Must Be Something In The Water


I woke up from my horrible attack with the alien and I heard the muffled cries coming from the ceiling and more goo dripped from it. I looked up and saw Keith trying to wiggle out of his slimy trap.

I stood up.

"Hang on I'll get you down." I said and then two tentacles sprang from my back and sliced through the slime and then wrapped itself around Keith's body and pryed him off the wall.

Think of trying to scrape gum from the bottom of a chair. That would've been much easier. Keith got free and he fell into the water where the slime washed off him. I ran towards the side of the lake and pulled him out. He coughed and spat up the goo that gagged him.

"Thanks, and that joke wasn't funny." he said to me.

"What joke?" I asked.

"Hang on." he said running his hands through his hair and pulling out a hand full of slimy gunk.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"The stupid thing attacked me after you left." he said.

"I just went to see what time it is. It's night time now. I'm sorry Keith." I said to him.

"It's okay." he said.

"Well come on lets go." I said to him.

"Alexis, are you okay?" Keith asked me.

I held back tears and took a deep breath and nodded leaping into the water and then wrapping a tentacle around his waist. I pulled him in gently and then we swam out of the birthing pool.

We found our clothes getting wet by the shoreline. I slipped my own. I was crying my eyes out by now and covered my face.

"Alexis what's wrong?" Keith asked holding my arm.

"Nothing, don't touch me." I said pulling away.

"Alexis what happened in the water." he said to me.

"I don't know." I said to him and walked away from him.

"Alexis, if nothing happened why are you crying?" he asked.

"Just leave me alone." I said hopping on a rock and covering my face.

"Alexis, I saw that thing kiss you and then pull you under. Did it... do anything more?" he asked knealing in front of me.

I looked at him and tears ran down my cheek.

"I thought it was you. I-I didn't know it was an alien. I didn't even see it." I cried to him.

He held my hand.

"What did it do to you?" he asked.

"I was underwater, and it... just attacked me and I tried to fight it but I wasn't strong enough and then it happened." I said hugging my stomach.

"What?" he asked.

"It raped me okay!" I yelled and turned away from Keith.

Keith was taken a back literally. He fell onto his butt and then looked at me.

"Alexis." he said.

"When it did it. It turned back into you." I cried.

Keith placed his hand on my arm.

"I'm so sorry." he said to me.

"Don't be it's my fault. I should've fought harder or something." I said to him.

"You couldn't fight it." Keith said.

I got up and walked away from him.

"I could've tried anything but let it do what it did to me!" I cried and walked away.

Keith got to his feet and followed me. He wanted to comfort me but I wouldn't let him. I hugged my stomach and walked as far away from him as I could. I wasn't mad at him but in a way I was since that thing looked just like him when it did what it did to me.

"Where are we going?" he asked me.

"To the high school, I want to take care of this once and for all." I said to Keith.

"How?" he asked.

"Kill everything that resembles a Shelby." I said to him with hot tears streaming down my face.

"Oh." he said.

We got to the high school. We saw cars parked in front of the school which meant students were still inside. It was probably only a few minutes after sundown and time pretty much flew after that. I wasn't feeling myself. I felt light headed and dizzy. My stomach was doing flip flops and I felt nauseous.

"Alexis are you okay?" Keith asked holding me up. I leaned against a wall and hugged my stomach and groaned in pain.

"I'm fine." I said looking at him as he floated around in front of me.

"You don't look like yourself." Keith said to me.

"I'm fine, I just need to get something to drink." I said to him.

"There's a water fountain in the library." he said to me.

We walked to the library and he pulled at the door.

"It's locked." he said.

I lied my head back against the door.

"Try the other door." I said to him.

"That one's also locked but there's kids inside." he said.

"Ask them to let us in." I said looking back at him.

He knocked at the door and tried to lead the kid to the door. One freshmen got up but looked back and then shrunk down.

"I think it's a lockdown." Keith said.

"Idiots." I said and sighed sliding down the door.

"Alexis." Keith said knealing by me and holding my cheek.

"Yes?" I asked and turned my head away from him.

"You have a fever, it doesn't make sense being here." he said to me.

"I have to kill that Shelby for doing this to me." I said to Keith.

"You can't kill anything with a fever, I'm taking you back to my house." he said.

"Just let me stay here and sleep." I said to him.

"Fine." he said and I slowly drifted to sleep.