Must Be Something In The Water


I woke up from my fever induced sleep and I was staring into Keith's celing. I saw Keith typing away on his computer. I sat up and held my head.

"Keith." I said to him.

He spun around in his chair.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"How did we get back here?" I asked him.

"We walked back remember?" he asked.

I looked at him and shook my head. I sat up in his bed I was covered up in his blanket but something didn't feel right.

"Is something the matter?" he asked.

I pushed his blankets off me and gasped.

"Holy crap!" We said.

Keith jumped off his computer chair and I was staring at my waist line. Which wasn't much of a waist. More like a really large basketball hiding under my shirt.

"I think my fat jokes have finally caught up with me." I said to him shifting in his bed.

"How is that possible? You were fine last night." he said jumping up.

"That damn Shelby did this to me!" I said angrily.

"Okay, don't get upset you wouldn't want um anything to happen." Keith said.

"Just say it you wouldn't want your water to break. This is the most evil, horrible thing. Any body could ever..." I tried to push myself out of bed but I got exhausted after a few minutes.

I just lied back and panted.

"Could ever do to me." I said and looked back at him.

"Do you need some help?" he asked me.

"Please." I said to him.

He crawled onto his bed and pushed me up. I flew up.

"Thank you." I said to him fixing my shirt.

"Anytime." he said rubbing his shoulder.

"Your parents aren't home yet?" I asked him.

"They will be really soon." he said.

"Lets go then." I said to him pulling the door open. I saw Kevin standing on the other side.

He looked at me and then down at my stomach and smiled.

"Look who's got a bun in the oven." He said.

A tentacle shot from my back and I wrapped it around his throat and raised him above my head. He gagged and pulled at his throat.

"Let him down, he's good!" Keith said.

"Are you sure, last time I saw him he was in a cocoon." I said.

"Yes he's good, I saved him last night he drove us home." he said.

I lowered Kevin and he coughed his face changing from blue back to red.

"Can't take a joke?" Kevin asked weezing.

"I'm not in the moods for jokes. How did you save him?" I asked Keith.

He just shrugged.

"I found him in the same pool I was in." Keith said.

I looked back at Kevin.

"What happened to you?" Kevin asked me.

I crossed my arms and looked away. "It was a very traumating and sad event and I don't want to talk about it." I said to him.

"Okay." he said and then looked at Keith.

"Long story, can you make us breakfast or something?" Keith asked.

"Sure, cereal and milk coming up." Kevin said.

Keith shut his room door back and I pulled up my shirt to look at my stomach. Keith turned around to look at me and both him and I saw glowing.

"Alexis, I promise to reverse this." he said to me.

"What's done is done." I said.

"Are you still upset?" he asked.

"I had time to sleep on it. Somewhat." I said looking for stretch marks.

I pulled my shirt down and looked back up for Keith.

"So, what you're not on a murder killing spree?" he asked.

"No, I think I was just upset last night what went on was bad but that's behind me. In front of me." I said looking down.

"So we'll have breakfast and see if we can go back to the lake and stop the whole alien invasion thing?" he asked.

"That sounds like a plan do you think your brother's can make eggs with my cereal." I asked.

"Sure." he said.

"I mean mix them together." I said.

Keith just nodded slowly.

That afternoon we went back to my house. Not because I was looking for my mom and sister but to get some new clothes, I'd probably steal some clothes from the maternity section of my sister's closet.

"You be look out." I said to Keith.

"Got it." he said.

My mom was nowhere in sight so I ran... slowly jogged up the stairs to my sister's room. I pushed the door open and saw that her bed was untouched and there was no sign of her. I made my way to her closet and pulled out tee shirt and a hoodie.

"Didn't I tell you not to go in my closet?" someone asked from behind. I turned around and saw my sister close the door shut.

"Aly. Hi yeah just borrowing a shirt don't worry, I'll give it back." I said.

She smiled crossing her arms.

"Looks like I'm not the only one expecting." she said.

"Long story got to go bye." I said to her walking to the door and placing my hand on the knob.

"You're not going anywhere sis." She hissed grasping my wrist.

Keith stared at his watch and then back at the stairs. Soon he heard a loud tumbling sound and a scream.

"Alexis!" Keith cried and then ran up the stairs.

Keith burst into the room. I had six tentacles wrapped around my sister's body and I was squeezing her to death.

"Alexis, what are you doing you're going to kill your sister!" Keith asked.

"Leave Keith!" I hissed at him and then looked back at her.

My sister gagged and clawed at the tentacles.

"Alexis stop it. She's not the one who hurt you." Keith said.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him.

"It wasn't her it was me!" he said.

I stopped and turned to him and dropped her.

"What?" I said looking at him.

"Don't be mad at me." Keith said.

"It wasn't you." I said to him.

"It was me. I messed with your memory. I can do that." he said.

"You got me pregnant?" I asked touching my stomach.

"Alexis... I-I'm sorry. When you woke up I looked asleep. When you leaped into the water that's when everything happened I couldn't control it." he said.

"What are you talking about Keith, I peeled you off the wall." I said to him.

"Yes but that Shelby in the water was also me. I can multiply myself." he said.

"What?" I asked him.

He gave me a demonstration. I saw him split in half and saw them stand next to each other. I was taken aback.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him falling back on my sister's bed.

"It's what I do, it's what we do. We had to get you." he said looking at his twin.

I shook my head.

"No, I'm positve I'm dreaming. You lied to me!" I asked him.

"It was the only way for you to join us." he said his eyes glowing green.

Not only was I confused, I was mortified and betrayed by someone I cared about and possibly loved.

"Was it you or was it the Shelby?" I asked tears burning my eyes.

They looked at each other.

"Both." he said quietly.

Anger rippled through every ounce of my body and a tentacle sprang from my neck choking the clone. Then I got up and walked towards Keith.

"If I kill him will I kill you too?" I asked.

Keith frowned and backed away.

"I-I don't know." he said.

"I trust you, I cared about you, I even liked you! Why did you betray me?" I asked him.

He was pushed into a wall and I would've gotten closer to his face if my belly wasn't in the way.

"Because, I can't control it." he said.

"It, you mean the Shelby?" I asked him through gritted teeth.

"I can't control it, it kept eating, and picking at my emotions and I gave in. It's like a parasite it sucks you dry." he said.

I placed my hand around Keith's neck and then I stopped. I lowered his clone and pulled my hand away.

"You're out of your mind. Where's the real Keith?" I asked.

"I am the real Keith." It said.

"Where is the real Keith!" I yelled.

He looked at me sheepishly.

"I don't know." he said.

"Is he alive?" I asked.

"I really don't know." he said.

I punched the wall where the imposter's head was. I wasn't screwed once. I was screwed twice!

"You're going to help me find the real Keith. Not the clone, not the look a like, not the god damn brother. Find me the real Keith!" I yelled.

"Or what?" he asked.

I placed my hands around his neck.

"I will kill you with my bare hands." I said.

"Not if I can help that." Aly said.

I turned around and she slammed the back of my head with something large. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I passed out.

"Good night." she said.
♠ ♠ ♠
If the Twist in the end of this chapter confusing don't worry. I'm just as confused and I wrote the darn thing. OH... one last thing. I just wrote that part because writer's block was setting in. LOL. Hope you enjoy and pleaz comment!