexis, don't talk to your sister like that you know she's not feeling well." my mom said looking at me.

I lowered my head but covered my face up trying really hard not to laugh.

"I'm sorry mommy. Sorry Aly." I said and gave them a sweet smile.

"You're an ass." my sister mouthed out to me.

I just smirked. "I know." I replied.

"Mom what's for breakfast?" my sister asked turning her attention and waist back to my mom.

"Bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, and toast." my mom said.

My sister took a seat at the table. I heard the chair creek and held back any further laughs from my sister. It's not that I want to be mean. But this was big literally. It's like the ultimate pay back for all the evil things she did to me since the day I was born. All the teasing and even pulled a prank on me me into doing something in my freshmen year. Which I can't mention out of pure embarrassment.

"That sounds great I want a lot of everything." my sister said to her.

I got up and walked to the toaster once the toast popped up I grabbed it.

"I just want toast to go." I said slapping on some butter onto the toast.

"Where, are you going today?" my mom asked.

"Keith's hang out, do some studying," I said looking at her. "I don't know."

"You've been hanging out with Keith almost every day since he tutored you last year," My sister said with a smirk "Do you like him?"

"Ha, ha, ha, no we're friends," I said sarcastically. "Besides the guy doesn't have any friends. I mean besides his brother but they really don't get along."

"You still haven't told me where you guys are going." my mom said.

"Just go to his house ride our bikes around town." I said walking towards the door.

"You better not go by the lake," my mom said sternly. "I mean it!"

"Me," I said innocently."by the lake? Not me! have you seen Aly lately?"

"Hey!" my sister yelled from the kitchen.

My mom walked out and looked at me seriously.

"I know that Keith is a very intuitive kid so, promise me you won't go to the lake." my mom said.

"I promise I won't go to the lake. What am I five?" I asked.

"Might as well be." my sister said from the kitchen.

"Who asked you?" I asked her and then pulled the door back.

"Be home by six I'm working tonight." my mom said.

"Got it." I said pulling the door closed behind me.

I finished the last of my toast wiping the crumbs off on my jeans. Then I hopped onto my bike and pedaled to Keith's house which was about ten blocks away from my house.