Must Be Something In The Water

Confused? I am.

So I'm guessing you guys are all really confused. Let me just fix that for you. Okay, Keith, the real, real Keith. My best friend. Was kidnapped and took to god only knows where. The Keith I found inside of the pod was a clone of the orginal. So I couldn't tell the difference.

After the cloned Keith joined the army of guys who wanted to get their hands on me. He later convinced me to take him back. That was stupid and this is where my gullablness kicks me in the ass.

The cloned Keith made a double of himself with the help of a Shelby. The Shelby could then lie beside me as long as there was water around. How did a Shelby get into the birthing pool if no one gave birth in it? Well, someone did give birth in it and I never even knew about it. We'll come back to that later.

Anyway Shelby lied next to me. That's when I woke up and his plan went into action. By having the clone Keith be stuck to the ceiling looking defensless. The Shelby that raped me was able to look like the bad guy while the Keith clone looked like a vicitim in the whole manner.

Whoo, are you tired yet? I am.