Must Be Something In The Water

Heat of the Moment

Keith and I lied on the floor of the cove. He sat up to cough up water and I panted.

"Where are we?" he asked looking around.

"The Birthing Pool." I said to him.

"Why did you bring us here won't this be the first place they come?" he asked.

"Do you know why it was named the Birthing Pool?" I asked him.

"I don't know you tell me." he said.

I sat up and looked over at him and panted.

"Anyone of those girls in here will have to give birth as soon as they swim in here. They're not going to push their luck." I said.

"What about the guys?" he asked.

"No male Shelby can come in here now that the process is in session. They'll have to wait until the first girl to give birth makes it here." I said.

"Okay we're safe then?" Keith asked me.

I nodded.

He lied back down and sighed in relief.

"Good." he said.

"For now." I said to him.

"What?" he asked.

"If Aly was ready to pop this morning what makes you think she'll be good for another day or two. We still have to go to the school and drain the pool somehow." I said to him.

"I don't even know how to drain the school swimming pool. I think it's all computerized." he said.

"We'll find a way." I said and lied back down next to him.

We stared at the ceiling and I saw Keith yawn and clear his throat.

"I didn't get much sleep last night you?" he asked.

"No." I said looking back at him.

"A quick snooze?" he asked me.

"Just an hour maybe two." I said to him.

"Well then good night." he said rolling over.

"Good night." I yawned and then fell asleep.

I woke up to the splashing of water against the side of the cove walls. I sat up and looked around I rubbed my eyes. I was in the cove. I wondered what time it was. I looked back at Keith who was still asleep on his back. I smiled and then I dived into the water. I swam under and then swam out of the cove. I popped my head up and looked into the sky it was pitch black with only the moon sitting in it. I dived back under. We had slept the whole day away. I came back up and saw Keith sitting up rubbing his eyes. I pulled myself out of the water.

"I think it's pretty late we must've slept the whole day." I said to him.

I saw Keith stare at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Uh... nothing." he said shaking his head.

"Ready to go back?" I asked him.

He nodded and then he pulled his glasses back on and looked at me. I looked back at Keith. Something was definitely different about him. Something that attracted me to him. A feeling I never thought I'd feel with anyone but I felt with him.

He leaned in.

"What are you..." I didn't get to finish my sentence until our lips pressed together.

He lied me down on the cold rock floor. And began to kiss me more. I pushed Keith away.

"Keith, what's with you? That's not like you." I said sitting up.

Keith pulled me towards the water.

"Lets get in." he said to me.

"Why?" I asked him.

He pushed me in and he followed. Keith grabbed me and began kissing me. I wrapped my legs around his and something was different about his legs. I pushed away from him. But he didn't let go. I kicked him and swam back up.

"Ow!" he cried coming up for air.

"What's with you?" I asked Keith.

He glared at me and then smiled sweetly.

"Nothing at all." he said.

"Keith, this isn't like you." I said to him shaking my head.

"Of course it's like me." he said swimming closer and grabbing my arm.

I heard a muffle and then something gooey fell onto my nose. I looked up and saw something stuck to the roof of the cove.

"Keith!" I cried.

The imposter dragged me under and slowly turned into a Shelby. I fought it off me. But it's tentacles grabbed my arms. I wiggled and tried to the best of my ability to pull away from it. It wasn't giving up with a fight. A glowing tentacle floated in front of of my face. It touched my cheek and then slid behind my neck. Then I felt the stinging sensation again like in my dreams and the night after.

Except the stinging sensation ran through my whole body not just my neck.